Helcystogramma imagitrijunctum, Li & Zhen, 2011

Li, H. H. & Zhen, H., 2011, Review of the genus Helcystogramma Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae: Dichomeridinae) from China, Journal of Natural History 45 (17 - 18), pp. 1035-1087 : 1080-1082

publication ID


persistent identifier


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scientific name

Helcystogramma imagitrijunctum

sp. nov.

Helcystogramma imagitrijunctum View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 9G View Figure 9 , 10P View Figure 10 , 13E View Figure 13 , 15E View Figure 15 )

Helcystogramma trijuntum (Meyrick) View in CoL : Park and Hodges, 1995: 227, misspelling and misidentified.

Helcystogramma trijunctum (Meyrick) : Li, 2002: 426, misidentified.


Male, CHINA: Jiangxi Province: Mt Wuyi (26 ◦ 54 ′ N, 116 ◦ 42 ′ E), 800 m, 26 July 1980, slide no. L94299 View Materials . GoogleMaps


CHINA: Jiangxi Province: 1 female, Ciping (26 ◦ 34 ′ N, 114 ◦ 10 ′ E), 13 July 1978 GoogleMaps ; Guizhou Province: 1 male, 1 female, Mayanghe , Yanhe County (28 ◦ 33 ′ N, 108 ◦ 30 ′ E), 700 m, 29–30 September 2007, coll. Hui Zhen GoogleMaps ; Zhejiang Province: 1 male, Mt Tianmu (30 ◦ 26 ′ N, 119 ◦ 34 ′ E), 500 m, 16 August 1999, coll. Houhun Li. GoogleMaps


This new species resembles H. trijunctum superficially, but differs from the latter in the eighth tergite nearly inverted trapeziform, bluntly rounded posteriorly, the vinculum with lobes nearly triangular distally and acute apically in the male genitalia; and the ductus bursae with distal half or distal three-fifths widened gradually, slightly curved near corpus bursae in the female genitalia. In H. trijunctum , the eighth tergite is semicircular ( Figure 10K View Figure 10 ), the lobes of vinculum are thumb-shaped distally and blunt apically in the male genitalia ( Figure 12F View Figure 12 ); and the ductus bursae is straight, not widened distally in the female genitalia ( Figure 15B View Figure 15 ).


Adult ( Figure 9G View Figure 9 ). Wingspan 11.0–14.0 mm. Head greyish-brown. Antenna with scape dark brown on dorsal surface, yellow on ventral surface; flagellum with dorsal surface alternately brown and dark brown in basal one-third, dark brown and greyish-yellow in distal two-thirds, ventral surface yellow. Labial palpus with long scales on dorsal surface; second segment about 2.5 times length of diameter of eye, third segment about three-quarters length of second; second segment yellow tinged with brown, dark brown apically; third segment dark brown except yellow at apex. Thorax yellow, mottled greyish-brown; mesothorax without hair pencil from anepisternum; tegula with basal three-fifths dark brown, distal two-fifths yellow. Forewing broad distally, apex slightly blunt, termen oblique, straight; ground colour yellow to greyish-yellow, with scattered greyish-brown scales; costal margin dark brown except distal quarter; dark brown fascia from costal two-thirds length to dorsal two-fifths length, faint mesially; black scale tufts at middle of cell and at middle of fold; two black scale tufts at end of cell, sometimes faint; broad dark brown fascia terminally; fringe dark brown. Hindwing and fringe greyish-white to grey. Foreleg with femur and tibia dark brown on outer surface, yellow mixed with dark brown on inner surface, tarsus yellow except outer surface dark brown distally; mid- and hindlegs dark brown and tibiae and tarsi yellow at apex of each segment on outer surface, greyish-white on inner surface. Abdomen dark brown on dorsal surface, greyish-yellow on ventral surface.

Male genitalia

Uncus roughly triangular, with a small triangular process apically, median width about three-fifths width at base; about one-fifth length of valva ( Figure 13E View Figure 13 ). Gnathos about one-fifth length of valva, distal fifth abruptly narrowed, long papillate; culcitula semioval. Valva with dorsal and ventral margins almost parallel, rounded apically, slightly longer than tegumen–uncus complex; ventral free lobe arched, sparsely setose. Vinculum with lobes slightly protruding on inner margin, distal third nearly triangular, acute apically. Saccus slightly rounded anteriorly. Aedeagus narrowed gradually from base to bluntly rounded apex. Eighth tergite nearly inverted trapeziform, bluntly rounded posteriorly ( Figure 10P View Figure 10 ).

Female genitalia

Anterior apophyses about one-quarter length of posterior apophyses ( Figure 15E View Figure 15 ). Antrum nearly rounded, with paired narrow triangular sclerites anterolaterally, without spicules in anterior third. Ductus bursae with basal two-fifths membranous, distal three-fifths sclerotized and widened gradually, slightly curved near corpus bursae. Corpus bursae rounded; accessory bursa arising near anterior margin.


China (Guizhou, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Zhejiang).


The specific name is derived from the Latin prefix imag-, meaning similar, referring to the similarity of this species to H. trijunctum (Meyrick) .


According to the specimens examined in this study, Helcystogramma trijunctum (Meyrick) reported in Park and Hodges (1995) was a misidentification. In this paper, the misidentified species is described as a new species, H. imagitrijunctum sp. nov., which can be easily separated from H. trijunctum (Meyrick) by the diagnostic characters mentioned above.














Helcystogramma imagitrijunctum

Li, H. H. & Zhen, H. 2011

Helcystogramma trijunctum (Meyrick)

Li HH 2002: 426

Helcystogramma trijuntum (Meyrick)

Park KT & Hodges RW 1995: 227
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