Macreupelmus dromedarius (Cameron)

Gibson, Gary A. P., 2016, Revision of the Neotropical genus Macreupelmus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4161 (1), pp. 81-115 : 99-101

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Plazi (2016-09-02 06:51:42, last updated 2017-01-22 03:06:39)

scientific name

Macreupelmus dromedarius (Cameron)


Macreupelmus dromedarius (Cameron)

Figs 9, 10, 14, 63–71

Lutnes dromedarius Cameron, 1884: 126 . Lectotype ♀ ( BMNH), here designated. Published type data: Panama, Volcan de Chiriqui, 3000 to 4000 feet, Champion.

Macreupelmus dromedarius (Cameron) ; Gibson, 1995: 219.

Macreupelmus sp.; Gibson, 1995: figs 27, 28, 139–141, 224, 301–303, 502.

Type material. A single female in the BMNH has the following labels: V. de Chiriqui, | 25–4000ft. | Champion / Type [red-bordered label] / Lutnes | dromedarius | Cameron | B Ca Hy. i, 126 / B.C.A. Hymen. I. | Lutnes | dromedarius | Cam. [upside down printed label] / NHMUK 0 10198542. Cameron (1884) did not state the number of females on which he based Lutnes dromedarius , but stated that the length was 5–6 mm, which suggests at least two. For this reason I designate the female as lectotype of M. dromedarius and have labelled it as such.

The contorted lectotype is minutien-mounted into a foam block through the posterior of the mesoscutum and middle of the mesopectus. It is entire except the right front leg is glued to a rectangular card below the foam block and the right metatarsus is missing.

Description. FEMALE (habitus: Fig. 63). Head ( Fig. 68) with face partly green ventrally but with variably extensive reddish-violaceous to purple lusters on one or more of interantennal prominence, lower face, and ventrally on parascrobal region, sometimes also within scrobes but usually most of scrobal depression and vertex more greenish-blue to blue whereas scrobal depression dorsally and frons variably extensively darker with reddishviolaceous to purple luster, sometimes entirely between inner orbits to level of posterior ocelli or only mesally and more green to greenish-blue along inner orbits ( Fig. 65); gena mostly green to bluish-green though usually with some reddish-violaceous luster separated from outer orbit; vertex with dark setae mesally between inner orbits. Head with interorbital distance about 0.23–0.25× head width; OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD = 0.23–0.25: 0.7–0.95: 1.1–1.2: 1.0; distance between anterior ocellus and inner orbit about 0.9–1.1× MAOD; frons with anterior ocellus about 1.2–1.4× MAOD from dorsal limit of scrobal depression and with sulcus extending from anterior ocellus to depression; scrobal depression, vertex and frons including interantennal prominence usually entirely micropunctate-reticulate ( Fig. 65) or frons mesally below anterior ocellus sometimes partly coriaceous. Antenna ( Fig. 64) dark brown except apical two clavomeres with at least ventral micropilose sensory regions paler; scape robust-compressed, about 3.5–4.0× as long as medial width, and in lateral view apex of pedicel extending to or only slightly beyond ventral margin when at right angle to scape ( Fig. 64).

Mesoscutum not or carinate only mediolongitudinally for short distance near posterior of anteromedial lobe; scutellar-axillar complex with axillae and scutellum similarly coarsely meshlike reticulate but reticulations on scutellum aligned more longitudinally so sometimes to appear partly strigose. Front leg dark brown except tarsus sometimes paler, more orangish. Middle leg dark brown with trochantellus except ventrobasally and femur apically white; posterior surface with region of longer white setae submesally ( Fig. 10); tibia with 3–6 pegs in straight or only slightly offset row. Hind leg dark except apex of coxa, trochanter and trochantellus white, femur white to yellowish apically to subapically ( Fig. 63) with subcircular pale region only rarely extending to dorsoapical and/or apicolateral margins, tibia white basally, and tarsus with apex of basitarsus and one or two subsequent tarsomeres orangish, but most of basitarsus and at least apical two tarsomeres darker brown ( Fig. 63). Fore wing ( Fig. 9) usually with distinct hyaline band with white setae near base of parastigma extending from submarginal vein along basal fold and mediocubital fold basally to separate dark setae of basal cell and infuscate basal part of disc ( Fig. 67), though very rarely with only a few inconspicuous white setae ( Fig. 71); disc with posterobasally tapered anterior hyaline region with white setae not extending to mediocubital fold and with small hyaline region with white setae along posterior margin opposite anterior hyaline region ( Fig. 67); costal cell with a variable number of dark setae dorsally along length, but at most with 1 or 2 lines not extending to base of cell ( Fig. 66). Propodeum ( Fig. 69) with plical region very short, with foramen broadly ∩-like incurved virtually to medially, narrowly V-like incised anterior margin, with posterior margin of foramen not vertically raised and transverse-triangular panels reticulate-rugulose.

Gaster mostly dark brown dorsally, but under some angles of light with purple to reddish-violaceous lusters laterally on Gt1–Gt5 and sometimes dorsally on Gt5, and Gt6 and syntergum with green to blue luster; Gt6 meshlike reticulate. Ovipositor sheaths longer than metatibia ( Fig. 63), about 1.1–1.4× metatibia length.

Material examined. BELIZE. Las Cuevas , IX.1965, T. King & A. Howe (1 CNC) . COSTA RICA. Alajuela, 5 km W San Ramón , 1200m, VII.1997, O. Castro & P. Hanson (1 MZUCR) . Guanacaste Prov. , Guanacaste Natl. Pk, Sector Santa Rosa, Bosque San Emilio , 10º51'N 85º37'W, 250–300m, D. Janzen & I. Gauld: BH-12-C, shade in semi-evergreen for., 29.XI–20.XII.1986 (1 CNC) GoogleMaps ; SE-5-O, clearing deciduous forest, 24.VIII–14.IX (1 CNC), 7– 28.XII, 1985 (2 CNC, one CNC Photo 2016-1); SE-6-C, deciduous forest, shade, 5–26.X.1985 (3 CNC), 16.XI– 7.XII.1985 (1 CNC), 7–28.XII.1985 (2 CNC) ; SE-7-O, deciduous forest clearing, 29.XI–20.XII.1986 (2 CNC), 20.XII.1986 – 10.I. 1987 (1 CNC, Photo 2016-2); SE-8-C, shade in scrubby woodland, 5–26.X.1985 (1 CNC), 7– 28.XII.1985 (5 CNC), 28.XII.1985 – 18.I.1986 (2 CNC), 29.XI–20.XII.1986 (1 CNC, Photo 2016-3), 20.XII.1986 – 10.I.1987 (2 CNC). Guanacaste, Santa Rosa National Park , 300m, 2–23.I.1998, D. Janzen & I.D. Gauld (1 CNC) . Guanacaste, Santa Rosa National Park , 300m, 2–23.I.1998, D. Janzen & I.D. Gauld (1 CNC) . Heredia, Est. Biol. La Selva, 10º26'N 84º01'W, 100m, II–IV.1993, 18.X.1994, P. Hanson (2 MZUCR) GoogleMaps . Heredia Pr., La Selva Biol. Sta., 3 km S Pto. [Puerto] Viejo , 10º26'N 84º01'W, 3.VIII.1996 (1 CNC), 3.VIII.1986 (1 CNC), H.A. Hespenheide. Puntar [enas], Golfo Dulce GoogleMaps , 10 km W Piedras Blancas , 100m, III–V.1989, Hanson (1 CNC) . Puntarenas, R.F. Golfo Dulce: 24 km W Piedras Blancas , 200 m, IV–V.1991, P. Hanson (1 MZUCR, 1 CNC Photo 2016-24) ; 3 km SW Rincón , 10m, XII.1991 ( CNC Photo 2016-20), II.1993, Hanson & Godoy (2 MZUCR) . San Jose Ciudad Colón, 800m—XII.1989– I.1999 (1 CNC), II.1990 (2 CNC), Luis Fournier ; II.1990, L. Fournier & P. Hanson (1 MZUCR). MEXICO. VC [Veracruz State], 33 km NE Catemaco , 160m, 1.VII.1983, M. Kaulbars (1 CNC) .

Distribution (Map 1B). Belize *, Costa Rica *, Mexico *, Panama.

Remarks. Macreupelmus dromedarius and M. erwini comprise a species pair differentiated from all other Macreupelmus species by their fore wing color pattern—the dark setae of the basal cell and disc being separated by a slender hyaline band with white setae extending from the submarginal vein along the basal fold and mediocubital fold basally ( Figs 9, 67, 76). However, one of 41 examined females of M. dromedarius has only a few white setae interspaced with dark setae along the basal and mediocubital folds so as to not completely separate the dark basal cell and discal setae ( Fig. 71). Such females could be keyed easily through the second half of couplet 1 and would then key to couplet 4 near M. crassicornis , as discussed under the latter species. Females of M. dromedarius and M. erwini are readily distinguished by propodeal structure and sculpture of Gt6, as given in the key.

Cameron, P. (1884) Hymenoptera (Families Tenthredinidae-Chrysididae). Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta, 1, 1 - 487, 20 pls.

Gibson, G. A. P. (1995) Parasitic wasps of the subfamily Eupelminae: classification and revision of world genera (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae). Memoirs on Entomology, International, 5, i - v + 1 - 421.


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes











