Cyrtocapsus atrametatibialis Henry

Henry, Thomas J., 2022, Revision of the New World Plant Bug Genus Cyrtocapsus (Heteroptera: Miridae Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini), with New and Revised Synonymies, Lectotype Designations, and Descriptions of 12 New Species, Zootaxa 5154 (1), pp. 1-48 : 10

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Plazi (2022-06-13 06:30:11, last updated 2024-11-26 04:42:06)

scientific name

Cyrtocapsus atrametatibialis Henry

sp. nov.

Cyrtocapsus atrametatibialis Henry , new species 56C12847-4AA6-4F53-A94A-0C1E460BC147

( Figs. 10–12 View FIGURES 8–17 , 61, 62 View FIGURES 58–70 )

Diagnosis. Cyrtocapsus atrametatibialis ( Figs. 10–12 View FIGURES 8–17 ) keys to two places in the key because of the relatively unique sexually dimorphic hind leg color. This species is distinguished from all other species of the genus in lacking a lateral pronotal carina adjacent to the calli. It is also recognized by the relatively long labium extending to the middle coxae, the uniformly black body and yellowish-white to white antenna and legs, with only the apical third of the hind femur and the entire hind tibiae black in males. Females are like males, except that the hind leg is entirely pale, making C. atrametatibialis the only sexually dimorphic species known in the genus.

Males run to couplet 3 with C. columbiensis ( Figs. 15, 16 View FIGURES 8–17 ) and C. metafemoratus ( Figs. 40, 41 View FIGURES 40–48 ) following as choices in couplet 4. Cyrtocapsus columbiensis is similar in the overall dark body and pale antennae but differs in having the hind femur completely dark brown or fuscous, with only the apex paler, and a uniformly pale yellowishwhite hind tibia; C. metafemoratus differs in the dark brown body, with the posterior margin of the pronotum, the embolium, and apex of the corium brownish orange, the hind femur dark brown on the apical third, and the basally dark brown hind tibia.

Females run to couplet 14 in the key, based on the pale or white femora, dark embolium, pale or white coxae, pale or white antennae, and the lack of a pronotal carina lateral to the calli. The lack of a pronotal carina will separate it from the species following in couplets 15 and 16. As noted above, the fuscous apical third of the hind femur and the entirely fuscous or black hind tibia in males readily distinguish this species from all others.

Description. Male ( Figs. 10, 11 View FIGURES 8–17 ) (n = 5, plus holotype measurements in parentheses): Length to apex of membrane 3.36–3.71 mm (3.62 mm), length to base of cuneus 2.24–2.59 mm (2.24 mm), widest width across hemelytra 1.41–1.60 mm (1.44 mm). Head: Width 0.77–0.83 mm (0.80 mm), interocular width 0.37–0.42 mm (0.38 mm). Labium: Length 0.77–0.83 mm (0.80 mm). Antenna: Segment I length 0.38–0.43 mm (0.42 mm); II, 0.58–0.62 mm (0.56 mm); III, 0.56–0.58 mm (0.56 mm); IV, 0.0.77– 0.85 mm (0.72 mm). Pronotum: Median length 0.80–0.82 mm (0.82 mm), basal width 1.15–1.25 mm (1.17 mm).

Coloration: Head black dorsally, yellowish brown on sides, darker brown ventrally, eyes dark reddish brown. Labium uniformly yellow (one paratype) to bright red (holotype and seven of eight paratypes).Antenna pale yellowish brown, segments III and IV slightly darker brown. Pronotum, scutellum, and hemelytron uniformly black; membrane translucent white, with veins and inside of areole fuscous. Ventral surface, including ostiolar auricle, black. Coxae and front and middle legs pale yellow to whitish; hind femur in male pale yellow to whitish, with apical half dorsally and laterally fuscous, hind femur in female uniformly pale yellowish white to white; hind tibia uniformly fuscous in male, uniformly yellowish white to white in female; tarsi and claws pale yellowish brown to brown.

Texture and vestiture: Head shiny, impunctate, with recumbent, silvery, sericeous setae. Pronotum shiny, uniformly punctate, lateral margin lacking a distinct carina adjacent to calli; calli prominent, divided by a deep pit; with evenly scattered, recumbent, silvery, sericeous setae. Hemelytron weakly shiny, with evenly scattered, silvery, sericeous setae.

Male genitalia: Left paramere ( Fig. 61 View FIGURES 58–70 ) stout, C-shaped. Right paramere ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 58–70 ) elongate, slender, weakly tapering toward apex, and apically blunt.

Female ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 8–17 ) (n = 5): Length to apex of membrane 3.33–3.92 mm, length to base of cuneus 2.12–2.52 mm, widest width across hemelytra 1.39–1.68 mm. Head: Width 0.75–0.82 mm, interocular width 0.37–0.42 mm. Labium: Length 0.77–0.88 mm. Antenna: Segment I length 0.38–0.45 mm; II, 0.51–0.59 mm; III, 0.51–0.58 mm; IV, 0.74–0.83 mm. Pronotum: Median length 0.80–0.93 mm, basal width 1.15–1.33 mm.

Etymology. The specific epithet “ atrametatibialis ” is used to denote the uniformly black hind tibiae in the males of this species.

Host. Beaten from pica-pica, Cnidoscolus sp. [ Euphorbiaceae ].

Distribution. Known only from Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

Type material. Holotype ♂: BOLIVIA: Dept. Santa Cruz, Prov. Florida, Refugio los Volcanes, 18º06’S, 63º36’W, 1045 m, 9–13 Dec. 2008, T.J. Henry, S. Lingafelter, & D. Windsor, ex Cnidoscolus sp. ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: BOLIVIA: 1 ♂, Dept. Santa Cruz , Prov. Florida , Vicoquin area above Achira, rd to Amboró, 18º07'S, 63º47'W, 16 Dec. 2008, 1730–2000 m, T.J. Henry, S. Lingafelter, and D. Windsor ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Dept. Santa Cruz , Prov. Florida, 4 km N of Bermejo, 18º06'S, 63º36'W, 1045 m, 10 Dec. 2011, N.E. Woodley ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 4 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀, same data as for holotype ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀, Bolivia, Dept. Santa Cruz , Prov. Andres Ibáñez. Potrerillos del MZUSP Guenda, 17º40'S, 63º27'W, 370 m, 5–8 Dec. 2008, T.J. Henry, S. Lingafelter, and D. Windsor, ex Cnidoscolus sp. (pica-pica) ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 30 ♂♂, 21 ♀♀, Dept. Santa Cruz , Prov. Florida , Refugio los Volcanes, 18º06’S, 63º36’W, 1045–1350 m, 5–8 Dec. 2013, T.J. Henry, ex Cnidoscolus sp. ( USNM) GoogleMaps .

Gallery Image

FIGURES 8–17. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 8, 9,Cyrtocapsus apicalis, holotype male.8, dorsal aspect. 9, lateral aspect. 10–12, C. atrametatibialis. 10, male, dorsal aspect. 11, male, lateral aspect. 12, female, dorsal aspect. 13, 14, C. caligineus. 13, male, dorsal aspect. 14, female, dorsal aspect. 15, 16, C. columbiensis. 15, male, dorsal aspect. 16, female, dorsal aspect. 17, C. costatus, holotype male, dorsal aspect.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 58–70. Male genitalia of Cyrtocapsus spp. 58–60, C. apicalis. 58, left paramere. 59, endosoma. 60, right paramere. 61, 62, C. atrametatibialis. 61, left paramere. 62, right paramere. 63, 64, C. caligineus. 63, left paramere. 64, right paramere. 65, 66, C. columbiensis. 65, left paramere. 66, right paramere. 67, 68, C. elutipes. 67, left paramere. 68, right paramere. 69, 70, C. femoralis. 69, left paramere. 70, right paramere.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 40–48. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 40, 41, C. metafemoratus. 40, male, dorsal aspect. 41, holotype female, dorsal aspect. 42, 43, C. nordestinus. 42, male, dorsal aspect. 43, male, lateral aspect. 44, 45, C. pallipes. 44, male, dorsal aspect. 45, female, dorsal aspect. 46, 47, C. paraensis, holotype female (of C. bolivianus). 46, dorsal aspect. 47, lateral aspect. 48, C. paraguaiensis, holotype female, dorsal aspect.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











