Palaeohosiea bilinica (ETTINGSHAUSEN) KVAČEK et BŮŽEK

Kvaček, Zlatko & Teodoridis, Vasilis, 2011, The Late Eocene Flora Of Kučlín Near Bílina In North Bohemia Revisited, Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 67 (3 - 4), pp. 83-144 : 104

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13183351

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scientific name

Palaeohosiea bilinica (ETTINGSHAUSEN) KVAČEK et BŮŽEK


Palaeohosiea bilinica (ETTINGSHAUSEN) KVAČEK et BŮŽEK

Pl. 5, figs 13-14

1869 Amygdalus bilinica ETTINGSHAUSEN , p. 55, pro parte pl. 53, fig. 22 (non fig. 23).

1880 Amygdalus bilinica ETTINGSHAUSEN ; Sieber, p. 26, pl. 4, fig. 24.

1925 Natsiaum eocenicum CHANDER, p. 29, pl. 4, fig. 7a-d, text-fig. 11.

1963 Prunus bilinica (ETTINGSHAUSEN) MAI , p. 75 (non pl. 10, figs 1-2 = Palaeohosiea suleticensis KVAČEK et BŮŽEK ).

1966 Hosiea eocenica (CHANDER) TAKHTAJAN , p. 1226.

1978 Hosiea bilinica (ETTINGSHAUSEN) HOLÝ in Mai and Walther, p. 125 (non pl. 45, figs 4-6).

1995 Palaeohosiea bilinica (ETTINGSHAUSEN) KVAČEK et BŮŽEK , p. 125, pl. 1, fig. 15, pl. 1, fig. 15.

Casts of fully flattened ovate to rounded endocarps, 3.8 cm long and 2.8 cm wide, with randomly arranged deep longitudinal ridges on the surface and short, shallow horizontal ridges, delimiting ca. 50 polygonal facets. Minute papillation of locule impressions not clearly seen.

D i s c u s s i o n: Holý (in Mai and Wather 1978) first recognized the affinity of these fruit remains from Kučlín to Icacinaceae and assigned them to Hosiea in line of the previous studies by Chandler (1925 as Natsiatum ) and Takhtajan (1966 as Hosiea ). A more detailed study of extant fruits of Icacinacae (Bůžek and Kvaček 1995) revealed differences from the extant genera and motivated a separation of the fossils into an independent fossil genus Palaeohosiea .

Endocarps of this paratropical liana of the Icacinaceae , closely related to Iodes (Manchester 1999) have been rarely encountered at Kučlín. Fruits of Palaeohosiea suleticensis KVAČEK et BŮŽEK , which may belong to closely related species, occur in the Oligocene of Suletice and Holý Kluk ( Kvaček and Bůžek 1995, Radoň et al. 2006). Similar fruits have been described from the Palaeocene and Eocene of England and the Oligocene of Germany ( Kvaček and Bůžek 1995). Also newly established Icacinicaryites corrugatus (BROWN) PIGG , MANCHESTER et DEVORE (“ corrugata ”) from the Palaeocene of the USA may not taxonomically differ ( Pigg et al 2008).

M a t e r i a l: KUC 5A, NM G 364.


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