Ondina striata (Verrill, 1880)

Pimenta, Alexandre D., Santos, Franklin N. & Cunha, Carlo M., 2018, Redescription and reassignment of Ondinasemicingulata to the Pyramidellidae, with review of the occurrence of genus Evalea in the Western Atlantic (Gastropoda), Zoosystematics and Evolution 94 (2), pp. 535-544 : 535

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scientific name

Ondina striata (Verrill, 1880)

comb. n.

Ondina striata (Verrill, 1880) comb. n. Figure 2 d–h

Aclis striata : Verrill 1880: 377; 1882: 528, pl. 58, fig. 13; Johnson 1989: 66, pl. 11, fig. 7.

Odostomia (Menestho) striata : Bartsch 1911: 435.

Type material.

Lectotype (designated by Johnson 1989: 66): YPM 15757, missing; paralecotype: USNM 44820, USFC sta. 873, 183 m depth, off Newport, Rhode Island.

Type locality.

Bay of Fundy, near Eastport, Maine, Verrill coll. 1868.

Material examined.

Photographs of the paralectotype and of: USFC sta. 863, 33 m, Vineyard Sound, Rhode Island: YPM 15704 [1]; ANSP 102517 [1].

Geographic distribution.

USA: Rhode Island (type locality), Maine.


Aclis striata was described (Verrill 1880) based on two shells: from shallow water in the Bay of Fundy; and from deep-water off Newport, Rhode Island, by the USFC. Two years later, Verrill (1882) referred to the same two shells, adding station number information (USFC sta. 873) to the the deep-water shell. In this work, Verrill (1882: pl. 58, fig. 13) presented the drawing of a shell without indicating which one of the two syntypes.

The type material of Aclis striata was studied by Johnson (1989: 66, pl. 11, fig. 7), who designated and figured the lectotype (YPM 15757, from the Bay of Fundy), and listed YPM 15704, from USFC sta. 873, as a paralectotype (but see comments below about its type status). After searching the YPM Molluscan Collection (E. Lazo-Wasen pers. comm.), it was noticed that the lectotype was missing (the vial was empty) and the label of the supposed paralectotype YPM 15704 (Figure 2h) mentions 'USFC sta. 863' (which is a shallow water station in the Vineyards Sounds, 33 m depth).

According to Johnson (1989: 15), Verrill sent the samples (types and other specimens) of the species described by himself to the National Museum of Natural History (USNM), keeping nevertheless, some duplicate specimens with him, which he later sold to YPM (Lazo-Wasen pers. comm.). Thus, it seems that the two original syntypes of Aclis striata were split by Verrill between the USNM and the YPM collections.

This is corroborated by the original label of USNM 44820 (Figure 2g) that states: " Aclis striata V. Off Newport, R. I. U.S.F.C. 1880". This label has a hand-written indication of "figd. type" that corresponds to Verrill´s calligraphy (E. Lazo-Wasen pers. comm.); such "figd. type" (Figure 2 d–e) matches perfectly the figured syntype by Verrill (1882: pl. 58, fig. 13), and thus, it must be considered the paralectotype from deep-water (USFC sta. 873), while the missing lectotype (figure in Johnson 1989: pl. 11, fig. 7), by the other hand, is a smaller shell.

Thus, the shell YPM 15704 (Figure 2h), considered by Johnson to be a paralectotype has no type status. As indicated by its label, it was dredged by USFC is sta. 863, in which an additional shell (ANSP 102517) was also collected.

The only remaining question is the reference to USFC sta. 863 in the original label of specimen USNM 44820 (Figure 2g). We believe that such information was mistakenly inserted by someone later since it has a different handwriting and Verrill (1880, 1882) did not list material from that station.

Ondina striata was originally described as belonging to Aclis due to its spiral striae and was later transferred to the Pyramidellidae genus Odostomia (Menestho) by Bartsch (1911: 435) without any comments on this taxonomic rearrangement. The species has all features that characterize the genus Ondina ( Høisæter 2014) and is very similar to the type species of the genus.











