Mucuna rostrata Benth., Fl. Bras.

De, Tânia M., Lewis, Gwilym P., Mansano, Vidal F. & Tozzi, Ana M. G. A., 2018, A revision of the neotropical Mucuna species (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), Phytotaxa 337 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

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Felipe (2024-09-06 20:47:07, last updated 2024-09-06 23:49:43)

scientific name

Mucuna rostrata Benth., Fl. Bras.


21. Mucuna rostrata Benth., Fl. Bras. View in CoL 15(1). 171, pl. 157. 1859. ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 )

TYPE:— BRAZIL. Solimões , Gapó, June 1951, Spruce 1625 (lectotype: K! 502761, designated by Moura et al. 2013e; isolectotype: K! 502760) .

Liana. Leaves 3-foliolate; pulvinus 10–15 × 2.0–3.0 cm; petiole 10–14 cm long; stipels absent; rachis 1.0–3.0 cm long; petiolules 3.0–8.0 cm long; lateral leaflets, 6.5–17 × 3.5–8.4 cm, asymmetric at base, cuspidate at apex; apical leaflet elliptic to ovate, 9.5–19 × 5.0– 10.3 cm, rounded to acute at base, cuspidate at apex; venation eucamptodromous, secondary veins 5–7 pairs per leaflet; with adpressed hairs on both surfaces, denser on abaxial surface. Inflorescence axillary, pseudoracemose, peduncle 3.5–15 cm long; bracts 1.0–1.5 × 1.0 cm, caducous (rarely persistent on herbarium specimens); rachis 7.0– 15 cm long; pedicels 7.0– 21 mm long; internodes 6.0– 22 mm long. Flowers (5–) 6.0– 9.5 cm long; calyx 2.0–3.0 cm long, 4-lobed, the adaxial lobe formed by two connate sepals, 10 × 10 mm, apex obtuse, the other three lobes 10–12 × 5.0–6.0 mm, acute or acuminate at apex; corolla reported to be orange (P. Acevedo-Rodriguez et al. 14261 K, US; E. Asplund 16526 S), orange red (E. Asplund 12351 NY, P), yellow orange (P.J. Barbour 5554 MO, NY) or red (M. Dillon et al. 1254 MO); standard broadly elliptic, 3.5–6.0 × 4.0 cm, attenuate at base, rounded or retuse at apex, the claw ca. 4.0 mm long; wing petals oblong-elliptic, 5.7–8.5 × 2.0 cm, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, the claw ca. 10 mm long; keel petals oblong, 6.5–9.5 × 2.2 cm, attenuate at base, retuse at apex, the claw ca. 10 mm long; wings and keel petals pubescent at base. Stamen filaments 7.0–9.0 cm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 8.0– 9.5 cm long; style 7.0–8.0 cm long, sericeous, except at apex; ovary 10–15 × 2.0 mm, sericeous. Fruits 8.0–20 × 4.0 cm, ornamented by transverse lamellae; surface covered by irritant hairs; acute to aristate at apex, acute at base, up to 6-seeded. Seeds globose, 2 × 2 × 1.5 cm, hilum black, circling ca. 85% of the seed circumference.

Taxonomic notes:— Mucuna rostrata is morphologically similar to M. japira , but differs mainly by its orange corolla (vs. a yellow corolla in M. japira ), and the flowers usually longer (5.0–) 6.0– 9.5 cm long in M. rostrata (versus 5.3–7.0 cm long in M. japira ); in addition, M. japira is endemic to Atlantic rainforest in Brazil, while M. rostrata is widely distributed throughout South America.

Phenology:— Flowering throughout the year, most frequently from May to July; fruiting July to November.

Distribution and habitat:— Mucuna rostrata occurs in the Antilles, Central America ( Honduras, Guatemala, and Panama), and South America ( Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela) ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). In Brazil the species is restricted to Amazonian rainforest, with the exception of one collection (A. Glaziou 14675a P) outside Amazonia, in Catas Altas in the state of Minas Gerais, in the Atlantic rainforest domain. We have opted to exclude this locality from our distribution map because many of the collection localities indicated in specimens supposedly collected by Glaziou are considered dubious (e.g. see Wurdack, 1970). The species is frequently collected close to rivers, in primary and secondary humid forest and gallery forest. Its elevational range is from sea level to 2250 m.

Conservation status:— Mucuna rostrata is assessed as being of Least Concern (LC).


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Vernacular names: — ‘Cipó mucuna’ [ Brazil, Acre (D.C. Daly et al. 8827 MO, NY)], ‘olho de boi’, ‘goela de mutum’ [ Brazil, Amazonas (R.L. Fróes 20968 K, US; L. Krieger & U.C. Câmara s.n. CESJ 12131)]; ‘gallitos’, ‘cocho’, ‘ojo del buey’, ‘ojo del venado’ [ Ecuador (G. Tipaz et al. 2046 AAU, K, MO, QCNE; A. Alvarez et al. 787 QCNE; L. Mille 1 QCA)]; ‘cresta de gallo’, ‘fin fin’, ‘ojo de vaca’, ‘ojo de toro’ [ Peru (I.Huamantupa et al. 7779 K; J.S. Vigo 8258 NY; M.F. Mathias & D. Taylor 3618 K; L. Valenzuela et al. 4109 K)]; ‘carregadera’ [ Venezuela (T.G. Myers 4895 K)].

Representative specimens examined:— BELIZE. Rio Grand River : 18 November 1933 (fl.), W.A. Schipp S622 ( GH, NY) . BOLIVIA. Cochabamba: Chapare, highway from Chapare to Cochabamba, 2 June 1994 (fl.), N. Ritter & G.E. Crow 1137 ( GH, MO, W) . BRAZIL. Acre: Serra Moa, river margin near guard’s house, 30 April 1971 (fl.), P.J.M. Maas et al. P12672 ( GH, INPA, K, NY, P, R, US); vicinity of Periquito, Rio Juruá-Mirim, river bank, 19 May 1971 (fl.), P.J. Maas et al. P13156 ( INPA, K, MO, NY, R, US, W); Mancio Lima, Basin of River Juruá , Rio Moa , volta da Aurora, 4 May 1996 (fl.), D.C. Daly et al. 8827 ( MO, NY) . Amazonas: Rio Purus, between Campinas & Tambaqui, 19 June 1971 (fl.), G.T. Prance et al. 13406 ( INPA, NY, US); Rio Solimões , margem direita, “Paraná do Barroso”, 30 June 1999 (fl.), L. Lohmann 272 ( INPA, MO, SPF) ; Fonte Bôa, 26 May 1945 (fl.), R.L. Fróes 20968 (K, US); Tefé , 9 July 1972 (fl.), L. Krieger & U. C. Câmara s.n. ( CESJ 12131 ) . Minas Gerais: Catas Altas, 23 February 1884 (fl.), A. Glaziou 14675a (P). Rondônia : Island in Rio Madeira , opposite Jaciparaná , 27 June 1968 (fl.), G.T. Prance et al. 5257 ( COL, GH, INPA, NY, P, R, RB, US). BRITISH GUYANA. June 1887 (fl.), Jenman 3798 (K) . COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Chigorodó, Vereda Malagón, caño Malagón abajo ( El Cocuelo ), 11 January 1986 (fl.), E. Rentería 4576 ( MO) . Vaupés: En selva densa en toda la orilla del Río Guaviare al outro lado de San Fernando , 25 November 1948 (fl.), J.A. Molina & F.A. Barkley s.n. ( COL, JAUM, SI, US) . CUBA. Holguin: Cananova, Mesical Charrascal Scrub. , 8 July 1990 (fr.), G.P. Lewis et al. 1843 (K) . ECUADOR. Esmeraldas: Bilsa Biological Reserve, Mache Mountain, 35 km W of Quinindé , 5 km W of Santa Isabel , 14 October 1994 (fl.), L. L. Clark & B. Adnepos 192 ( AAU, K, MO, NY, QCNE, US); Timber, 30 May 1955 (fl.), E. Asplund 16526 (S); Eloy Alfaro, Playa de Oro , Estero y Cascada de San Juan , 20 January 1993 (fl.), A. Alvarez et al. 787 ( QCNE) ; San Lorenzo, Ricaurte, Reserva indigena Awá , 19 October 1992 (fl.), G. Tipaz et al. 2046 ( AAU, K, MO, QCNE). Manabí : Jipijapa , Parque Nacional Machalilla , 9 August 1992 (fr.), A. P. Yanez et al. 1292 ( QCA, QCNE) . Guayas: Naranjal, Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve , 29 September 2012 (fl.), C.E. Cerón 20467 ( MO) . Santiago Cortes : December 1928 (fr.), L. Mille 1 ( QCA) . Bolívar: Guaranda, Río Verde , 12 February 2005 (fl.), H. Vargas et al. 4960 ( QCNE) . Chimborazo: Between Huigra and Naranjapata , 17 July 1923 (fl.), A.S. Hitchcock 20646 ( GH, NY, US). Cañar: La Troncal, Manta Real, lower E slopes, without date (fl.), H. Vargas & W. Defas 5630 ( MO, QCNE) . Loja: Road Mercadillo−Alamor, km 2, 22 August 1996 (fl.), B.B. Klitgaard et al. 309 ( AAU, K, NY, QCA, QCNE). Napo : 3 km E of Caserio de Huamani, 17 September 1988 (fl.), F. Hurtado & A. Alvarado 419 ( MO) . Orellana: Coca, 2 km W of Coca, banks of Río Añangoyacu , 5 June 1983 (fl.), J.E. Bohlin & M. Bohlin 272 ( MO) . Pastaza: Río Pastaza, near the Peruvian border, 21 July 1980 (fl./fr/), B. Øllgaard et al. 34951 ( AAU, MO) . Morona Santiago: along road Macas−Riobamba , 23 August 2002 (fl.), T.B. Croat & L. Hannon 86808 ( MO) . GUATEMALA. Izabal, Livingston, Chocón Machacas , 30 January 2003 (fl.), anonymous 3087 ( MO 6245392 ) . HONDURAS. Along Tila river , 18 January 1903 (fl.), P. Wilson 78 ( NY) . Atlantida: vicinity of Tela , 14 December 1927 (fl.), P.C. Standley 53600 (A); vicinity of Tela, 1928 (fl.), P.C. Standley 54717 (A); La Fragua, 7 February 1928 (fl.), P.C. Standley 55692 (A) . PANAMA. Canal Zone : 5 km SE of Anchieta, 5 December 1973 (fl.), A. Gentry 8715 ( MO) . Colón: around Porto Bello , 17 January 1911 (fl.), H. Pittier 2450 ( NY) . Darién: Rio Chucunaque, between Vaviza and junction with the Tuira , 8 January 1975 (fl.), A. Gentry 13481 ( MO) . San Blas: lower Río Cangandí , from the village to the ocean, 30 January 1985 (fl.), G.C. Nevers et al. 4767 ( MO) . PERU. La Merced; Chanchamayo , 27 June 1948 (fl.), P.G. Aguilar 500 ( SI) ; 2 km S of Satipo , 24 June 1977 (fl.), J.C. Solomon 3267 ( MO) . Amazonas: Baguá, Rainforest along Rio Santiago , October 1962 (fl.), J.J. Wurdack 2167 ( GH, NY, P, US). Cerro Guayaquil: 1836 (fl.), M. Gaudichaud 23 (P). Cusco: La Convencion, Encharate, localidad Papelpata, 16 May 2007 (fl.), G. Calatayud et al. 3802 ( MO) ; La Convencion, Vilcabamba, Oyara , 6 June 2002 (fl.), L. Valenzuela et al. 66 (K, MO) . Huanuco: 69 km NE of Tingo Maria on road to Tocache, Hualla , 16 July 1982 (fl.), A. Gentry et al. 37621 ( MO) ; Leoncio Prado , along road between Tingo Maria and Monzón, 3.7 km, 2 June 1998 (fl.), T.B. Croat & M. Sizemore 81637 (K, MO) ; S of Cemetary Supte, 7 July 1959 (fr.), M.F. Mathias & D. Taylor 3618 (K); Tingo Maria, 19 July 1940 (fl.), E. Asplund 12351 ( NY, P). Loreto: mouth of Rio Napo, Hacienda Indiana, 24 November 1940 (fl.), E. Asplund 14703 (R, US); Rio Paranapura above Yurimaguas, 10 July 1972 (fr.), T.B. Croat 17933 ( MO) ; Rio Napo at entrada de Isla Inayuga , 20 September 1972 (fl.), T.B. Croat 20506 (K, MO,


Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press • 51 RB); Iquitos, 31 June 1972 (fl.), T.B. Croat 17466 ( GH, MO, NY, US); vicinity of Iquitos, 22 July 1972 (fl.), T.B. Croat 18289 ( MO) . Madre de Dios : Manu , Mazuco , Puerto Maldonado por la carretera, 14 October 2004 (fr.), L. Valenzuela et al. 4109 (K); Tambopata, Lago Tres Chimbadas, ca 10–15 air km NW effluence, 7 June 1980 (fl.), P.J. Barbour 5554 ( MO, NY) ; trail from CICRA to Cocha Lobos , 9 August 2004 (fl./fr.), P. Acevedo-Rdgz et al. 14261 (K, US) . Nauta : Yarina, Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samira , Rio Yanacaco, 24 June 2006 (fl.), I. Huamantupa et al. 7779 (K). Pasco: Oxapampa, Pozuzo, fundo de Agustin Egg Schuller, 28 May 2006 (fl.), E. Becerra et al. 1416 (K); Oxapampa, carretera Oxapampa y Paucartambo, 30 May 2003 (fl.), R. Rojas & R. Vásquez 1129 (K, MO, NY, QCNE) ; Puno , San Gabon to Ollachea, 17–24 July 1978 (fl.), M. Dillon et al. 1254 ( MO) . San Martin : 20–27 km NE of Tarapoto, road to Yurimaguas, 21 July 1982 (fl.), A. Gentry et al. 37886 ( MO) ; Mariscal Caceres , Tocache nuevo, desembocadura del Rio Tocache, 9 April 1975 (fl.), J.S. Vigo 8258 ( NY) ; Lamas , along Rio Yurimaguas, km 62 of Tarapoto-Yurimaguas, 11 August 1986 (fl.), S. Knapp 7982 (K, MO) . TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. Cultivated as ornamental climbing in ICTA, 15 January 1954 (fl.), N. W. Simmonds s.n. (K); Banks of Coroni River, 2 January 1893 (fl.), W.S.B. 5079 (K) . Trinidad: Banks of the Caroni, 27 January 1925 (fl.), R. Willians 10925 (K) . VENEZUELA. Delta del Orinoco , lejos de Curiapol, 21 March 1948 (fl.), F. Tamayo 3577 ( NY, SI) ; Oronoco Delta , Rio Manimo, February 1911 (fl.), F.E. Bond et al. 113e ( US) . Bolivar : Piar , Uruyen, SE base of Auyan-Tepui, along river Uruyen, 23 November 1982 (fl.), G. Davidse & O. Huber 22465 ( NY) . Santa Catalina : Caño Piacoa, Orinoco Delta, 4 February 1935 (fl.), T.G. Myers 4895 (K). Sucre: Benítez, primary tall forest on low ground along caño Ajíes, 18 February 1980 (fl.), J.A. Steyermark et al. 121327 ( MO) .

Moura, T. M., Tozzi, A. M. G. A., Mansano, V. F. & Lewis, G. P. (2013 e) Lectotypification of names of neotropical species of Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae). Taxon 62: 391 - 393. https: // doi. org / 10.12705 / 622.6

Wurdack, J. J. (1970) Erroneous data in Glaziou collections of Melastomataceae. Taxon 19: 911 - 913. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1218309

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Geographical distribution of six neotropical species of Mucuna: M. chiapaneca and M. jarocha (endemic to Mexico), M. analuciana and M. japira (endemic to Brazil), M. mollis (endemic to Colombia), and M. rostrata (widely distributed in Central and South America, and the Caribbean Islands).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 22. Mucuna rostrata. A—Leaf and inflorescence. B—Side view of flower, standard petal removed and wings opened out. C—Androecium (9 stamens united into a staminal sheath, here opened out). D—Free vexillary stamen. E—Gynoecium. F—Standard. G–H—Wing and keel petals connate. J—Calyx opened out, outer surface. K—Fruit. A–J drawn from: N. Ritter & G.E. Crow 1137 (MO); K: S. Knapp 7982 (MO). Drawn by Ana Lúcia Souza.


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Museo Botánico (SI)


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