Labahitha platnicki, Magalhaes & Berry & Koh & Gray, 2022

Magalhaes, Ivan L. F., Berry, James W., Koh, Joseph K. H. & Gray, Michael R., 2022, Labahitha spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Filistatidae) from islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, European Journal of Taxonomy 805 (1), pp. 1-51 : 38-41

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Felipe (2022-03-21 17:09:10, last updated by Juliana 2024-12-04 19:14:06)

scientific name

Labahitha platnicki

sp. nov.

Labahitha platnicki View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 26–27 View Fig View Fig , 29F View Fig


The male is unknown. Females can be diagnosed from congeners by the colouration pattern (carapace deep brown with lighter margins and abdomen dark with light grey transversal markings; Fig. 26A View Fig ) (vs colouration usually uniform, especially in the abdomen) and by the genitalia: the median receptacles are sclerotized, with many pores packed together, and have a median constriction ( Fig. 27 View Fig ) (vs median receptacles without a median constriction).


The species is named after the eminent arachnologist Norman Platnick, who collected part of the type series and has recently passed away in an untimely manner, in memory of his innumerable contributions to arachnology and systematics.

Type material

Holotype NEW CALEDONIA • ♀; Nord , Foué, W of Koné; 21.1° S, 164.81667° E; 15 Feb. 1993; N.I. Platnick, R.J. Raven and M.S. Harvey leg.; under bark of trees along beach; AMNH IFM-0890 . GoogleMaps

Paratypes NEW CALEDONIA • 3 ♀♀, 1 imm. (together with the holotype); same collection data as for holotype; AMNH GoogleMaps 14 ♀♀; Nord , Roche Percée nr. Plage de Poè, W of Bourail; 21.6° S, 165.43333° E; 18 Feb. 1993; N.I. Platnick, R.J. Raven and M.S. Harvey leg.; coastal cliffs; AMNH IFM-1747 GoogleMaps .

PAPUA NEW GUINEA • 5 ♀♀, 3 imm.; Bismarck Islands ; [5.55234° S, 150.13883° E]; 16 Aug. 1894; ZMB IFM-0720 GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Bismarck Islands , “Rala” [Rabaul?]; [5.55234° S, 150.13883° E]; 27 Jan. 1897; under bark of Alstonia ; ZMB GoogleMaps .

Other material examined





Female (holotype from Koné, Foué, Nord, New Caledonia, AMNH IFM-0890)

COLOURATION. Carapace reddish brown on median area, lateral borders yellow, with dark brown V-shaped median pattern, submarginal bands and clypeal markings. Chelicerae, labium and endites orange brown. Sternum orange brown stippled with dark brown. Legs yellowish cream, becoming orange brown distally, with longitudinal brown bands on femora, tibiae and metatarsi. Abdomen dark brown, dorsum with five grayish cream chevron-like markings posteriorly, venter greyish cream with brown pigment around spinnerets.

HABITUS. Anterior margin of the carapace unmodified. Eye apodemes present. Sternum suboval, with one pair of posterior sigilla.

MEASUREMENTS. Total length 2.63. Carapace length 1.09, width 0.85. Clypeus length 0.22. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.04, PME 0.06, ALE 0.06, PLE 0.06, AME–AME 0.02, PME–PME 0.08. Sternum length 0.66, width 0.49. Palp: femur length 0.62, height 0.24, tibia length 0.33, height 0.21. Leg I: 3.30 (0.90, 0.32, 0.83, 0.73, 0.52). II: 2.69 (0.77, 0.28, 0.64, 0.58, 0.42). III: 2.29 (0.69, 0.24, 0.49, 0.53, 0.34). IV: 3.08 (0.93, 0.31, 0.74, 0.70, 0.40). Abdomen: length 1.71, width 1.18.


EPIGASTRIC FURROW. Unsclerotized, with two lateral patches of thicker setae.

ENDOGYNE ( Fig. 27 View Fig ). Two pairs of receptacles, median receptacle globular, sclerotized, with a constricted base, bearing many glandular pores; lateral receptacle globular, unsclerotized, bearing few glandular pores. Interpulmonary fold large, pentagonal, covering the seminal receptacles.

STATE OF THE SPECIMEN. Genitalia dissected, right legs I–II and left legs III–IV missing from patella.


The median receptacles of specimens from the Bismarck Islands are more clearly bilobate ( Fig. 27B View Fig ), while they are merely constricted in females from New Caledonia ( Fig. 27C View Fig ). The discovery of males would be desirable to ascertain their co-specificity. Females (N = 4): total length 2.09–2.63 (2.35), carapace length 0.86–1.16 (1.01), femur I length 0.73–0.99 (0.85).

Natural history

Label data indicate specimens have been collected under bark of Alstonia R.Br. trees in the Bismarck Islands, and in coastal cliffs and under bark in coastal trees in New Caledonia.


New Caledonia and Bismarck Islands, Papua New Guinea ( Fig. 1B View Fig ).

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Fig. 26. Labahitha platnicki sp. nov., female somatic morphology. A. Holotype from New Caledonia, Nord, Foué (AMNH IFM-0890), habitus, dorsal. B, D–F. Paratype from New Caledonia, Nord, Plage de Poè (AMNH IFM-1747). B. Habitus, dorsal. C. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Islands (ZMB IFM- 0720), habitus, dorsal. D. Habitus, lateral. E. Ventral. F. Genital region, ventral. Scale bars = 0.5 mm, except where noted.

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Fig. 27. Labahitha platnicki sp. nov., endogyne, dorsal. A, C. Holotype, ♀, from New Caledonia, Nord, Foué (AMNH IFM-0890). B. Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Islands (ZMB IFM-0720).

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Fig. 29. Labahitha spp., endogyne, dorsal. A. Labahitha garciai (Simon, 1892) comb. nov. from Singapore, Pulau Ubin (JK 150310.0002). B. Paratype of Pritha sechellana Benoit, 1978 from Seychelles, Praslin (MRAC 143106). C. Labahitha fuscata (Nakatsudi, 1943) comb. nov. from Brunei, Tutong (JK 110416.1907). D–E. Labahitha marginata (Kishida, 1936) comb. nov. D. Costa Rica, San José, Parque Nacional La Cangreja (INBIO 79582). E. Paratype of Filistata bakeri Berland, 1938 from Vanuatu, Espiritu Santo (MNHN AR 3437). F. Holotype of Labahitha platnicki sp. nov. from New Caledonia, Nord, Foué (AMNH IFM-0890). Scale bars = 0.1 mm.

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Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of Labahitha Zonstein, Marusik & Magalhaes, 2017. A. L. fuscata (Nakatsudi, 1943) comb. nov. B. Labahitha spp. (black triangle = L. gibsonhilli (Savory, 1943); white circle = L. nicobarensis (Tikader, 1977) comb. nov.; white square = L. oonopiformis (Bristowe, 1938); white star = L. platnicki sp. nov.; white triangle = L. ryukyuensis (Ono, 2013) comb. nov.; black star = L. incerta sp. nov.; black diamond = L. littoralis (Roewer, 1938) comb. nov.; black square = L. insularis (Thorell, 1891) comb. nov.; black circle =L. sundaica comb. nov. C. L. garciai(Simon, 1892) comb. nov. D. L. marginata (Kishida, 1936) comb. nov. Scale bars = 1000 km.


American Museum of Natural History


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)













