Odontepyris xui Wang, He & Chen, 2021

Wang, Chung-Hong, He, Jun-Hua & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2021, The genus Odontepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from China, Zootaxa 4964 (3), pp. 497-522 : 516-518

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Odontepyris xui Wang, He & Chen

sp. nov.

Odontepyris xui Wang, He & Chen sp. nov.

Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9

Diagnosis. Female. Head wider than long. Median clypeal carina distinctly exceeding anterior imaginary line of eyes. Dorsal pronotal area papillate; lateral margin carinate and papillate. Mesopleural dentate process present. Metapostnotal lateral carina straight, converging posteriorly. Transverse posterior carina of metapectal-propodeal complex curved, medially incurved. First median cell opened, Rs+M 2 v of forewing absent.

Description. Holotype ( Fig. 9a View FIGURE 9 ). Female. Body length: 5.17 mm. Forewing length: 3.34 mm.

Color. Head black; mandible light castaneous; antenna castaneous, antennomeres I-III lighter. Mesosoma black; legs yellowish, coxae and fore femora castaneous; tegula castaneous. Metasoma black with posterior margin of each segment lighter. Forewing hyaline tinged with yellowish; veins and prestigma yellowish; radius light castaneous; pterostigma castaneous.

Pubescence. Body with white setae in different density. Antenna with dense appressed white setae. Forewing with dense short brownish setae.

Head ( Figs 9b, 9c, 9d View FIGURE 9 ). Head wider than long, LH 0.89 × WH. Mandible with four apical teeth; upper two smaller with apex rounded; lower two triangular. Median clypeal lobe subtriangular with apex slightly round- ed; Median clypeal carina distinctly exceeding anterior imaginary line of eyes. Antennomeres II–VI in ratio of 141:173:149:152: 123 in length and respectively 1.72, 1.97, 1.46, 1.49, 1.16 × wide; antennal scrobal carina present. Frons coriaceous with dense punctures separate less than its diameter. WF 1.27 × LE. LE 2.19 × DEV. Anterior ocellus passing supra-ocular line 2.05 × DAO; POL 1.03 × AOL; OOL 1.60 × WOT; DPV 1.73 × DAO. Vertex coriaceous with dense punctures separate less than its diameter; vertex crest distinctly incurved. Sides of head behind eyes subparallel. Occipital carina absent. Malar line between mandible and eye present. Gena shiny with different size punctures; ventral area of gena coriaceous with dense punctures separate at most 1.5 × its diameter.

Mesosoma ( Figs 9e, 9f, 9g View FIGURE 9 ). Dorsal pronotal area coriaceous and papillate, shorter than wide; lateral margin carinate, posterior margin straight; cervical pronotal area coriaceous and papillate; pronotal flange visible in dorsal view; lateral pronotal area coriaceous. Mesoscutum coriaceous, slightly convex with punctures separate less than 1.5 × its diameter; basal one fifth shiny and weakly coriaceous; parapsidal furrow complete. Mesoscutellum weakly coriaceous with less dense punctures; mesoscutellar pit rounded, each pit distant from another by 4.67 × its own diameter; mesoscutellar groove weak, with several short longitudinal carinae and distinctly separated by median carina. Metapectal-propodeal disc wider than long; metapostnotum coriaceous with short irregular rugulae, median carina complete, lateral carina straight, converging posteriorly; basal triangular elevated area of metapostnotum absent; dorsal propodeal area coriaceous with irregular rugulae, depressing laterally; lateral marginal carina of metapectal-propodeal complex complete, extending to metacoxal articulation, transverse posterior carina of metapectal-propodeal complex curved, incurved medially; propodeal declivity coriaceous, shiny posteriorly; anterior metapleural area shiny with weak rugulae, metapleural line with three pits; lateral surface of metapectalpropodeal complex coriaceous, upper one third with short irregular rugulae. Propleuron coriaceous. Lateral surface of mesopectus coriaceous with dense large punctures; mesopleural dentate process developed, upper mesopleural fovea and mesopleural pit developed; posterolateral area shiny; ventral surface of mesopectus coriaceous, weakly papillate; subpleural signum carinate, mesodiscrimen present.

Forewing ( Fig. 9h View FIGURE 9 ). First median cell opened; Rs+M 2 v invisible; Rs 2 v 1.94 × M 2 v; 2r-rs&Rs 2 v slightly arched apically.

Metasoma. Abdominal terga shiny; second abdominal tergum, apical half of third to fifth abdominal terga, sixth to seventh abdominal terga with shallow sparse micro-punctures; longitudinal sulcus of second abdominal tergum present, extending to half of second abdominal tergum. Abdominal sterna shiny; second abdominal sternum rugulose with distinct longitudinal median carina; third abdominal sternum, fifth abdominal sternum papillate; fifth and sixth abdominal sterna with sparse punctures apically.

MALE unknown.

Type material. Holotype ♀ ( ZJUH), China, Guangdong Province, Fogang, Guanyin Mountain , 23°58ˊ32ʺN, 113°34ˊ10ʺE, 15–16.ix.2007, Zaifu Xu, No. 200706968. GoogleMaps

Distribution. China (Guangdong).

Etymology. This species is named in honour of Professor Zaifu Xu (SCAU) for his contribution to the taxonomic study of the Chinese Bethylidae .

Comments. This species is similar to O. fujianus Xu et al., 2002 by having first median cell of forewing opened, frons coriaceous with dense punctures and mesopleural dentate process present. However, O. xui sp. nov. can be distinguished by having Rs+M 2 v invisible, mesoscutellar groove shallow and clearly separate from mesoscutellar pit and metapostnotal lateral carina straight, whereas O. fujianus having Rs+M 2 v present, mesoscutellar groove connect with mesoscutellar pit and metapostnotal lateral carina curved apically.













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