Cyrtocapsus lazelli Henry

Henry, Thomas J., 2022, Revision of the New World Plant Bug Genus Cyrtocapsus (Heteroptera: Miridae Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini), with New and Revised Synonymies, Lectotype Designations, and Descriptions of 12 New Species, Zootaxa 5154 (1), pp. 1-48 : 25-26

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Plazi (2022-06-13 06:30:11, last updated 2024-11-26 04:42:06)

scientific name

Cyrtocapsus lazelli Henry

sp. nov.

Cyrtocapsus lazelli Henry , new species 5C2FFA25-8230-4E2D-8B6B-461689DC0508

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2–7 View FIGURES 2–7 , 35, 36 View FIGURES 29–39 , 82–84 View Figures 71– 84 )

Diagnosis. Cyrtocapsus lazelli ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 35, 36 View FIGURES 29–39 ) is recognized by black dorsum, with the clypeus, underside of the head, antennae, legs (including the coxae), the apical third of the cuneus, the ovipositor, and last segment of the female abdomen white.

It is similar to several other black species with pale antennae and legs, such as C. elutipes ( Figs. 20–22 View FIGURES 18–28 ) and C. rostratus ( Figs. 49–51 View FIGURES 49–57 ) but is readily distinguished by the white undersurface of the head and apical third of the cuneus, the latter of which is unique in the genus.

Description. Male ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 29–39 ) (n = 5; plus holotype measurements in parentheses): Length to apex of membrane 2.82–3.23 mm (3.10 mm), length to base of cuneus 1.82–2.14 mm (2.02 mm), widest width across hemelytra 1.23– 1.46 mm (1.23 mm). Head: Width 0.70–0.74 mm (0.70 mm), interocular width 0.38–0.40 mm (0.40 mm). Labium: Length 0.86–0.96 mm (0.91 mm). Antenna: Segment I length 0.35–0.38 mm (0.35 mm); II, 0.42–0.43 mm (0.38 mm); IV, 0.26–0.32 mm (0.30 mm). Pronotum: Median length 0.61–0.69 mm (0.61 mm), basal width 1.04–1.15 mm (1.02 mm).

Coloration: Head with vertex and frons black, including inner margins of eyes; clypeus and underside pale yellowish white to white. Labium pale yellowish white to white, apex of segment IV pale brown. Antenna pale yellowish white to white. Pronotum and scutellum black. Hemelytron black, cuneus black with apical third white; membrane white, veins white distally, inside of areole and part of vein level with dark area of cuneus black. Ventral surface black; female ovipositor and surrounding segments usually pale yellowish white. Legs uniformly pale yellowish white to white, claws pale brown.

Texture and vestiture: Head weakly shiny, rugose, frons transversely striate, with relatively fine, silvery, sericeous setae at base, along median and inner margins of eyes, and across striations. Labium long, extending nearly to bases on hind coxae. Pronotum dull, densely and finely punctate, punctures on calli and collar finer and more sparse, with relatively slender, silvery sericeous setae, setae on disc shorter and finer. Scutellum uniformly black. Hemelytron dull, impunctate, with scattered, fine, short, silvery, sericeous setae.

Male genitalia: Left paramere ( Fig. 82 View Figures 71– 84 ) somewhat C-shaped, with a slender stem, an elongate main body, and narrowed, curving apex. Endosoma ( Fig. 83 View Figures 71– 84 ) as in generic description. Right paramere ( Fig. 84 View Figures 71– 84 ) L-shaped with a slender basal stem and an elongate tapering main body.

Female ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 29–39 ) (n = 5): Length to apex of membrane 2.74–3.10 mm, length to base of cuneus 1.82–1.98 mm, widest width across hemelytra 1.23–1.38 mm. Head: Width 0.67–0.74 mm, interocular width 0.38–0.40 mm. Labium: Length 0.80–0.94 mm. Antenna: Segment I length 0.32–0.40 mm; II, 0.40–0.42 mm; III, 0.24–0.27 mm; IV, 0.27–0.35 mm. Pronotum: Median length 0.59–0.67 mm, basal width 1.01–1.12 mm.

Etymology. I am pleased to name this new species after Dr. James ‘Skip’ Lazell, who kindly supported my fieldwork to Guana Island in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2012, and who has been the leader in studying the biodiversity and promoting the conservation of the flora and fauna of this small British Virgin Island ( Lazell 2005).

Host. Solanum polygamum Vahl [ Solanaceae ]. Adults and nymphs were abundant in all areas of Guana Island where S. polygamum grew, causing extensive foliar chlorosis.

Distribution. Cooper Island and Guana Island, British Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Type material. Holotype ♂: BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS: Guana Island : North Beach at maintenance and supply area, 18º 28.815’N, 64º24.521’W, 17 Oct. 2009, T.J. Henry & A.G. Wheeler, ex Solanum polygamum (USNM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS: Cooper Island : 3 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀, Cooper Island , 12 Oct. 2007, Wenhua Lu ( USNM) . Guana Island : 6 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀, Guana Island, Long Man’s Point at Crab Cove , 18º28.838’N, 64º34.602’W, 23 Oct. 2008, T.J. Henry & A.G. Wheeler, ex Solanum polygamum (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, AMNH; 4 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, USNM) GoogleMaps ; 3 ♂♂, 11 ♀♀, Guana Island, North Beach , 14 Oct. 1996, R.F. Denno, on Solanum sp. ( USNM) ; 42 ♂♂, 92 ♀♀, same data as for holotype, with dates 10 Oct. 2007, 19 Oct. 2008, 13 & 17 Oct. 2009 ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 7 ♀♀, Guana Island, Lower Main Trail at Ridgewell Rd. , 8–10 Oct. 2007, 4 ft elev., 18º28.618’N, 64º34.603’W, T.J. Henry & A.G. Wheeler, ex Solanum sp. ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 5 ♂♂, 13 ♀♀, Guana Island , waste area near orchard, 18º28.463’N, 64º34.406’N, 8 Oct. 2007 & 21 Oct. 2008, T.J. Henry & A.G. Wheeler, ex Solanum polygamum (USNM) . PUERTO RICO: 1 ♀, Tallaboa , nr. Ponce, 23 Jul. 1914 [no collector] ( AMNH) . U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS: St. Thomas : 1 ♂, Bath, St. Thomas , 2–4 Feb. 1920, about 170 ft [no collector] ( AMNH) ; 5 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, St. Thomas , 13 Feb.–1 Mar. 1925 [no collector] ( AMNH) ; 2 ♂♂, St. Thomas , 1 Oct. 1956, R. Delgado ( USNM) .

Lazell, J. (2005) Island. Fact and Theory in Nature. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 382 pp.

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FIGURE 1. Habitus of Cyrtocapsus lazelli.

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FIGURES 2–7. Scanning electron micrographs of Cyrtocapsus lazelli. 2, head and pronotum, lateral aspect. 3, head and pronotum, dorsal aspect. 4, head, frontal aspect. 5, ostiolar evaporative area and auricle. 6, parameres, lateral aspect. 7, pretarsal claws.

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FIGURES 29–39. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 29, 30, C. grenadensis. 29, male, dorsal aspect. 30, female, dorsal aspect. 31, C. guianus, holotype female, dorsal aspect. 32, 33, C. haitianus. 32, male dorsal aspect. 33, female, dorsal aspect. 34, C. intermedius, female, dorsal aspect. 35, 36, C. lazelli. 35, male, dorsal aspect. 36, female, dorsal aspect. 37, 38, C. marginatus. 37, lectotype male, dorsal aspect. 38, paralectotype female, dorsal aspect. 39, C. mesoamericanus, holotype male, dorsal aspect.

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Figures 71– 84. Male genitalia of Cyrtocapsus spp. 71, 72, C. fiuzai. 71, left paramere. 72, right paramere. 73, 74, C. glabratus. 73, left paramere. 74, right paramere. 75, 76, C. grenadensis. 75, left paramere. 76, right paramere. 77–79, C. haitianus. 77, left paramere. 78, endosoma. 79, right paramere. 80, 81, C. intermedius. 80, left paramere. 81, right paramere. 82–84, C. lazelli. 82, left paramere. 83, endosoma. 84, right paramere.

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FIGURES 18–28. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 18, 19, C. discalis, holotype male. 18, dorsal aspect. 19, lateral aspect. 20–22, C. elutipes. 20, male, dorsal aspect. 21, female, dorsal aspect. 22, female, lateral aspect. 23, 24, C. femoralis, lectotype male. 23, dorsal aspect. 24, lateral aspect. 25, 26, C. fiuzai. 25, male, dorsal aspect. 26, female, dorsal aspect. 27, 28, C. glabratus, holotype male. 27, dorsal aspect. 28, lateral aspect.

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FIGURES 49–57. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 49–51, C. rostratus. 49, male dorsal aspect. 50, female lectotype, dorsal aspect. 51, female lectotype, lateral aspect. 52–54, C. schaffneri. 52, male, dorsal aspect. 53, female, dorsal aspect. 54, C. female, lateral aspect. 55, C. spatulatus, holotype male, dorsal aspect. 56, 57. C. suturalis. 56, male, dorsal aspect. 57, male, lateral aspect.


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