Periechocrinus longimanus ( Angelin, 1878 )

Ausich, William I., Wilson, Mark A. & Vinn, Olev, 2012, Crinoids from the Silurian of Western Estonia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (3), pp. 613-631 : 616-618

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Periechocrinus longimanus ( Angelin, 1878 )


Periechocrinus longimanus ( Angelin, 1878)

Fig. 3E View Fig .

1878 Actinocrinites longimanus sp. nov. Angelin, 1878: 6, pl. 15: 17; pl. 26: 16; pl. 28: 5, 5a, 6.

1881 Periechocrinus longimanus ( Angelin, 1878) ; Wachsmuth and Springer 1881: 132 (306).

1943 Periechocrinites longimanus ( Angelin, 1878) ; Bassler and Moodey 1943: 599.

1983a Periechocrinus longimanus ( Angelin, 1878) ; Franzén 1983: 6.

2003 Periechocrinus longimanus ( Angelin, 1878) ; Webster 2003.

Material.—Two Estonian specimens are assigned to P. longimanus : GIT 405−4−1 and GIT 405−4−2 from lower Wenlock, Jaani Formation.

Description.—Calyx small for the genus and is high bowl or globe shaped ( Fig. 3E View Fig ). Calyx plates are gently convex and smoothly sculpted with thin median ray ridges begining on the first primibrachials. Basal circlet is relatively low, truncate proximally, visible in side view. Three basal plates are subequal in size. Radial circlet is approximately 1.8 times higher than the basal circlet; interrupted in the posterior; radial plates five, hexagonal, and approximately 1.5 times higher than wide. In normal interrays, the first interradial is hexagonal, approximately as high as wide but tapers distally, and smaller than radials and first primibrachials. The second range of plates in normal interrays comprised of two plates, but more distal plating is not preserved. The first primibrachial is fixed, hexagonal, approximately 1.2 times wider than high, and smaller than radial plates. More distal ray plates, tegmen, free arms, and column are not preserved.

Discussion.— Periechocrinus is a cosmopolitan Silurian crinoid that characterizes many Silurian faunas. Franzén (1983) listed twelve species of Periechocrinus from Gotland, Sweden. Only two of these species are characterized by smooth calyx plating, P. grandiscutus and P. longimanus . From Angelin’s (1878) illustrations, P. grandiscutus has much more convexity to the radial plates than P. longimanus and the two Estonian specimens. Thus, Wenlockian specimens from Saaremaa are assigned to P. longimanus . The preserved portion of the calyx is approximately 15 mm wide and 17 mm high. Calyx plating is not evident on either specimen. Thus, the illustration ( Fig. 3E View Fig ) only illustrates the calyx outline.

Geographic and stratigraphic range.— Franzén (1983) reported P. longimanus from the Wenlock (Sheinwoodian) Högklint Formation and Slite Group of Gotland, Sweden. Similarly, the Estonian specimens are from the lower Wenlock, Jaani Formation, Jaani Shore, Saaremaa Island, Estonia.


Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology












Periechocrinus longimanus ( Angelin, 1878 )

Ausich, William I., Wilson, Mark A. & Vinn, Olev 2012

Actinocrinites longimanus

Angelin, N. P. 1878: 6
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