Cyrtocapsus intermedius Reuter, 1909

Henry, Thomas J., 2022, Revision of the New World Plant Bug Genus Cyrtocapsus (Heteroptera: Miridae Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini), with New and Revised Synonymies, Lectotype Designations, and Descriptions of 12 New Species, Zootaxa 5154 (1), pp. 1-48 : 24-25

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Plazi (2022-06-13 06:30:11, last updated 2024-11-26 04:42:06)

scientific name

Cyrtocapsus intermedius Reuter


Cyrtocapsus intermedius Reuter View in CoL

( Figs. 34 View FIGURES 29–39 , 80, 81 View Figures 71– 84 )

Cyrtocapsus intermedius Reuter 1909: 2 View in CoL (original description; Trinidad); Carvalho 1954: 13 (key), 1957: 96 (catalog); Carvalho & Rosas 1965: 210 (list, distribution); Carvalho & Afonso 1977: 8 (list, distribution); Schuh 1995: 542, 2002 –2013 (online catalog); Cazorla-Perfetti 2021: 14 (list, distribution).

Cyrtocapsus xinguanus Carvalho 1985: 271 View in CoL (original description; Mato Gross, Brazil); Henry & Carvalho 1987: 293 (key); Schuh 1995: 542 (catalog), 2002–2013 (online catalog). New synonymy.

Diagnosis. Cyrtocapsus intermedius ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 29–39 ) is recognized by the overall dark brown color, with the corium all or in part paler brown; the yellowish- to reddish-brown embolium; the pale yellowish-white antenna, with the apex of segment II red to reddish brown; the mostly fuscous cuneus; and the pale yellow to yellowish-white legs.

It is most similar to C. fiuzai ( Figs. 25, 26 View FIGURES 18–28 ) in overall color, but the latter differs in having slightly more brownish orange along the posterior margin of the pronotum, a larger pale area at the apex of the corium, a more extensively brownish-orange cuneus with only the inner third dark, the uniformly yellowish-white antennal segment II lacking a red apex, and the broadly rounded right paramere ( Fig. 81 View Figures 71– 84 ).

Description. Male ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 29–39 ) (n = 3): Length to apex of membrane 3.42–3.68 mm, length to base of cuneus 2.40–2.46 mm, widest width across hemelytra 1.40–1.46 mm. Head: Width 0.74–0.83 mm, interocular width 0.34– 0.40 mm. Labium: Length 0.82–0.88 mm. Antenna: Segment I length 0.45–0.46 mm; II, 0.72–0.75 mm; III and IV missing. Pronotum: Median length 0.90–0.96 mm, basal width 1.17–1.28 mm.

Coloration: Head dorsally fuscous on vertex, dark brown on clypeus, and yellowish orange laterally, ventrally, and along inner margins of eyes; eyes reddish brown. Labium yellow to yellowish brown, apex of segment IV darker brown. Antenna uniformly pale yellow, with apex of segment II red or reddish brown. Pronotum fuscous to dark brown, discal area becoming slightly paler brown. Scutellum fuscous to black. Hemelytron with clavus dark brown, corium dark brown with apical area paler brown to almost entirely pale brown in lectotype, and embolium pale brown to reddish brown; membrane clear to translucent, veins brown, inside of areole smoky brown. Legs, including coxae, pale yellow; tarsomere III and claws brown.

Texture and vestiture: Head rugose, weakly transversely striate, with silvery, sericeous setae, especially along midline and inner margins of eyes. Pronotum shiny, disc and collar coarsely punctate; calli prominent, finely punctate, separated by a deep pit; collar and calli with dense silvery, sericeous setae, disc with finer, more sparse, silvery sericeous setae. Scutellum evenly and finely punctate, with dense silvery sericeous setae. Hemelytron dull, impunctate, with scattered silvery sericeous setae.

Male genitalia: Left paramere ( Fig. 80 View Figures 71– 84 ) with basal stem slender, main body broadened, then narrowing to a sharp hook apically. Right paramere ( Fig. 81 View Figures 71– 84 ) with a slender stem, elongate main body, and bluntly rounded apex.

Female (n = 3, plus lectotype measurements in parentheses): Length to apex of membrane (n = 2) 3.36–3.52 mm (3.23 mm), length to base of cuneus 2.34–2.40 mm (2.27 mm), widest width across hemelytra 1.44–1.54 mm (1.44 mm). Head: Width 0.74–0.77 mm (0.77 mm), interocular width 0.37–0.38 mm (0.37 mm). Labium: Length 0.80–0.83 mm (0.80 mm). Antenna: Segment I length (n = 1) 0.45 mm (0.43 mm); II, (n = 1) 0.50 mm (0.51 mm); III missing (shriveled); IV missing (missing). Pronotum: Median length 0.90–0.91 mm (0.88 mm), basal width 1.20–1.25 mm (1.20 mm).

Host. Unknown.

Distribution. Cyrtocapsus intermedius was described from Trinidad ( Reuter 1909) and later reported from Suriname ( Carvalho & Rosas 1965) and Venezuela ( Carvalho & Afonso 1977, Cazorla-Perfetti 2021). With the synonymy of C. xinguanus , the distribution of C. intermedius is extended to Mato Grosso, Brazil. Bahia is a new Brazilian state record.

Discussion. Study of the lectotype of C. intermedius , designated below, and the holotype images and original description of C. xinguanus shows that these two taxa are conspecific.

Type designation. Because Reuter (1909) did not indicate how many specimens he had when describing C. intermedius , for nomenclatural stability, I am designating the following female in the USNM collection as the lectotype: Label 1, “ Trinidad, WI, 6–26–02, Chipman”; 2, “ O. Heidemann collector”; 3, “(hand written) “21”; 4, “Spec. type”; 5, “ Cyrtocapsus intermedius n. sp. O. M. Reuter det.”; 6 (red), “Type No. 61881 USNM”; 7 (red, here added), “ LECTOTYPE: ♀ Cyrtocapsus intermedius Reuter , desig. by T.J. Henry. ”

Other type material examined. Holotype ♂ (images of Cyrtocapsus xinguanus ): BRAZIL: “[Brasil], Confluencia, Xingu Kuluene, Matto [sic] Grosso, 6–47, J. C. M. Carvalho ” (destroyed in 2018 MNRJ fire).

Other specimens examined. BRAZIL: Bahia : 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Bahia, Bon Fim , Nov. 1907 [no collector] ( USNM) . SURINAME: 1 ♂, Paramaribo, 15–20 May 1970, N. Niesser ( USNM) . TRINIDAD: 1 ♂ (head missing) , 1 ♀, Dept. Agr. grounds, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad , 24–31 Oct. 1918, H. Morrison ( USNM) ; 1 ♀, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, W.I. (no date), H.J. Crew ( USNM) ; 1 ♀, Caroni River , 12 Oct. 1918, H. Morrison ( USNM) ; 1 ♀, Cocoa Estate, about 6 mi. from La Brea, Trinidad , 18 Oct. 1918, H. Morrison ( USNM) .

Carvalho, J. C. M. (1954) Neotropical Miridae, LXXI: Genus Cyrtocapsus Reuter with descriptions of four new species (Hemiptera). Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 49, 12 - 17.

Carvalho, J. C. M. & Rosas, A. F. (1965) Mirideos neotropicais, XCV: Genero e especie nova do Suriname, com uma lista de especies coligidas em Paramaribo (Hemiptera). Revista Brazileira de Biologia, 25, 207 - 210.

Carvalho, J. C. M. & Afonso, C. R. S. (1977) Mirideos neotropicais, CCVIII: Sobre uma colecao enviada para estudo pela Academia de Ciencias da California (Hemiptera). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 37, 7 - 16.

Carvalho, J. C. M. (1985) Mirideos neotropicais, CCXLVII: Descricoes de um genero e trinta e quatro especies novas da tribo Bryocorini Douglas & Scott (Hemiptera). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 44, 267 - 294.

Cazorla-Perfetti, D. (2021) Listado comentado de Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha) de Venezuela. Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia, 242, 1 - 91.

Henry, T. J. & Carvalho, J. C. M. (1987) A peculiar case history: Hemisphaerodella miriabilis Reuter is the nymphal stage of Cyrtocapsus caligineus (Stal) (Heteroptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 95, 290 - 293.

Reuter, O. M. (1909) Bemerkungen uber nearktische Capsiden nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, 36 (2), 1 - 86. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 9445

Schuh, R. T. (1995) Plant Bugs of the World (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). Systematic Catalog, Distributions, Host List, and Bibliography. New York Entomological Society, New York, 1329 pp.

Schuh, R. T. (2002 - 2013) On-line Systematic Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). Available from: http: // research. amnh. org / pbi / catalog / (last accessed 29 Dec. 2021)

Gallery Image

FIGURES 29–39. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 29, 30, C. grenadensis. 29, male, dorsal aspect. 30, female, dorsal aspect. 31, C. guianus, holotype female, dorsal aspect. 32, 33, C. haitianus. 32, male dorsal aspect. 33, female, dorsal aspect. 34, C. intermedius, female, dorsal aspect. 35, 36, C. lazelli. 35, male, dorsal aspect. 36, female, dorsal aspect. 37, 38, C. marginatus. 37, lectotype male, dorsal aspect. 38, paralectotype female, dorsal aspect. 39, C. mesoamericanus, holotype male, dorsal aspect.

Gallery Image

Figures 71– 84. Male genitalia of Cyrtocapsus spp. 71, 72, C. fiuzai. 71, left paramere. 72, right paramere. 73, 74, C. glabratus. 73, left paramere. 74, right paramere. 75, 76, C. grenadensis. 75, left paramere. 76, right paramere. 77–79, C. haitianus. 77, left paramere. 78, endosoma. 79, right paramere. 80, 81, C. intermedius. 80, left paramere. 81, right paramere. 82–84, C. lazelli. 82, left paramere. 83, endosoma. 84, right paramere.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 18–28. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 18, 19, C. discalis, holotype male. 18, dorsal aspect. 19, lateral aspect. 20–22, C. elutipes. 20, male, dorsal aspect. 21, female, dorsal aspect. 22, female, lateral aspect. 23, 24, C. femoralis, lectotype male. 23, dorsal aspect. 24, lateral aspect. 25, 26, C. fiuzai. 25, male, dorsal aspect. 26, female, dorsal aspect. 27, 28, C. glabratus, holotype male. 27, dorsal aspect. 28, lateral aspect.


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