Chorebus (Stiphrocera) occultus, Papp, 2009

Papp, J., 2009, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea Xxiii. Subfamilies Agathidinae And Alysiinae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (3), pp. 235-261 : 251-253

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584709

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) occultus

sp. nov.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) occultus sp. n. f

( Figs 78–86 View Figs 78–90 )

Material examined (1 f) – Female holotype: Korea, Sa-Gam , 30–40 km N of Pyongyan, environs waterbasin, swept from grass, 5 July 1977, leg. O. DELY et Á. DRASKOVITS (loc. no. 346) . – Holotype is in good condition: (1) glued on a pointed card by its mesosternum and hind pair of coxae, (2) tarsomeres 2–5 of left middle leg missing. Holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum ( Department of Zoology ), Budapest, Hym. Typ. No. 11388 .

Etymology – The new species received the phantasy name “occultus ”.

Description of the female holotype. – Body 2.1 mm long. Antenna nearly 1.5 times longer than body and with 38 antennomeres. First flagellomere four times and penultimate flagellomere 2.5 times as long as broad, flagellum attenuating. – Head in dorsal view 1.9 times as broad as long, temple a bit longer than eye, temple somewhat swollen, occiput excavated ( Fig. 78 View Figs 78–90 ). Eye in lateral view almost 1.7 times as high as wide and temple a bit wider than eye, temple ventrally narrowing ( Fig. 79 View Figs 78–90 ). Inner margin of eyes slightly converging ventrally. Mandible somewhat longer than broad between upper and lower teeth, upper tooth less large ( Fig. 80 View Figs 78–90 ). Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.25 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix anteriorly distinct, deep, crenulated ( Fig. 81 View Figs 78–90 ), otherwise mesoscutum smooth and shiny, prescutellar dimple linearform, fore half of mesoscutum hairy. Propodeum hairy (not pubescent), hairy rosette of metapleuron less distinct. Precoxal sulcus wide, rugulose ( Fig. 82 View Figs 78–90 ). – Hind femur 4.5 times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 83 View Figs 78–90 ). Hind tibia slightly longer than hind tarsus.

Fore wing about as long as body. Pterostigma cuneiform, ten times as long as wide, distally narrowing, r 1.5 times longer than width of pterostigma, 1–R1 0.7 times as long as pterostigma, 3–SR + SR1 ending before tip of wing ( Fig. 84 View Figs 78–90 , see arrows). First subdiscal cell virtually open, i.e. CU1b very weakly sclerotized ( Fig. 85 View Figs 78–90 , see arrow).

First tergite ( Fig. 86 View Figs 78–90 ) almost 1.5 times as long as broad behind, evenly broadening posterilorly, pair of basal keels meeting medially and reaching hind end of tergite, with fine granular sculpture, bare. Other tergites polished. Hypopygium pointed, ovipositor sheath short, as long as second tarsomere of hind tarsus.

Scape, pedicel and first flagellomere ochre, flagellum dark brown. Head and mesosoma black, metasoma brown, first tergite black with faint rusty suffusion, hind tergites weakly darkening brownish. Tegula black, parategula brownish. Legs yellow, hind tibia + tarsus dark fumous. Wings subhyaline, pterostigma and veins brownish.

Male and host unknown.

Distribution: Korea.

90 = lower half of mesopleuron

The new species, Chorebus (Stiphrocera) occultus , runs to Ch. lissopleuris TOBIAS with the help of TOBIAS’ s key (1998: 358) considering their bare propodeum, large mandible and swollen temple; the two species are distinguished by the following features:

1 (2) Head in dorsal view less transverse, 1.6 times as broad as long, temple 1.4–1.5 times longer than eye ( Fig. 87 View Figs 78–90 ). Upper tooth of mandible large ( Fig. 88 View Figs 78–90 ). Fore wing: 1–R1 short, 0.5–0.6 times as long as pterostigma, pterostigma wide: seven times as long as wide ( Fig. 89 View Figs 78–90 , see arrows). Antenna with 23–28 antennomeres. Notaulix shallow and narrow anteriorly. Precoxal sulcus narrow, subcrenulated ( Fig. 90 View Figs 78–90 ). Legs yellow. f: 1.3–2 mm. – Asiatic Russia: Primorski krai, Korea

C. (S.) lissopleuris TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL

2 (1) Head in dorsal view transverse, 1.9 times as broad as long, temple a bit longer than eye ( Fig. 78 View Figs 78–90 ). Upper tooth of mandible less large ( Fig. 80 View Figs 78–90 ). Fore wing: 1–R1 long, 0.72 times as long as pterostigma, pterostigma narrow: ten times as long as wide ( Fig. 84 View Figs 78–90 , see arrows). Antenna with 38 antennomeres. Notaulix deep and wide anteriorly. Precoxal sulcus wide, rugulose ( Fig. 82 View Figs 78–90 ). Legs brownish yellow. f: 2.1 mm. – Korea

C. (S.) occultus sp. n.














Chorebus (Stiphrocera) occultus

Papp, J. 2009

C. (S.) lissopleuris

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