Sabulina pauciflora (Kit.) A.Novikov, comb. nov.

Novikov, Andriy, 2023, An annotated nomenclatural checklist of endemic vascular plants distributed in the Ukrainian Carpathians, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 103921-103921 : 103921

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft (2023-08-12 16:38:23)

scientific name

Sabulina pauciflora (Kit.) A.Novikov, comb. nov.


Sabulina pauciflora (Kit.) A.Novikov, comb. nov.

Alsine pauciflora Alsine pauciflora Kit. ex Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur. 1: 119 (1878); GBIF:; GBIF:; IPNI:; WFO:; POWO:; BHL:

Arenaria pauciflora Arenaria pauciflora Kit., Linnaea 32(4-5): 510 (1864), non Prodan; GBIF:; IPNI:; WFO:; POWO:; BHL:

Minuartia pauciflora Minuartia pauciflora (Kit.) Dvořaková, Preslia 75(4): 350 (2003) *; CoL:; GBIF:; IPNI:; WFO:; POWO:

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine verna [unranked] δ Alsine carpatica Porcius, Enum. Pl. Phanerogam. Distr. Quondam Naszódiensis: 11 (1878) et Anal. Acad. Rom.: 54 (1893)

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine verna [unranked] a. Alsine verna zarencnyi ( Zapał.) Hermann, Fl. Deutschl. Fennoskand.: 185 (1912)

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi Zapał., Bull. Int. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, Cl. Sci. Math. 1910(3B): 168 (1910) et Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 25 (1911) [excl. var. c]; GBIF:; IPNI:; WFO:; POWO:

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi var. divestita Zapał., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 27 (1911); GBIF:; GBIF:; POWO:

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi var. pseudogerardiana Zapał., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 28 (1911)

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi var. zarencznyi f. bryophila Zapał., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 26 (1911)

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi var. zarencznyi f. minima Zapał., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 26 (1911)

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi var. zarencznyi f. paucicaulis Zapał., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 26 (1911)

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi var. zarencznyi f. subpurpuea Zapał., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 26 (1911)

Alsine pauciflora = Alsine zarencznyi var. zarencznyi f. supraglandulosa Zapał., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 26 (1911)

Minuartia pauciflora = Minuartia verna subsp. gerardii [unranked] b. Minuartia carpatica (Porcius) Graebn. in Asch. & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 5(1): 749 (1918) *

Minuartia pauciflora = Minuartia zarecznyi ( Zapał.) Klokov, Fl. UkrSSR 4: 480 (1952) *; GBIF:; IPNI:; WFO:; POWO:

Minuartia pauciflora = Minuartia zarencznii ( Zapał.) Klokov, Fl. UkrSSR 4: 480 (1952) [ortho. var.]; GBIF:; IPNI:; WFO:; POWO:

Minuartia pauciflora = Minuartia zarecznyi var. divestita ( Zapał.) Tzvelev, Bot. Zhurn. 87(3): 125 (2002); GBIF:; IPNI:; POWO:

Alsine pauciflora - Alsine gerardii auct. flora carpat., non Willd.

Arenaria pauciflora - Arenaria gerardii auct. fl. carpat., non Willd.

Alsine pauciflora - Alsine verna auct. fl. carpat., non (L.) Wahlenb. nec Bartl

Alsine pauciflora - Alsine verna Knapp, Pfl. Galic. u. Bukov.: 331 (1872) [p. p.], non Wahlenb. s. str. *

Minuartia pauciflora - Minuartia gerardii auct. fl. carpat., non (Willd.) Hayek *

Minuartia pauciflora - Minuartia verna auct. flora carpat., non (L.) Hiern *

Minuartia pauciflora - Minuartia verna Kulczyński, Fl. Polska 2: 230 (1921), non (L.) Hiern.

Minuartia pauciflora - Minuartia verna [unranked] α Anthemis caespitosa (Ehrn.) Graebn. in Asch. & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 5(1): 742 (1918) sensu Tovt [ex herb. UU] *

Minuartia pauciflora - Minuartia verna subsp. gerardii (Willd.) Graebn. in Asch. & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 5(1): 747 (1918) [p. p., tantum quod plantas carpat.], non Sabulina verna subsp. gerardii (Willd.) Dillenb. s. str. *

Minuartia pauciflora - Minuartia verna var. gerardi Kulczyński, Fl. Polska 2: 230 (1921), non Schinz. & Keller

Sabulina pauciflora - Sabulina gerardii auct. fl. carpat., non (Willd.) Rchb.

Sabulina pauciflora - Sabulina verna subsp. gerardii auct. fl. carpat., non (Willd.) Dillenb.

Tryphane pauciflora - Tryphane gerardi auct. fl. carpat., non (Willd.) Rchb.

Conservation status

In Ukraine - VU ( Onyshchenko et al. 2022).


Pancarpathian endemic.


A rare species mentioned (as M. pauciflora ) only for three regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians - Chornohora, Maramures and Svydovets ( Chorney and Fedoronchuk 2009, MEPNR of Ukraine 2021).

In general, Sabulina verna (L.) Rchb. (= Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern) has a wide distribution and branched infraspecific subdivision with variable acceptance by different authors. In particular, M. verna auct. fl. carpat., together with M. zarecznyi ( Zapał.) Klokov, is considered a synonym of M. pauciflora ( Mirek et al. 2020). Moreover, M. pauciflora is often wrongly reported from the Carpathians as M. gerardii (Willd.) Hayek, which is a species from the Alps ( Chorney 2011, Kliment et al. 2016, Nunvářová Kabátová et al. 2019). Inconsistency in the taxonomic interpretation and unclear chorology of M. gerardii led to its consideration, including Carpathian plants, as a synonym of M. verna s. str. (i.e. M. verna subsp. verna or Sabulina verna subsp. verna ) ( Fedoronchuk and Mosyakin 2016). However, recent investigations showed that M. pauciflora is clearly distinguished from M. verna s. str. Nunvářová Kabátová et al. (2019) also confirmed the belonging of Carpathian plants identified as M. gerardii to M. pauciflora .

CoL (, accessed on 07.06.2023), GBIF (, accessed on 05.06.2023), POWO (, accessed on 07.06.2023) and Worldplants (, accessed on 07.06.2023) still provide M. pauciflora as an independent species from the genus Minuartia , while M. verna was reconsidered as belonging to the genus Sabulina Rchb. as S. verna ( Fedoronchuk and Mosyakin 2016). To keep the nomenclatural consistency within S. verna group, the new combination Sabulina pauciflora (Kit.) A. Novikov, comb. nov. is proposed here.

Only two taxa from the Sabulina verna group are present in the Ukrainian Carpathians ( Chopyk and Fedoronchuk 2015) viz. S. pauciflora , comb. nov. (≡ M. pauciflora ) and S. oxypetala ( Woł.) Mosyakin & Fedor. (≡ M. oxypetala ( Woł.) Kulczyński). Both species were previously interpreted as belonging to Alsine L. and were recently reconsidered within the genus Sabulina Rchb. ( Mosyakin and Fedoronchuk 2015, Fedoronchuk and Mosyakin 2016, Nunvářová Kabátová et al. 2019).

Chopyk, V., Fedoronchuk, M., 2015. Flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Terno-graph, Ternopil

Chorney, I. I., Fedoronchuk, M. M., 2009. Red book of Ukraine. The plant world. Globalconsulting, Kyiv

Chorney, I. I., 2011. Critical revision of the taxa, mentioned as endemic for flora of Ukrainian Carpathians. Scientific Proceedings of Bukovina Society of Naturalists 1 (1-2): 23 - 59

Fedoronchuk, M. M., Mosyakin, S. L., 2016. The genus Minuartia s. l. (Caryophyllaceae) in the flora of Eastern Europe: an overview of nomenclatural changes in the light of new molecular phylogenetic data. Ukrainian Botanical Journal 73 (2): 134 - 143

Kliment, J., Turis, P., Janisova, M., 2016. Taxa of vascular plants endemic to the Carpathian Mts. Preslia 88 (1): 19 - 76

Mirek, Z., Piekos-Mirkowa, H., Zajac, A., Zajac, M., 2020. Vascular plants of Poland: an annotated checklist. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow

Mosyakin, S. L., Fedoronchuk, M. M., 2015. New combinations for East European species of Sabulina (Caryophyllaceae). Phytotaxa 231 (1): 95 - 98

Nunvarova Kabatova, K., Kolar, F., Jarolimova, V., Krak, K., Chrtek, J., 2019. Does geography, evolutionary history or ecology drive ploidy and genome size variation in the Minuartia verna group (Caryophyllaceae) across Europe? Plant Systematics and Evolution 305: 1019 - 1040

Onyshchenko, V. A., Mosyakin, S. L., Korotchenko, I. A., Danylyk, I. M., Burlaka, M. D., Olshanskyi, I. H., Shiyan, N. M., Zhygalova, S. L., Tymchenko, I. A., Kolomiychuk, V. P., Novikov, A. V., Chorney, I. I., Kish, R. Y., Shevera, M. V., Fedoronchuk, M. M., Protopopova, V. V., 2022. IUCN Red List categories of vascular plant species of Ukrainian flora. M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ukraine, MEPNR of, 2021. Decree Nr 111. On approval of lists of plant and fungi species included in the Red Book of Ukraine (plant world) and plant and fungi species excluded from the Red Book of Ukraine (plant world). Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine











