Crematogaster tenuicula Forel, 2003

Longino, J. T., 2003, The Crematogaster (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) of Costa Rica., Zootaxa 151, pp. 1-150 : 118-120

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Thomas (2009-06-05 14:13:39, last updated 2024-11-29 11:31:18)

scientific name

Crematogaster tenuicula Forel


Crematogaster tenuicula Forel   HNS 1904 NEW STATUS

Plate 1

Crematogaster longispina r. tenuicula Forel   HNS , 1904a:36. Syntype workers: Brazil, Para ( Göldi) [ MHNG] (examined). Emery, 1922:136: combination in C. (Orthocrema)   HNS .


Costa Rica to Amazonian Brazil, Bolivia.

Description of worker

Color pale yellow brown to dark red brown; workers monomorphic in size.

Mandibles smooth and shining; clypeus smooth and shining; head about as long as wide, subquadrate, with broadly convex sides and flat to weakly emarginate posterior border; antenna with terminal two segments enlarged to form a club, third segment from end somewhat enlarged, blurring distinction between two and three-segmented club; scapes with abundant long erect setae; when scapes laid back from antennal insertions, they surpass margin of vertex; face largely smooth and shining, with variable extent of striated region between antennal insertion and eye, and whorled above antennal insertion; face covered with abundant long flexuous white setae, no appressed pubescence; in face view abundant setae project from lateral and posterior margins.

Promesonotum in profile similar to brasiliensis   HNS , somewhat flattened dorsally, short anterior face of pronotum rises to dorsal face, dorsal faces of pronotum and mesonotum subequal in length, horizontal, forming single flat surface or weakly arched and meeting at a slightly produced angle; dorsal and posterior faces of mesonotum meeting at rounded angle, posterior face dropping to propodeal suture; propodeal suture deep in dorsal view but less pronounced in profile due to lateral carinulae that bridge the suture; lateral carinulae weakly notched, lacking minute triangular teeth at propodeal suture (unlike brasiliensis   HNS ); propodeal spines medium length, projecting posteriorly; propodeum with short, weakly differentiated dorsal face and long posterior declivity sloping to petiolar insertion; pronotal dorsum smooth and shining or with weakly developed longitudinal carinulae laterally; anterodorsal face of mesonotum with weak, subparallel lateral carinae, these continue onto posterodorsal face as stronger carinae that converge posteriorly, interspace concave, smooth and shining; propodeal declivity smooth and shining; side of pronotum smooth and shining; katepisternum weakly to distinctly punctate or punctatorugose; side of propodeum very faintly sculptured; mesosomal dorsum with abundant long flexuous white setae, setae on pronotal humeri longest; femora and tibiae with abundant long erect setae.

Petiole in side triangular, smooth and shining; anteroventral margin lacking tooth or rarely with a small rounded projection; posterior ring-like aperture that receives postpetiole small, posterolateral lobes of dorsal face of petiole distinctly higher than dorsal margin of aperture when petiole viewed in profile with ventral margin horizontal (unlike brasiliensis   HNS , in which posterior aperture is large, dorsal margin at nearly same level as posterolateral lobes of dorsal face); dorsal face of petiole smooth and shining, elongate, widest posteriorly, regularly tapering anteriorly, with long flexuous setae along posterior border; postpetiole with distinct, subacute, short anteroventral tooth, globular in dorsal view, with abundant erect setae; fourth abdominal tergite smooth and shining, with abundant long flexuous erect white setae, no appressed pubescence.


HL 0.641, 0.617, 0.822; HW 0.657, 0.645, 0.884; HC 0.616, 0.579, 0.833; SL 0.656, 0.659, 0.797; EL 0.137, 0.145, 0.199; A11L 0.275; A11W 0.125; A10L 0.142; A10W 0.103; A09L 0.074; A09W 0.069; A08L 0.055; A08W 0.063; WL 0.753, 0.726, 0.913; SPL 0.152, 0.171, 0.173; PTH 0.166, 0.149, 0.213; PTL 0.244, 0.241, 0.349; PTW 0.159, 0.163, 0.230; PPL 0.185, 0.168, 0.203; PPW 0.166, 0.175, 0.232; CI 102, 105, 108; OI 21, 24, 24; SI 102, 107, 97; PTHI 68, 62, 61; PTWI 65, 68, 66; PPI 90, 104, 114; SPI 20, 24, 19; ACI 1.39.

Queen (Costa Rica)

A normal queen (dorsal face of propodeum drops steeply from postscutellum and much of propodeum appears ventral to scutellum and postscutellum, Fig. 1) with general shape, sculpture, and pilosity characters of the worker; size characters as in Figures 4 and 5; sharply bicolored, with red head, mesosoma, petiole, and postpetiole, and black gaster (based on two nest collections, one from Costa Rica, one from near Manaus, Brazil). I cannot find any consistent differences between queens of tenuicula   HNS and brasiliensis   HNS .


Crematogaster tenuicula   HNS occurs in lowland wet forest habitats, in either mature forest or second growth vegetation. In Costa Rica, the species is common on the Osa Peninsula. I have seen only one Costa Rican collection from beyond the Osa, made by D. Olson at Carara Biological Reserve. During my extensive fieldwork in Corcovado National Park in the early 1980's, I frequently encountered tenuicula   HNS . Workers built small carton pavilions on low vegetation, covering aggregations of honeydew-producing Homoptera (Coccoidea and Membracidae) that they tended. These carton pavilions were a relatively common site on many different plant species. Isolated workers were common as foragers on low vegetation, visiting extrafloral nectaries and scavenging small dead arthropods. They could be attracted to baits of dead insects or sugar solution. Foragers were active day and night.

Several observations suggest a somewhat diffuse, polydomous nest structure, with spatial segregation of workers, reproductives, and brood of various ages and castes. When baiting, I observed columns of recruiting workers returning to the carton pavilions, within which were workers and Homoptera only. These pavilions never contained brood. In one case, workers recruited to a freshly killed tabanid from two sources: (1) a small, flat chamber under moss on a tree trunk, 50cm high, containing workers only; and (2) a dead, rolledup leaf lying on the surface of the leaf litter. This leaf contained workers and many winged reproductives of both sexes, but no brood. When I disturbed the ants or watched ants returning with pieces of the bait, they always went to one of these two places. I could not find any more of the colony or any brood. In another case, I found a set of disconnected nests in a vertical, rotten tree trunk. Ants occupied elongate indentations and chambers in the hard outer wood. Again, as in the above case, all the chambers contained mainly adult workers and alates. Some contained large larvae and pupae of reproductives, but I found no chambers with worker brood. I have never seen a definitive nest center with physogastric queen and worker brood.

Beyond Costa Rica I have very little information on the biology of tenuicula   HNS . Several of the collections from beyond Costa Rica are from Winkler samples of sifted leaf litter from the forest floor, and Ward collected it "ex Tachigali ," an ant plant. One worker was found in stomach contents of a dendrobatid frog from French Guiana.


The morphology of this species is quite uniform across its range. It is very similar to brasiliensis   HNS , with which it shares the ventral postpetiolar tooth. In Costa Rica the two species are easily distinguishable, because the petiole in lateral profile is elongate and low in brasiliensis   HNS , almost linear, with an anteroventral tooth, while in tenuicula   HNS it is shorter and taller, more triangular, and lacks an anteroventral tooth. However, in South America the petiole of brasiliensis   HNS becomes shorter and taller and the petiole of tenuicula   HNS may develop a small anteroventral tooth. The relationship of the posterolateral lobes of the dorsal face to the posterior aperture is consistent across the range of both species, with brasiliensis   HNS having a large aperture relative to the lobes and tenuicula   HNS having a small aperture.

Crematogaster tenuicula   HNS may also be confused with carinata   HNS , limata   HNS , and foliocrypta   HNS . Crematogaster carinata   HNS and limata   HNS lack a ventral postpetiolar tooth. Crematogaster foliocrypta   HNS has appressed tibial pilosity in contrast to the erect pilosity of tenuicula   HNS .

The MHNG syntypes were compared directly with material from Corcovado National Park. They closely matched in nearly all respects. The types were lighter colored and generally more delicate than many Corcovado specimens, but within the range of variation of Costa Rican material.


Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle













