Elachista maboulella Chrétien, 1915

Kaila, Lauri, 2015, The Elachista dispunctella (Duponchel) complex (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae) revisited, with exceptional level of synonymy, Zootaxa 3980 (3), pp. 301-358 : 323-326

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Elachista maboulella Chrétien, 1915


Elachista maboulella Chrétien, 1915 View in CoL

Figs. 22–24 View FIGURES 14 – 24 , 80–83 View FIGURES 80 – 81 View FIGURES 82 – 83 , 128–134 View FIGURES 128 – 131 View FIGURES 132 – 135

Elachista maboulella Chrétien, 1915: 362 View in CoL .

Elachista catalunella Traugott-Olsen, 1992: 210 View in CoL . Syn. nov.

Elachista gerdmaritella Traugott-Olsen, 1992: 243 View in CoL . Syn. nov.

Elachista gielisi Traugott-Olsen, 1992: 230 View in CoL . Syn. nov.

Material studied. Type material. Holotype ♂ of E. catalunella , labelled: Type [rounded with red margin]; Genital praeparat nr. 5643 sex: ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen; Wing praeparat nr. 6257 sex: ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen; Hispania, Andalucia provincia Malaga, Camino de Ojn , 150 m, 21.6.1980 E. Traugott-Olsen; Elachista catalunella sp. n. det. E. Traugott-Olsen ( ZMUC). Holotype ♂ of E. gerdmaritella , labelled: Type [rounded with red margin]; Genital praeparat nr. 5673 sex: ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen; Wing praeparat nr. 6172 sex: ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen; Hispania, Andalucia, Provincia Malaga, Camino de Ojen, 150 m, 30.10.1982 E. Traugott-Olsen leg.; Holotype Elachista gerdmaritella Traugott-Olsen [red]; DNA sample MM16873 Lepid. Phyl. ( ZMUC). Holotype ♂ of E. gielisi , labelled: Type [rounded with red margin]; Genital praeparat nr. A. 25.3.88 sex: ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen; Wing praeparat nr. C. 15.9.89 sex: ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen; Hisp[ania] Murcia, La Marta 19.4.1978 leg/det/coll Gielis, Elachista gielisi sp. n. det. E. Traugott-Olsen ( RMNH).

Other material. Spain: Alicante, 38°156.22’N, 00°54.86’W, Sierra de Crevillente, 5 km NE Albatera, 450 m, 2. IX.2005, 1 ♂, P. Huemer leg., DNA sample 16738 Lepid. Phyl. ( TLMF), GoogleMaps 2–3. IX.2005, 1 ♂, DNA sample 16798 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Wieser); Alicante, 11 km NNW Albatera, 500 m, 12. V.2009, 1 ♂, J. Tabell leg. & Coll., J. Tabell prep. 4403, DNA sample 0 5578 Lepid. Phyl.; 8.5 km NNW Albatera, 300 m, 22. V.2009, 5 ♂, J. Tabell leg. & Coll., J. Tabell prep. 4300, 4376, DNA samples 0555–6 Lepid. Phyl.; Alicante, San Miguel de Salinas, 3 km SW, 12. VI.2010, 1 ♂, J. Tabell leg. & Coll., J. Tabell prep. 4709, DNA sample 20174 Lepid. Phyl.; Alicante, route 8 km N of Albatera env., 300 m, 5. V.2008, 2 ♂, Z. Tokár leg. (Coll. Tokár); Almería, 1 km SW Tabernas, 370 m, 18. IX.2013, 11 ♂, 2 ♀, J. Tabell leg. & Coll.; Almeria, 6 km SW Tabernas, Mini Hollywood, 400 m, 29– 30. IV.1997, 1 ♀, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg. ( MZH), 12. IV.1997, 1 ♀, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., L. Kaila prep. 4701, DNA sample 20875 Lepid. Phyl. ( MZH); Almeria, Mini Hollywood, 230 m, 4–8. V.1994, 1 ♂ F. Schepler leg. ( ZMUC); Almeria, 6 km SW Tabernas, Mini Hollywood, 400 m, 30. IX.1993, 1 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., L. Kaila prep. 1375; 6. V.1995, 1 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., Elachista totanaensis E. Traugott-Olsen det. ( MZH); Almeria, 10 km E Bedar, 19–27. IX.2001, 1 ♂, P. Skou & B. Skule leg., L. Kaila prep. 4694 ( ZMUC); Almeria, 5 km SW Tabernas, 200 m, 28. V.1998, 1 ♂, P. Skou leg. ( ZMUC) ; Almeria, Tabernas, 37°02’N, 02°23’W, 20–26. VI.2008, 1 ♂, 6–8. VII.2007, 1 ♂, G. Jeppesen leg. ( ZMUC); GoogleMaps 380 m, Tabernas, env. Aghuilla Salada, 550 m, 7. VII.2010, 1 ♂, Z. Tokár leg., DNA sample 20519 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Tokár); Almeria, 10 km NW Almeria, 20–21. IV.2001, 2 ♂, J. Junnilainen leg., L. Kaila prep. 4090, DNA samples 11364, 11372 (Coll. Junnilainen); Almeria, El Pozo del Esparto, 10 m, 13.V.2006, 2 ♂, P. Skou leg. ( ZMUC); Granada, Baza, 110 km NE Granada, 30. V.1976, 1 ♂, Glaser leg. ( SMNK); Granada, 15 km NE Baza, 13. IX.2013, 2 ♂, 1 ♀, T. Nupponen leg. (Coll. Nupponen); Granada, Carataunas, 26. V.1999, 1 ♀, J. Junnilainen leg., DNA sample 11374 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Junnilainen); Granada, 10 km N Motril, 5 ♂, 1 ♀, J. Junnilainen leg., L. Kaila prep. 3950, 3952, 4093, 5728, J. Tabell prep. 4471, 4481, DNA samples 11360–2, 11366–9 (Coll. Junnilainen, MZH); Granada, Orgiva, Las Alpujarras, 29. VI.1971, 1 ♂, Glaser leg. ( SMNK); Granada, Sierra Alfacar, 1300 m, 24. VI.1971, 1 ♂, Glaser leg. ( SMNK); Malaga, 20 km NE Ronda, 31. V.2000, 1 ♂, T. Nupponen leg., 9. IV.2002, 2 ♂, T. & K. Nupponen leg., L. Kaila prep. 4047, DNA samples 11365, 11426 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Nupponen); Malaga, 8 km NW Marbella, 2. VI.2000, 1 ♀, T. Nupponen leg., DNA sample 11373 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Nupponen); 10 km N Marbella, 24–25. IV.2001, 2 ♀, J. Junnilainen leg., DNA samples 11370–1 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Junnilainen, MZH) ; Malaga, Strasse Tarifa-Algeciros, 14 km W Algec., 200 m, IX.1972, 1 ♂, M. u. W. Glaser leg. ( SMNK); Murcia, 4 km SW Aguilas, 20–22. IX.1995, 1 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., Elachista gerdmaritella E. Traugott-Olsen det., DNA sample 11378 Lepid. Phyl. ( MZH); 14–15. IV.1997, 1 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., L. Kaila prep. 3925, DNA sample 11357 ( MZH), 5–6. IX.1997, 1 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., L. Kaila prep. 3926, DNA sample 11358 Lepid. Phyl. ( MZH); Murcia, Sierra d’Espuña, Alhama de Murcia, 1–25. VI.1971, 4 ♂, 1 ♀, M. u. W. Glaser leg. ( SMNK); Murcia, Sierra d’Espuña C.F. de las Alqueiras, 800 m, 4. IV.1997, 2 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., L. Kaila prep. 3929, 3930, DNA samples 11353–4, 3. IX.1997, 2 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., L. Kaila prep. 3927, 3928, DNA samples 11356, 11359 Lepid. Phyl. ( MZH), 1400 m, 3. IX.2000, 1 ♂, H. W. v.d. Wolf leg., L. Kaila prep. 3922, DNA sample 11355 ( MZH); Prov. Murcia, Bolnuevo by Mazarron, 10 m, 25. V.1998, 1 ♂, P. Skou leg. ( ZMUC); Murcia, 7 km NW Sucina, Sierra de Altaona, 350 m, 2. V.2009, 1 ♂, J. Tabell leg. J. Tabell prep. 4404, DNA sample 0 5579 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Tabell); Prov. Tarragona, 5 km S. St. Carles de la Ràpita, 14. VI.1999, 1 ♂, P. Skou leg., L. Kaila prep. 4695 ( ZMUC). Tunisia: 10 km NW Kasserine, Djebel Chambi N., 18. XI.2009, 3 ♂, T. Nupponen leg., L. Kaila prep. 5263, 5264, DNA samples 15318–20 Lepid. Phyl., (Coll. Nupponen, MZH).

Diagnosis. E. maboulella has distally grey forewing fringe scales, unless worn. Similar fringe is present only in E. disemiella . The male genitalia of these species are similar, differing by the setae on the juxta lobes: E. disemiella has several distinct setae, whereas E. maboulella has none, or at most, a few very small ones. The female genitalia of these species differ by the shape of the corpus bursae which is oval in E. disemiella ; divided into two portions, the anterior one possibly a dilated appendix bursae, in E. maboulella .

Biology. Bivoltine. The species inhabits dry, xerothermic habitats.

Distribution. Algeria, Tunisia, Spain.

Remarks. The type locality of E. maboulella is Algeria, Biskra, Gafsa. The female lectotype is in Musée Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, designated and illustrated by Parenti (1972). The characterization of E. maboulella by Traugott-Olsen is based on male paralectotypes and represents E. glaseri .

The illustration of the male genitalia of E. bazaella by Traugott-Olsen (1992) is not drawn from the holotype, and is not conspecific with it. The holotype is identical with E. maboulella . E. maboulella is referred to as OTU 13 in Mutanen et al. (2015).


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis


Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum


Finnish Museum of Natural History


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)














Elachista maboulella Chrétien, 1915

Kaila, Lauri 2015

Elachista catalunella

Traugott-Olsen 1992: 210

Elachista gerdmaritella

Traugott-Olsen 1992: 243

Elachista gielisi

Traugott-Olsen 1992: 230

Elachista maboulella Chrétien, 1915: 362

Chretien 1915: 362
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