Cyrtocapsus apicalis Henry

Henry, Thomas J., 2022, Revision of the New World Plant Bug Genus Cyrtocapsus (Heteroptera: Miridae Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini), with New and Revised Synonymies, Lectotype Designations, and Descriptions of 12 New Species, Zootaxa 5154 (1), pp. 1-48 : 8

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Plazi (2022-06-13 06:30:11, last updated 2024-11-26 04:42:06)

scientific name

Cyrtocapsus apicalis Henry

sp. nov.

Cyrtocapsus apicalis Henry , new species 7386C23D-0B24-4059-BE92-16C497D9D669

( Figs. 8, 9 View FIGURES 8–17 , 58–60 View FIGURES 58–70 )

Diagnosis. This species ( Figs. 8, 9 View FIGURES 8–17 ) is distinguished by the uniformly fuscous to black dorsum; the pale second antennal segment, with the apical fourth fuscous; and the yellowish-white middle and hind coxae, with the bases brown.

Cyrtocapsus apicalis keys to couplet 12 based on the pale legs with only the bases of the middle and hind coxae brown, the uniformly dark dorsum, the pale antennal segment I, and pale segment II with only the apical fourth dark brown. All species in the subsequent couplets 13–15 [ C. lazelli ( Figs. 35, 36 View FIGURES 29–39 ), C. rostratus ( Figs. 49–51 View FIGURES 49–57 ), and C. elutipes ( Figs. 2–22 View FIGURES 2–7 View FIGURES 8–17 View FIGURES 18–28 )] are distinguished by the uniformly yellowish-white to white coxae and white antennal segment II.

Description. Male ( Figs. 8, 9 View FIGURES 8–17 ) (n = 1, plus holotype measurements in parentheses): Length to apex of membrane 2.53 mm (2.50 mm), length to base of cuneus 1.86 mm (1.79 mm), widest width across hemelytra 1.50 mm (1.47 mm). Head: Width 0.75 mm (0.77 mm), interocular width 0.38 mm (0.40 mm). Labium: Length 0.77 mm (0.80 mm). Antenna: Segment I length 0.45 mm (0.48 mm); II, 0.54 mm (0.53 mm); III and IV shriveled. Pronotum: Median length 0.90 mm (0.94 mm), basal width 1.28 mm (1.23 mm).

Coloration: Head black on vertex, frons, and clypeus; sides and undersurface yellowish brown to brownish orange; eyes dark reddish brown. Labium yellowish brown. Antennal segment I yellow; segment II yellow, with apical third fuscous; segments III and IV fuscous. Pronotum and scutellum uniformly black. Hemelytron with clavus (except pale apex) and basal two thirds of corium fuscous; embolium and apical third of corium dark yellowish brown; cuneus fuscous; membrane whitish, with veins and inside of areole fuscous. Ventral surface, including ostiolar auricle, fuscous to black, with abdominal segment II and genital capsule dark brown. Hind and middle coxae pale yellowish white, with extreme bases brown; front coxa uniformly yellowish white. Femora and tibiae uniformly pale yellowish white; tarsomeres I and II yellowish white, tarsomere III and claws brown.

Texture and vestiture: Head shiny, impunctate, weakly rugose; median line and transverse striations on vertex and frons with silvery sericeous setae. Pronotum shiny, uniformly punctate; calli prominent, divided by a deep pit; anterior third around collar and calli with lines of silvery sericeous setae, disc with recumbent silvery, simple setae. Hemelytron dull, impunctate; with evenly scattered, silvery sericeous setae.

Genitalia: Left paramere ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 58–70 ) elongate, broadened through middle, and narrowed and weakly hooked apically. Endosoma ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 58–70 ) as in generic description. Right paramere ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 58–70 ) elongate and apically rounded with a blunt, subapical process on right.

Female: Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet “apicalis” is used to denote the apically fuscous second antennal segment.

Host. Unknown.

Distribution. Known only from San Martin Department, Peru.

Type material. Holotype ♂: PERU: San Martin Dept., Tarapoto, vic. Cordillera Escalera Lodge , 432 m, 11–13 Oct. 2012, 06º28’08.1”S, 076º21’16.4”W, J.E. Eger, at MV and UV light ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Paratype: 1 ♂, same data as for holotype ( USNM) GoogleMaps .

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FIGURES 8–17. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 8, 9,Cyrtocapsus apicalis, holotype male.8, dorsal aspect. 9, lateral aspect. 10–12, C. atrametatibialis. 10, male, dorsal aspect. 11, male, lateral aspect. 12, female, dorsal aspect. 13, 14, C. caligineus. 13, male, dorsal aspect. 14, female, dorsal aspect. 15, 16, C. columbiensis. 15, male, dorsal aspect. 16, female, dorsal aspect. 17, C. costatus, holotype male, dorsal aspect.

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FIGURES 58–70. Male genitalia of Cyrtocapsus spp. 58–60, C. apicalis. 58, left paramere. 59, endosoma. 60, right paramere. 61, 62, C. atrametatibialis. 61, left paramere. 62, right paramere. 63, 64, C. caligineus. 63, left paramere. 64, right paramere. 65, 66, C. columbiensis. 65, left paramere. 66, right paramere. 67, 68, C. elutipes. 67, left paramere. 68, right paramere. 69, 70, C. femoralis. 69, left paramere. 70, right paramere.

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FIGURES 29–39. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 29, 30, C. grenadensis. 29, male, dorsal aspect. 30, female, dorsal aspect. 31, C. guianus, holotype female, dorsal aspect. 32, 33, C. haitianus. 32, male dorsal aspect. 33, female, dorsal aspect. 34, C. intermedius, female, dorsal aspect. 35, 36, C. lazelli. 35, male, dorsal aspect. 36, female, dorsal aspect. 37, 38, C. marginatus. 37, lectotype male, dorsal aspect. 38, paralectotype female, dorsal aspect. 39, C. mesoamericanus, holotype male, dorsal aspect.

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FIGURES 49–57. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 49–51, C. rostratus. 49, male dorsal aspect. 50, female lectotype, dorsal aspect. 51, female lectotype, lateral aspect. 52–54, C. schaffneri. 52, male, dorsal aspect. 53, female, dorsal aspect. 54, C. female, lateral aspect. 55, C. spatulatus, holotype male, dorsal aspect. 56, 57. C. suturalis. 56, male, dorsal aspect. 57, male, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 2–7. Scanning electron micrographs of Cyrtocapsus lazelli. 2, head and pronotum, lateral aspect. 3, head and pronotum, dorsal aspect. 4, head, frontal aspect. 5, ostiolar evaporative area and auricle. 6, parameres, lateral aspect. 7, pretarsal claws.

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FIGURES 18–28. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 18, 19, C. discalis, holotype male. 18, dorsal aspect. 19, lateral aspect. 20–22, C. elutipes. 20, male, dorsal aspect. 21, female, dorsal aspect. 22, female, lateral aspect. 23, 24, C. femoralis, lectotype male. 23, dorsal aspect. 24, lateral aspect. 25, 26, C. fiuzai. 25, male, dorsal aspect. 26, female, dorsal aspect. 27, 28, C. glabratus, holotype male. 27, dorsal aspect. 28, lateral aspect.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











