Cyrtocapsus paraensis Carvalho, 1987

Henry, Thomas J., 2022, Revision of the New World Plant Bug Genus Cyrtocapsus (Heteroptera: Miridae Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini), with New and Revised Synonymies, Lectotype Designations, and Descriptions of 12 New Species, Zootaxa 5154 (1), pp. 1-48 : 35

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Plazi (2022-06-13 06:30:11, last updated 2024-11-26 04:42:06)

scientific name

Cyrtocapsus paraensis Carvalho


Cyrtocapsus paraensis Carvalho View in CoL

( Figs. 46, 47 View FIGURES 40–48 )

Cyrtocapsus paraensis Carvalho 1987: 237 View in CoL (original description; Pará, Brazil); Schuh 1995: 542 (catalog), 2002–2013 (online catalog).

Cyrtocapsus bolivianus Carvalho 1990: 450 View in CoL (original description; Bolivia); Schuh 1995: 541 (catalog), 2002–2013 (online catalog); Carrenho et al. 2020: 3 View Cited Treatment (list of types). New synonymy.

Diagnosis. This species ( Figs. 46, 47 View FIGURES 40–48 ) is recognized by the fuscous to black dorsum, the black antennal segment I with the base narrowly paler brown, the dark brown to black antennal segment II, the black femora with pale bases, and the black hind and black to brown front and middle tibiae.

It is most similar to C. marginatus ( Figs. 37, 38 View FIGURES 29–39 ) based on the overall dark dorsum and fuscous femora, but the latter differs in having uniformly pale yellowish-white antennae and only the bases of the tibiae are fuscous.

Description. Holotype male ( C. paraensis after Carvalho 1987): Length to apex of membrane 4.00 mm, widest width across hemelytra 1.80 mm. Head: Length 0.30 mm, width 0.90 mm, interocular width 0.40 mm. Labium: Length not given. Antenna: Segment I length 0.60 mm; II, 0.90 mm; III, 0.90 mm; IV, 0.80 mm. Pronotum: Median length 0.80 mm, basal width 1.30 mm. Cuneus: Length 0.62 mm, width at base 0.60 mm.

Coloration (based in part on photographs and Carvalho’s 1987, 1990 original descriptions): Head black, mandibular plate paler brown; eyes dark reddish brown. Labium brown. Antennal segment I black, pale at base. Pronotum and scutellum uniformly black. Hemelytron uniformly black; membrane dark basally and pale distally. Ventral surface black. Coxae pale yellowish white; femora fuscous to black on distal halves, pale yellowish white basally and on inner surfaces; apex of hind tibia pale brown, front and middle tibiae fuscous to dark brown.

Texture and vestiture: Surface texture similar to other species of the genus; with silvery sericeous setae, especially on head, across calli and collar, appearing finer than on most other species.

Female ( Figs. 46, 47 View FIGURES 40–48 ) (n = 2; measurements of C. bolivianus holotype in parentheses [after Carvalho 1990]): Length to apex of membrane 4.36–4.60 mm (4.90 mm), length to base of cuneus 3.20 mm (not given), widest width across hemelytra 1.62–1.81 (1.80 mm). Head: Length (0.30 mm), width 0.91–0.93 mm (0.90 mm), interocular width 0.46–0.48 mm (0.40 mm). Labium: 1.04–1.09 mm (not given). Antenna: Segment I length 0.64–0.67 mm (0.70 mm); II, 0.85–0.86 mm (0.90 mm); III, 0.61– 0.67 mm (0.70 mm); IV, 0.69–0.77 mm (0.90 mm). Pronotum: Median length 0.99–1.01 mm (0.80 mm), basal width 1.38–1.39 mm (1.40 mm). Cuneus: Length (0.62 mm), width at base (0.60 mm).

Host. Taken on solanaceous plants ( Carvalho 1987).

Distribution. Known only from Bolivia and Pará, Brazil ( Carvalho 1987, 1990).

Discussion. I have examined images of the holotype of Cyrtocapsus paraensis (previously known only from the holotype male and two female paratypes) and compared them with images of the holotype of C. bolivianus (known only from the holotype female and 11 female paratypes) and conclude, based on the overall size, the distinctive coloration, and fine pubescence, that C. bolivianus is conspecific with C. paraensis . In addition, R. Carrenho (pers. comm.) provided additional information on the antennal and leg color of C. bolivianus , which was important in helping to interpret infraspecific variation in this species. Although described only three years apart, Carvalho (1990) did not mention the obvious similarities shared by C. paraensis ( Carvalho 1987) and C. bolivianus ( Carvalho 1990) .

Type material examined. Images of Holotype ♂ of C. paraensis : label 1 (printed), “ Brasil, Pará, V. [19]86, A. Mafra ( MNRJ)”; 2, “492”; 3 (printed, red), “ HOLOTYPUS ”; 4 (printed), “ Cyrtocapsus paraensis n. sp. det. J.C.M. Carvalho, 19[no year].” ( MNRJ) [destroyed in 2018 MNRJ fire].

Images of Holotype ♀ of C. bolivianus ( Figs. 46, 47 View FIGURES 40–48 ): label 1 (printed), “ Bolivia, Puenta Villa, Yungas (1200 mtr), XII.1955, Diríngs”; 2 (handwritten), “ Cyrtocapsus bolivianus n. sp., [printed] det. JCM. Carvalho, 1988”; 3 (printed, red), “ HOLOTYPUS.” ( MZUSP).

Other specimens examined. BOLIVIA: 2 ♀♀, Bolivia , Dpt. La Paz, Prov. Sud Yungas, Puente Villa, 4300’, 19–24 May 1989, J.E. Eger ( TAMU, USNM) .

Carrenho, R., Rogriques, H. D. D., de Lima, A. C. & Schwertner, C. F. (2020) Type specimens of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) housed in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 60: 1 - 16. https: // doi. org / 10.11606 / 1807 - 0205 / 2020.60.17

Carvalho, J. C. M. (1987) Mirideos neotropicais, CCLXXVIII: Descricoes de duas especies novas de Cyrtocapsus Reuter (Hemiptera). Boletim do Museum Paraense Emilio Goeldi, 3, 235 - 239.

Carvalho, J. C. M. (1990) Mirideos neotropicais, CCCVII: Novas especies da Argentina e Bolivia (Hemiptera). Revista Brasileira de Entomologica, 34, 445 - 452.

Schuh, R. T. (1995) Plant Bugs of the World (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). Systematic Catalog, Distributions, Host List, and Bibliography. New York Entomological Society, New York, 1329 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 40–48. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 40, 41, C. metafemoratus. 40, male, dorsal aspect. 41, holotype female, dorsal aspect. 42, 43, C. nordestinus. 42, male, dorsal aspect. 43, male, lateral aspect. 44, 45, C. pallipes. 44, male, dorsal aspect. 45, female, dorsal aspect. 46, 47, C. paraensis, holotype female (of C. bolivianus). 46, dorsal aspect. 47, lateral aspect. 48, C. paraguaiensis, holotype female, dorsal aspect.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 29–39. Habitus images of Cyrtocapsus spp. 29, 30, C. grenadensis. 29, male, dorsal aspect. 30, female, dorsal aspect. 31, C. guianus, holotype female, dorsal aspect. 32, 33, C. haitianus. 32, male dorsal aspect. 33, female, dorsal aspect. 34, C. intermedius, female, dorsal aspect. 35, 36, C. lazelli. 35, male, dorsal aspect. 36, female, dorsal aspect. 37, 38, C. marginatus. 37, lectotype male, dorsal aspect. 38, paralectotype female, dorsal aspect. 39, C. mesoamericanus, holotype male, dorsal aspect.


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Texas A&M University


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











