Melochia regnellii (K. Schum.) Gonçalez 2015

Gonçalez, Victor Martins & Esteves, Gerleni Lopes, 2015, Synopsis of Melochia L. (Byttnerioideae, Malvaceae) in southeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 226 (3), pp. 217-232 : 220-222

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Felipe (2024-09-02 21:34:24, last updated 2024-09-02 21:41:35)

scientific name

Melochia regnellii (K. Schum.) Gonçalez

stat. nov.

Melochia regnellii (K. Schum.) Gonçalez View in CoL stat. nov. ined.

Basionym: Melochia villosa (Mill.) Fawc. & Rendle var. regnellii (K. Schum.) A. Goldberg. (1967: 287) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, Caldas , Regnell III 278 (lectotype S, designated by Goldberg 1967; isolectotype R!) .

Figs. 1A–F View FIGURE 1 , 2E–F View FIGURE 2 , 3A View FIGURE 3 , 4D View FIGURE 4 , 5E View FIGURE 5 .

Distribution and habitat: —Endemic to southeastern Brazil, in the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. It inhabits frequently shaded areas, lake margins, marshes or humid fields in Cerrado. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Caldas , 1857, A. F. Regnell III 278 ( R) ; Santa Rita do Sapucaí , 19 February 1996, O. S. Ribas 1297 ( BHCB, MBM, SJRP) ; s.l., 1845, Widgren s.n. ( R 78125 ) . São Paulo: Brotas , 27 January 2007, S. A. Nicolau et al. 3182 ( SP) ; Campinas , 18 December 1938, O. Guilherme s.n. ( SP 41061 ) ; Itirapina , 14 October 1993, K. D. Barreto et al. 1422 ( ESA, SP) ; 26 April 1994, K. D. Barreto et al. 2287 ( ESA, SP) ; Jundiaí , 07 January 1941, B. Pickel 5164 ( SP) ; Mogi-Guaçu, 27 November 1953, M. Kuhlmann 2943 ( SJRP, SP, SPF) ; 24 may 1957, M. Kuhlmann 4209 ( SP) ; 04 December 1959, G. Eiten & S. M. de Campos 1534 ( SP) ; 22 December 1980, W. Mantovani 1434 ( SP) ; 03 August 2011, V. M. Gonçalez & R. S. Rodrigues 100 ( SP) ; 24 January 2012, R. S. Rodrigues & C. V. Silva 267 ( SP) ; Santa Rita do Passa Quatro , 13 January 1997, A. D. Faria et al. 97/12 ( SJRP) ; 27 February 1997, M. A. Batalha 1619 ( SP) ; 05 Deccember 2007, S. A. Nicolau et al. 3452 ( SP) .

Melochia regnellii differs from M. villosa by the presence of branches with simple trichomes arranged in two longitudinal rows (vs. stellate trichomes in M. villosa ). The bractlets are foliaceous, narrowly to widely elliptic (vs. bractlets linear to narrowly triangular in M. villosa ). Both surfaces of leaf blades and the calyx present simple trichomes (vs. stellate trichomes in M. villosa ). The fruit differs by the absense of a stipe and the deciduous style (vs. stipitate fruit and persistent style in M. villosa ).

Conservation status: —Vulnerable ( IUCN 2011). Registered known to exist at no more than ten localities. Additionally, populations are very small, or consist of isolated individuals.

Melochia villosa (Mill.) Fawcett & Rendle var. villosa (1926: 165). Type:— JAMAICA, Miller s.n. (MB, [cited by Goldberg, 1967]).

Figs. 2C–D View FIGURE 2 , 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5F View FIGURE 5 .

Distribution and habitat: —Southern United States (Florida), Mexico, Antilles to Paraguay. The most widespread species in Brazil. In the Southeast Region M. villosa var. villosa occurs in all states, often in disturbed areas as ruderals, or weeds in crops in Cerrado or Atlantic Rain Forest. The only species of Melochia found in Espírito Santo State, and the first record for Rio de Janeiro State. Flowering and fruiting occurs throughout the year.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Cariacica , 05 August 1983, G. Hatschbach 46720 ( MBM) ; Guarapari , s.d., O. J. Pereira 1939 ( VIES) ; Linhares , 19 March 2002, D. A. Folli 4221 ( CVRD) ; Vitória , 04 May 1946, Brade et al. 18096 ( RB) ; 03 November 1999, I. D. Rodrigues 167 ( VIES) . Minas Gerais: Alto Congonhas , 09 February 1991, M. M. Arbo et al. 4707 ( SPF) ; Augusto de Lima , 20 March 1994, C. M. Sakuragui et al. 15301 ( SPF) ; Belo Horizonte , 23 March 1934, M. Barreto 7858 ( BHCB, R) ; 04 January 1940, M. Magalhães 78 ( BHCB, MBM) ; 04 January 1940, M. Magalhães s.n. ( BHCB 1738 About BHCB ) ; 12 January 1940, M. Magalhães 63 ( BHCB) ; 15 February 1940, M. Magalhães 112 ( BHCB, CESJ, MBM) ; Boa Esperança , 30 July 2006, M. G. Caxambu 1191 ( MBM) ; Brasilândia de Minas , 17 December 1998, M. F. de Vasconcelos s.n. ( BHCB 45833 About BHCB ) ; Buenópolis , 21 May 1990, M. M. Arbo et al. 4551 ( SPF) ; Buritizeiro , 03 April 1992, G. Hatschbach et al. 56494 ( MBM) ; Caraça, 27 Mach 1980, J. M. Ferrari s.n. ( BHCB 2893 About BHCB ) ; Caratinga , 29 May 1940, M. Carmo s.n. ( BHCB 65456 About BHCB ) ; Conceição do Mato Dentro , 16 May 1990, M. M. Arbo et al. 4244 ( SP, SPF) ; 15 July 2011, V. M. Gonçalez et al. 95 ( SP) ; 15 July 2011, V. M. Gonçalez et al. 97 ( SP) ; 15 July 2011, V. M. Gonçalez et al. 98 ( SP) ; Corinto , 21 April 1942, M. Magalhães 2712 ( BHCB, MBM) ; 22 May 1978, M. F. Leitão Filho et al. 7870 ( UEC) ; Diamantina , 16 February 1991, M. M. Arbo et al. 5181 ( SPF) ; Entre Rios de Minas , February 1970, L. Krieger 8315 ( CESJ, SJRP) ; Gouveia , 14 March 1989, N. L. Menezes s.n. ( SPF 77486 About SPF ) ; 20 May 1990, M. M. Arbo et al. 4478 ( MBM, SPF) ; 06 February 2009, R. Mello-Silva & M. G. Sajo 3152 ( SPF) ; Ituiutaba, 14 February 1973, G. Hatschbach & L. Z. Ahumada 31579 ( BHCB, MBM) ; 08 February 1974, J. Semir & M. Sazima 4926 ( SP) ; Jaboticatubas , 07 February 1972, J. Semir & M. Sazima 693 ( SP) ; 08 February 1974, J. Semir & M. Sazima 4926 ( SP) ; Joaquim Felicio , 18 January 1996, G. Hatschbach et al. 112 ( MBM) ; 14 June 1996, G. Hatschbach et al. 64721 ( MBM) ; 10 June 2004, G. Hatschbach et al. 77688 ( MBM) ; João Monlevade , 21 November 1941, M. Magalhães 756 ( BHCB) ; Juiz de Fora , 13 November 1969, L. Krieger 7433 ( CESJ) ; 11 March 1977, J. A. Silva 7433 ( CESJ) ; Lagoa Santa , 15 January 1951, A. B. Joly 1144 ( SPF) ; Nova Lima, 24 February 1983, P. M. Andrade & T. S. M. G. 1310 ( BHCB) ; Palmital , 21 October 1997, G. Hatschbach et al. 67353 ( MBM) ; Paracatu , 03 February 1970, H. S. Irwin et al. 25907 ( MBM, RB) ; Pedro Lessa , 13 March 1995, V. C. Souza et al. 8449 ( ESA) ; Pouso Alegre , 01 April 1927, F. C. Hoehne s.n. ( SP 19314 ) ; Santa Luzia , 12 January 1934, M. Barreto 7859 ( BHCB) ; Santana do Riacho, 25 October 1974, G. Hatschbach & L. F. Ferreira 35342 ( MBM) ; 01 March 1980, A. Furlan & M. G. Sajo CFSC 6004 ( SPF) ; 01 March 1981, I. Cordeiro et al. CFSC 7081 ( SP, SPF) ; 18 February 1982, J. S. Silva et al. CFSC 7932 ( SPF) ; 16 November 1984, G. L. Esteves et al. CFCR 6081 ( SPF) ; 21 February 1986, N. L. Menezes et al CFSC 9611 ( SP, SPF) ; 07 May 1987, V. C. Souza & R. Simão CFSC 10093 ( SPF) ; 11 January 2006, A. P. Savassi- Coutinho et al. 931 ( ESA) ; s.d., A. Furlan et al. CFSC 6970 ( SP) ; São João Del Rei , April 1896, N. Armond s.n. ( R 102646 ) ; Serra do Cipó , 25 April 1892, H. Schwacke 8340 ( RB) ; 19 February 1971, L. Krieger & U. C. C. 10159 ( CESJ, SJRP) ; 31 January 1982, L. R. Landrum 4217 ( MBM) ; 16 May 1990, M. M. Arbo et al. 4244 ( MBM, SP) ; Serro, 16 March 1993, G. L. Esteves & C. Kameyama 2467 ( ESA, SP, SPF) ; 27 February 2009, D. C. Zappi et al. 1630 ( RB) ; Serra do Espinhaço , 25 February 1968, H. S. Irwin et al. s.n. ( RB 194559 ) ; 23 February 1969, H. S. Irwin et al. s.n. ( RB 194561 ) ; 27 February 2002, V. C. Souza et al. 28521 ( ESA) ; Tiradentes , 24 February 1987, D. C. Zappi et al. s.n. ( SPF 46849 About SPF ) ; Três Corações, 04 February 1973, G. Hatschbach & L. Z. Ahumada 31232 ( BHCB, MBM) . Rio de Janeiro: Macaé , 15 July 2006, J. Paula-Souza et al. 6017 ( ESA) . São Paulo: Angatuba , 02 January 1996, V. C. Souza et al. 10773 ( ESA, SP) ; Campinas , 06 November 1978, F. Freitas Filho 8738 ( UEC) ; Itirapina , 14 October 1993, K. D. Barreto et al. 1422 ( ESA) ; Jaboticabal , May 2002, L. T. Bopp 11 ( ESA) ; Mogi-Guaçu , 27 November 1953, M. Kuhlmann 2943 ( SJRP, SPF) ; 24 May 1957, M. Kuhlmann 4209 ( ESA, SJRP, SP, SPF) ; 01 June 1976, P. Gibbs et al. 2004 ( UEC, MBM) ; 22 December 1980, W. Mantovani 1434 ( SP) ; Mirante do Paranapanema, 10 March 1996, M. R. Pietrobom da Silva 3153 ( MBM, SJRP) ; São Carlos , 18 December 1978, A. X. Linhares 9352 ( UEC) .

This is the first record for Brazil under this name, although this species was formerly cited as M. spicata (L.) Fryxell by Esteves 2012, in the Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. Melochia villosa var. villosa is largely labeled in herbaria and/or cited in the literature under the name M. spicata , due to an equivocated combination performed by Fryxell (1988).

Melochia villosa var. villosa is morphologically distinguished by the presence of stellate trichomes on the branches, and on the adaxial surface of leaf-blades.

Conservation status: —Least Concern ( IUCN 2011). Widely distributed, it has a significant number of recent collections, and is also found in conservation areas.

Melochia villosa (Mill.) Fawc. & Rendle var. tomentosa (K. Schum.) Goldberg (1967: 287) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL, Riedel 1992 (lectotype W, established by Goldberg 1967).

Figs. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 , 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4F View FIGURE 4 .

Distribution and habitat: —From Venezuela to northern Argentina. In Brazil this species occurs in the states of Acre, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and São Paulo. It inhabits open and disturbed areas, usually in dry soils in Cerrado and Atlantic Rain Forest. Flowering and fruiting occurs throughout the year.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Caeté , February 1952, L. Roth s.n. ( CESJ, RB 489453 ) ; Dionísio , 27 December 1978, E. P. Heringer 15752 ( SP) ; Ituiutaba , 09 February 1949, A. Macedo s.n. ( RB 66384 ) ; 18 February 1951, A. Macedo 3177 ( SP) ; Lagoa Santa , November 1915, E. G. Baker 6140 ( R) ; Mariana , April 1896, A. Silveira 630 ( R) ; Pirapora , 18 December 1937, M. Burret et al. 10104 ( R) ; Santana do Pirapama , 27 February 2009, D. C. Zappi et al. 1630 ( RB) ; São João Del Rei , April 1901, N. Armond s.n. ( R 78129 ) ; January 1960, A. P. Duarte 5119 ( HB, RB) ; São Sebastião do Paraiso , April 1945, Brade & Altamiro 45 ( R) ; Serra da Anta , 03 February 1970, H. S. Irwin et al. 25907 ( RB) ; Serra do Cipó , 16 January 1951, J. G. Kuhlmann s.n. ( RB 72995 ) ; Serra do Espinhaço , 24 January 1969, H. S. Irwin et al. 22528 ( R) ; 24 March 1970, H. S. Irwin et al. 28282 ( MBM, R) ; Serro , 12 May 1945, L. O. Willians & V. Assis 6851 ( R) ; s.d., N. Armond s.n. ( R 78145 ) . São Paulo: Campinas, s.d., C. Novaes 5736 ( IAC, RB, SJRP, SP) ; Itapetininga , 20 January 1949, J. I. de Lima s.n. ( RB 69997 ) ; Luiz Antônio , December 2002, L. T. Boop 203 ( ESA) ; Mogi-Guaçu , 18 November 1980, A. Custodio Filho 454 ( MBM, SP) ; 18 November 1980, A. Custodio Filho 462 ( MBM, SP) ; 20 November 1980, W. Mantovani 1382 ( IAC, SJRP, SP) ; 03 August 2011, V. M. Gonçalez & R. S. Rodrigues 99 ( SP) ; 20 December 2011, R. S. Rodrigues & C. V. Silva 247 ( SP) ; 24 January 2012, R. S. Rodrigues & C. V. Silva 274 ( SP) ; Pedregulho , 14 January 1997, K. Matsumoto et al. 29 ( SJRP, SP) .

This taxon differs from the typical variety by the presence of stellate trichomes of different sizes, biradiate trichomes and long simple trichomes on the branches. In addition, the adaxial surface of leaf blades is covered of stellate trichomes associated with long and simple adpressed trichomes.

Regarding the inflorescence, specimens of both varieties stand out by displaying spiciform and terminal cymes reaching up to 25 cm long. This inflorescence type, when compared to the other species, represents the highest degree of reduction in the floral axis, peduncles and pedicels, as well as clustering of flowers at the apex of branches.

Conservation status: —Least Concern ( IUCN 2011). Widely distributed, it has a significant number of recent collections, and is also found in conservation areas.

Esteves, G. L. (2012) Ayenia, Byttneria, Guazuma, Herrrania, Melochia, Rayleya, Theobroma, Waltheria. In: Lista de Especies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // floradobrasil. jbrj. gov. br / 2012 / FB 000156 (accessed: 18 October 2012).

Fryxell, P. A. (1988) Malvaceae of Mexico. Vol. 25. Systematic Botany Monographs, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Texas, 522 pp.

Goldberg, A. (1967) The genus Melochia L. (Sterculiaceae). Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 34 (5): 191 - 363.

IUCN (2011) The IUCN red list of threatened species. Version 2011.1. IUCN Red List Unit, Cambridge U. K. Available from: http: // www. iucnredlist. org (accessed: 20 July 2012)

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. A–F. M. regnellii A. Branch with flowers and fruit. B. Indumentum of branch. C. Indumentum of the adaxial surface of leaf-blades. D. Bractlet. E. Globose capsule. F. Schematic diagram of capsule dehiscence. G–L. M. gardneri G. Branch with flowers and fruit. H. Floral dissection showing longistylous form. I. Floral dissection showing brevistylous form. J. Calyx with detail of indumentum. K. Globose capsule showing partially loculicidal and septicidal dehiscence. L. Schematic diagram of capsule dehiscence. M–S. M. betonicifolia M. Branch with flowers and fruit. N. Stipule. O. Petal. P. Calyx with detail of indumentum. Q. Pyramidal capsule. R. Pyramidal capsule showing loculicidal dehiscence. S. Schematic diagram of capsule dehiscence.

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FIGURE 2. A–F. Scanning Electron Microscopy of trichomes on leaf blades. A–B. M. villosa var. tomentosa: stellate and simple trichomes. C–D. M. villosa var. villosa: stellate trichomes. E–F. M. regnellii: simple trichomes.

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FIGURE 3. A. M. regnellii, branch with white flowers. B. Melochia villosa var. tomentosa, branch with lilac petals. C–D. M. pyramidata: C. branch with flowers and fruit, D. flowers having purple petals with yellow basal spots. E–G. M. gardneri: E–F. parts of the branches showing the axillary inflorescences, G. shrubby habit. H. M. pilosa, terminal inflorescence with yellow flowers. I. M. arenosa, branch with flowers having lilac petals with yellow basal spots. J. M. gardneri, branch with globose capsule with dehiscence partially loculicidal and septicidal. K. M. arenosa, part of branch with globose capsules. L. M. pyramidata, part of branch with pyramidal capsules.

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FIGURE 4. Scanning Electron Microscopy of seeds in Melochia. A–I. Reticulate seeds: A. M. arenosa; B. M. simplex; C. M. graminifolia; D. M. regnellii; E. M. villosa var. villosa; F. Melochia villosa var. tomentosa; G–H. M. pilosa, H. showing the deciduous hull; I. M. gardneri J–L. Striate seeds: J. M. betonicifolia; K. M. morongii; L. M. pyramidata.

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FIGURE 5. Scanning Electron Microscopy of trichomes in Melochia. A–B. M. pyramidata. biradiate trichomes on the outer calyx surface; C. M.simplex. peduncle, multiradiate trichomes; D. M. pyramidata. capitate-glandular trichomes on the outer calyx surface;E. M.regnellii. simple trichomes on the adaxial surface of leaf-blade; F. M. villosa var. villosa. stellate trichomes on the adaxial surface of leaf-blade.


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Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


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Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


UNESP, Campus São José Rio Prêto


Instituto de Botânica


Royal Botanic Gardens


Universidade de São Paulo


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Universidade de São Paulo


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


University of Copenhagen


University of the Witwatersrand


Federal University of Espírito Santo


Reserva Natural da Vale


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Nanjing University


Universität Zürich


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


University of Helsinki


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Herbarium Bradeanum


Instituto Agronômico de Campinas











