Stylogaster acanthocercus, 2012

Stuke, Jens-Hermann, 2012, A revision of Afrotropical species of Stylogaster Macquart (Diptera: Conopidae), with descriptions of twenty-one new species and an identification key, African Invertebrates 53 (1), pp. 267-267 : 353-354

publication ID

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Felipe (2023-05-08 21:37:15, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 03:38:48)

scientific name

Stylogaster acanthocercus


Genus Stylogaster Macquart, 1835 View in CoL View at ENA

STYLOGASTER Macquart, 1835: 38 . Type species: Stylogaster stylata Fabricius, 1805 , by monotypy. STYLOMYIA Westwood, 1851: 268. Type species: Stylogaster leonum Westwood, 1851 , by subsequent designation of Coquillett (1910: 610). PTYCHOPROCTUS Bigot, 1859: 308 . Type species: Stylogaster complexa Bigot, 1859 , by monotypy. acanthocercus Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Fianarantsoa Prov., Belle Vue, 1.2 km S Ranomafana National Park entrance” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar. amplicercus Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Toamasina Province, 7 km SE of Andasibe National

Park” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical : Madagascar. camrasi Stuckenberg, 1963: 269 . Type locality: “ Madagascar: between Moramanga and Anosibe ” (HT ♂

MNHN). Afrotropical : Madagascar . clementsi Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Fianarantsoa Prov., 12 km W Ranomafana National

Park” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar. complexa Bigot, 1859: 309 (Ptychoproctus) . Type locality: “[ South Africa]: Natal. Port” (HT ♂ BMNH) .

Afrotropical: South Africa. copelandi Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Kenya: Western Prov., Kakamega Forest” (HT ♂ NMKE). Afrotropical: Kenya. fanjae Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National Ranomafana” (HT

♂ CAS). Afrotropical : Madagascar. frontalis Kröber, 1914: 344 . Type locality: “[Democratic Republic of Congo]: Congo Belge: P.N. A., Masif

Ruwenzori, Kalonge” (LT here designated ♂ MRAC).Afrotropical: Democratic Republic of the

Congo. [Only records of males published after the revision of Smith (1967) are accepted.] hauseri Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Fianarantsoa Prov, 17 km W Ranomafana, Vohiparara ,

Ranomafana National Park ” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar. hirsutifemora Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Prov. Antananarivbo, 46 km NE of Ankazobe :

Ambohitantely” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar. irwini Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Toliara Prov., Fiherenana ” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical :

Madagascar. kakamegensis Stuke , sp. n. Type locality : “ Kenya: Kakamega Forest ” (HT ♂ BMNH). Afrotropical :

Kenya. kenyensis Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Kenya: Western Prov., Kakamega Forest ” (HT ♂ NMKE). Afrotropical : Kenya. kirkspriggsi Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ South Africa: Cape Province, Cold spring, Grahamstown ” (HT

♂ AMGS). Afrotropical: South Africa. kroeberi Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Toliana Prov., Fiheren” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical :

Madagascar. latifrons Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National Ranomafana ” (HT

♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar. leonum Westwood, 1851: 269 (Stylomyia) . Type locality: “Sierra Leona, Africae” (HT ♂ BMNH). Afrotropical : Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the the Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and

Uganda. [Only records published after the revision of Smith (1967) are accepted.]

subapicalis Camras, 1955: 122. Type locality: “ Cameroon: Lolodorf” (HT ♀ FMNH). malgachensis Camras, 1962 b: 185 . Type locality: “[ Madagascar]: Ankarafantsika Forest , Tsaramandroso ”

(HT ♀ MNHN). Afrotropical : Madagascar. nilssoni Smith, 1984: 233 . Type locality: “ Madagascar:Ankazobe, Ambohitantely Forest” (HT ♀ BMNH) .

Afrotropical: Madagascar. nitens Brunetti, 1925: 111 . Type locality: “[ Ghana]: Obuasi Ashanti ” (ST 2♂ BMNH). Afrotropical : Angola ,

Democratic Republic of the the Congo, Ghana, South Africa and Uganda. [Egg records from hosts (♂ and ♀) without examination of male terminalia, remain unverified as more than one species may be involved.]

nitidula Kröber, 1936: 262 View in CoL . Type locality: “[ Democratic Republic of Congo]: Elisabethville ” (HT

♀ MRAC ).

parva Camras, 1955: 121 View in CoL . Type locality: “ Uganda: Kwanda ” (HT ♂ BMNH). obscurinotum Kröber, 1936: 260. Type locality: “[Democratic Republic of Congo]: Bambesa” (HT ♀

MRAC). Afrotropical: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Rwanda.

parkeri Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Fianarantsoa Prov., 12 km W Ranomafana National Park entrance” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar.

pauliana Camras, 1962 b: 186 . Type locality: “[ Madagascar]:Analavelona Mt.” (HT ♀ MNHN). Afrotropical : Madagascar.

pseudofanjae Stuke View in CoL , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical : Madagascar.

ranomafanensis Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Fianarantsoa Prov., 17 km W Ranomafana Vohiparara, Ranomafana National Park ” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar.

rinhaii Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Prov., 12 km W Ranomafana National Park entrance” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar.

schachti Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National, Ranomafana” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical : Madagascar.

seguyi Camras, 1962 b: 184 View in CoL . Type locality: “[ Madagascar]: Mtge. d’Ambre” (HT ♂ NHMB). Afrotropical : Madagascar.

seyrigi Séguy, 1932: 161 View in CoL . Type locality: “ Madagascar: Rogez” (LT ♀ MNHN). Afrotropical : Madagascar.

smithi Stuke View in CoL , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National, Ranomafana” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical : Madagascar.

spinicercus Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar: Prov. Antananarivo. 46 km NE of Ankazobe: Anbohitantely ” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar.

stuckenbergi Stuke , sp. n. Type locality: “ Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Prov., 12 km W Ranomafana National Park entrance” (HT ♂ CAS). Afrotropical: Madagascar.

varifrons Malloch, 1930: 465 . Type locality: “[ Zimbabwe]: Umtali, S. Rhodesia” (HT ♂ BMNH). Afrotropical: Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. [Additional published records from the Democratic Republic of Congo require confirmation.]

westwoodi Smith, 1967: 64 View in CoL . Type locality: “[ Tanzania]: Tanganyika:Amani” (HT ♀ BMNH). Afrotropical : Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Nomina dubia bigoti Smith, 1967: 66 View in CoL . Type locality: “S. Nigeria: Oshogbo” (HT ♀ BMNH). Afrotropical : Nigeria.

cohici Séguy, 1946: 99 View in CoL . Type locality: “Côte d’Ivoire: réserve du Banco” (HT ♀ MNHN). Afrotropical : Ivory Coast.


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