Titanochrysa, Sosa & Freitas, 2012

Tauber, Catherine A., Sosa, Francisco & Contreras-Ramos, Atilano, 2018, Cryptochrysa Freitas & Penny, a generic homonym, replaced by Titanochrysa Sosa & Freitas (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Zootaxa 4375 (2), pp. 287-295 : 294

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Plazi (2018-01-24 10:37:32, last updated 2024-11-27 06:26:03)

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Key to Titanochrysa View in CoL species

(modified from key in Sosa & Freitas 2012: 17)

1 Forewing crossveins with or without infuscation; mandibles symmetrical or asymmetrical; male: sternites S2–S8 with microtholi; dorsal rods of arcessus parallel; membrane beneath arcessus with or without two mesal lines of setae.......... 2

1’ Forewing crossveins with infuscation; mandibles symmetrical; male: sternites S2–S8 without microtholi; dorsal rods of arcessus X-shaped; membrane beneath arcessus with two mesal lines of setae ( Figs 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 in Sosa & Freitas 2012, Figs 16–18 in Tauber et al. 2012)................................................................. T. circumfusa (Burmeister) View in CoL

2 Forewing inner gradates with infuscation; mandibles asymmetrical; male: membrane beneath arcessus without small setae mesally............................................................................................ 3

2’ Forewing inner gradates without infuscation; mandibles symmetrical; male: membrane beneath arcessus with small setae mesally............................................................................................. 4

3 Forewing with network of short, dark, reticulate veins covered by a black spot on medial area; male: arcessus with dorsal rods short, merging apically; female: seventh sternite length ~3.5 times width (Figs 5–7 in Sosa & Freitas 2012, Figs 13–14 in Tauber et al. 2012)....................................................................... T. annotaria (Banks) View in CoL

Sosa, F. & Freitas, S. de (2012) A new genus of Neotropical Chrysopini (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Zootaxa, 3351, 1 - 14 [Errata: 3351, 1 - 18].

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FIGURE 1. Cryptochrysa chloros Freitas & Penny holotype (male), Mato Grosso, Brazil. A. Head, frontal; B. Head and thoraX, lateral; C. Terminalia, lateral; D. Gonarcal compleX, dorsal; E. Gonarcal compleX, lateral; F. ApeX of arcessus, lateral; G. Labels.

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FIGURE 2. Titanochrysa chloros (Freitas & Penny); specimens: laboratory-reared from females collected in Mato Grosso, Brazil. A–B. Head and thoraX, dorsal and lateral (male); C–D. Head, lateral and frontal (female); E. Mandible, dorsal; F. Habitus, lateral (female).

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FIGURE 3. Titanochrysa chloros (Freitas & Penny); specimens: laboratory-reared from females collected in Mato Grosso, Brazil. A, B. Male terminalia, lateral; C. Gonarcal compleX, lateral; D. Gonarcal compleX, ventral; E. Gonapsis, lateral; F. Gonapsis, dorsal G. Female terminalia, lateral (Note round callus cerci.); H–I. Spermatheca, lateral and ventral; J. ApeX of spermathecal duct. Abbreviations: ap-gs, lateral apodemes of gonarcus; arc, arcessus; cc, callus cerci; gc, gonocornua; gps, gonapsis; gst, gonosetae; llb, lateral lobe; mt, microtrichiae; sp, spermatheca; spd, spermathecal duct; S8+9, fused eighth and ninth sternites; tip, distal end of arcessus; tuft, tuft of setae attached to base of gonapsis; v, velum.









