Mucuna mutisiana (Kunth) DC., Prodr.

De, Tânia M., Lewis, Gwilym P., Mansano, Vidal F. & Tozzi, Ana M. G. A., 2018, A revision of the neotropical Mucuna species (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), Phytotaxa 337 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-06 20:47:07, last updated 2024-09-06 23:49:43)

scientific name

Mucuna mutisiana (Kunth) DC., Prodr.


18. Mucuna mutisiana (Kunth) DC., Prodr. View in CoL 2:406. 1825. ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 )

Negretia mutisiana Kunth , Nov Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 6: 443. 1823. TYPE:— COLOMBIA. Santa Fé. Humboldt & Bonpland Herbarium in Paris (lectotype: P! 00660134, designated by Moura et al. 2013e).

Liana. Leaves 3-foliolate; pulvinus 7.0–10 × 2.0 mm; petiole 5.0– 8.5 cm long; stipels 1.0–3.0 mm long, persistent; rachis 1.5–2.0 cm long; petiolule 3.0–7.0 mm long; lateral leaflets, 4.5–10.5 × 1.7–9.0 cm, asymmetric at base, cuspidate at apex; apical leaflet ovate to elliptic, 7.2–12.5 × 3.5–7.1 cm, rounded to acute at base (rarely truncate), cuspidate at apex; venation eucamptodromous, secondary veins 3–5 pairs per leaflet; sparse adpressed hairs on abaxial surface of leaflets. Inflorescence axillary, pseudoracemose; peduncle ca. 1.0 m long; bracts 1.2–2.5 × 0.7–1.4 cm, persistent; pedicels 2.2–5.0 cm long, 17–48 nodes per inflorescence; internodes 3.0– 10 mm long. Flowers 3.5–5.0 cm long; corolla reported to be green-white (C. Allen 550 MO), yellowish (J.L.F. Alonso & R. Jaramillo 6975 COL) or cream (A. Gentry & E. Forero 7171 COL, MO, NY); calyx 1.0–2.0 cm long, 4-lobed, the adaxial lobe formed by two connate sepals, rounded at apex; the abaxial lobe ca. 3.0 × 3.0 mm, rounded at apex; lateral lobes ca. 2.0 × 2.0 mm, rounded at apex; standard broadly elliptic, 2.9–4.5 × 3.5 cm, attenuate at base, rounded to retuse at apex, the claw ca. 10 mm long; wings oblong-ovate, 3.5–5.5 × 1.5–1.7 cm, attenuate at base, rounded to obtuse at apex, the claw ca. 15 mm long; keel petals 3–4.5 × 1.6 cm, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, the claw ca. 10 mm long; wing and keel petals pubescent at base. Stamen filaments 3.5–5.0 cm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 4.5–6.0 cm long; style 3.5–5.0 cm long, sericeous except at apex; ovary 5.0–10 × 2.0 mm, sericeous. Fruits 9.0–15 × 5.0 cm, acute at base (rarely rounded), acute at apex, with irritant hairs, ornamented by partial transverse lamellae comprising discontinuous undulating coriaceous ridges (each lateral ridge varying from 1.0 to 4.0 mm high, the ridges occasionally elevated into pointed extensions– Fig 19A View FIGURE 19 ), 1–3-seeded. Seeds globose, 2.2–3.1 × 2.3–3 × 1–2 cm; hilum black, circling ca. 80% of the seed circumference.

Taxonomic notes:— Mucuna mutisiana is morphologically similar to M. killipiana (see comments under that species). Mucuna mutisiana is also slightly similar to M. urens and M. analuciana , although the two species differ in fruit ornamentation. The fruit of M. mutisiana has ridges elevated into pointed extensions, whilst in M. urens and M. analuciana the lamellae are continuous, less variable in height and never pointed. In Mucuna mutisiana the wing petals are longer than the keel petals (vs keel petals longer than the wing petals in both M. urens and M. analuciana ). Mucuna mutisiana and M. analuciana have leaves with stipels, whilst those of M. urens lack stipels.

Phenology:— Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.

Distribution and habitat:— Mucuna mutisiana occurs in the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). The species is frequently reported from gallery forest, primary forest and disturbed forest. Occurring from sea level to 2500 m.

Conservation status:— Mucuna mutisiana is as assessed as being of Least Concern (LC). Although the species has a restricted area of occupancy (460 km 2, EN), the habitat in which it occurs is not considered to be significantly fragmented, and it has been collected from more than ten localities. No decline, or fluctuation, in populations has been recorded.

Vernacular names: — ‘ Bolas de fraile’, ‘ conjon de fraile’, ‘congolo’, ‘ojo de buey’, ‘pica pica’ [ Colombia (E. Rentería A. et al. 2326 HUA, JAUM; J.J. Hernandez & S.E. Hoyos 166 COL, HUA; J.L. Zarucchi 3370 K, MO; J. Angulo & E. Angulo 9 UDBC; E. Acero 6074 UDBC)], ‘ojo de venado’, ‘cuenca de venade’ [ Panama (H. Herrera 729 MO; B. Hammel 5442 MO)].

Representative specimens examined:— COLOMBIA. Magdalena Valley, La Jagua, 4 September 1924 (fl.), C. Allen 550 ( MO) . Antioquia: El Rio Segovia , 19 June 1980 (fr.), E. Rentería A. et al. 2326 ( HUA, JAUM) ; Sector Rio Samaná–Rio Claro, San Luiz , 5 December 1981 (fr.), J.J. Hernandez & S.E. Hoyos 166 ( COL, HUA) ; Valley of Rio Anorí , between dos Bocas Anorí, 2 October 1984 (fl.), J.L. Zarucchi 3370 (K, MO) . Chocó: Parque Nacional Natural Los Katíos , 10 December 1980 (fr.), C. Barbosa & C. Chaparro 1426 ( FMB, GH) ; Parque Natural Los Katíos , 10 December 1980 (fr.), C. Barbosa & C. Chaparro 1437 ( FMB) ; Bahia Solano ( Puerto Mutis ), 4 January 1973 (fl./fr.), A. Gentry & E. Forero 7171 ( COL, MO, NY) . Colombia: Quebrada la Sordaa, Sabana de Torres , 29 July 1977 (fr.), E. Rentería A. et al. 494 ( COL, MO) . Cundinamarca: Viotá , without date (fr.) ,

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Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press • 43 E. Acero 6074 (UDBC); Mesitas del Colegio; quebrada Santa Maria, 3 March 1940 (fl.), J. Cuatrecasas 8223 (COL, MEDEL, US); Nariño, Valle del Apauta y zonas aledañas, 1 November 1986 (fl.), J.L.F. Alonso & R. Jaramillo 6975 (COL). Guajira: Bosque de la Cueva, 15 km S of Mingueo, 21 August 1986, A. Gentry & H. Cuadros 55398 (MO). Magdalena: On Quebrada Sororia, 4 August 1943, O. Haught 3591 (COL, K, MO, US); corregimento de Riofró, orilla del Rio Riofrío, 20 October 1966 (fr.), R. Romero-Castañeda 10762 (COL, MO, NY); Santa Marta, 19 December 1903 (fl.), H.H. Smith 286 (BM, GH, MO, NY, P, US). Quindio: Genova, carretera Genova el Pedregal alto, borde carretera, 9 March 1990 (fr.), M.C. Velez et al. 1133 (COL). Risaralda: Mistrato, Corregimento de San Antonio de Chami, Rio San Juan, 24 April 1992 (fl.), G. Lozano 6310 (COL, MEDEL). Santander: Puerto Araujo, 11 September 1979 (fl.), E. Rentería A. et al. 1900 (HUA, JAUM, MO); Via San Gil- Coromoro, 3 June 2005 (fr.), J. Angulo & E. Angulo 9 (UDBC). Tolima: entre Honda y Mariquita, Carretera, July 1961 (fl./fr.), H. García-Barriga 17320 (COL, NY, US). Valle del Cauca: Buga, Farm near government owned "El Vinculo", 26 June 1982 (fl./fr.), H. Murphy & G. Parra 608 (COL, MO, NY, US). COSTA RICA. Puntarenas: Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulbe Aguabuena, 20 November 1991 (fr.), R. Aguilar 671 (MO); W of Rincón de Osa, Osa Peninsula, January 1970 (fr.), W.C. Burger & R.L. Liesner 7272 (MO, NY). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Hispaniola: on bank of Amina river, La Diferencia, May 1968 (fl.), A.H. Liogier 11276b (NY). PANAMA. Mountains of S Azuero Peninsula, near proposed route of road from El Cortezo (Los Santos province) to Arenas (Veraguas province) Azuero (Veraguas province), “El Pavo” ridge above river Los Changuales, ca. 10 km SW of El Cortezo (Los Santos province), 28 October 1987 (fr.), B. Hammel 5442 (MO). Bocas del Toro: Isla San Cristobal, small community just N of Cerro de Bocatorito, 11 February 1989 (fr.), P.M. Peterson & C.R. Annable 6794 (MO, US). Canal Zone: along Gaillard hwy at G12, NW of summit Garden, 17 November 1970 (fl.), T.B. Croat 12611 (MO); forest along road near Summit Golf Course, 13 December 1970 (fl./fr.), T.B. Croat 12790 (MO); Albrook site, 28 November 1966 (fr.), J.D. Dwyer 7116 (MO, NY). Chiriqui: Palo Alto, just E of Boquete, 23 July 1959 (fl.), W.C. Sterns et al. 1054 (MO). Darien: near Yaviza, 4 November 1982 (fl./fr.), D. Roubik & R.J. Schmalzel 1214 (MO); vicinity of el Real, 7 October 1938 (fl.), P.H. Allen 970 (GH, MO, NY, US); Parque Nacional Darién, Estación Pirre, por el Río Perresérnico, desde la casa Inrenare hasta la finca del Sr. Nazario, 11 October 1990 (fl.), H. Herrera 729 (MO). Isla de Coiba: Santa Cruz, camino de El Catival, borde de manglar de mangle piñuelo, 22 January 1994 (fl.), S. Castroviejo et al. 7130 (K, MA); borde del rio Playa Hermosa, 24 November 1994 (fl.), J. Cuadras et al. 8019 (MA). Isla del Barro Colorado: sobre la orilla del agua, 14 January 1975 (fr.), A. Lourtieg et al. 3022 (P). San Jose Island: Perlas Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, 10 April 1945 (fr.), I.M. Johnston 677 (GH); Gulf of Panama, Perlas Archipelago (about 55 miles SE of Balboa), 20 October 1944 (fl.), I.M. Johnston 245 (GH, MO, US). PERU. Without locality data, 27 December 1878 (fl.), M. Martinet 692 (P). San Martin: Mariscal Caceres, Tocache Nuevo, without date (fr.), J. Schunke 3910 (COL). VENEZUELA. Carabobo: Guaremales, road from Puerto Cabello to San Felipe, in forest, 8 June 1920, H. Pittier 8877 ( US). Distrito Federal: 1 km S de Anare, 15 October 1972 (fl.), G. Agostini & T. Agostini 1223 (MO, NY, US); Along Rio Las Caracas above town of las Caracas, 11 February 1973 (fr.), T.B. Croat 21593 (MO). Jiménez: Estado Lara, paso de Angostura, sitio de represa de Yacambú, 33 km SE de Sarane, July 1973 (fl.), J.A. Steyermark & V.C. Espinoza 107673 (MO, NY). Falcón: Parque Nacional Quebrada de la Cueve El Toro, 21 June 1979 (fl./fr.), R. Liesner et al. 7790 (MO, P). Merida: hedgerows 3 km N of Tovar, 17 October 1978 (fl.), G.L. Webster & W.S. Armbruster 23670 (MO). Miranda: carretera entre Sta. Teresa y Altagracia de Orituc, 26 October 1962 (fr.), G. Agostini & M. Fariñas 61 (MO). Portuguesa: Guanare, 17 km NW of Tucupido by road, 30 October 1982 (fl.), G. Davidse et al. 21498 (MO). San Agostin: Tulima, 29 March 1899, T.A. Sprague 335 (K). Táchira: a 10 largo de la carretera San Cristóbal-La Florid, 10 September 1984 (fl.), J. Bono 4259 (MO). Zulia: Colón, Alrededores de Casigua El Cubo: sector W-Terra, 6 February 1979 (fr.), G.S. Bunting 6983 ( US); Colón, alrededores de Casigua el Cubo, en zona de bosque macrotérmico y higrofilo, 14 December 1979 (fr.), G.S. Bunting & M. Fucci 8462 ( US).

Moura, T. M., Tozzi, A. M. G. A., Mansano, V. F. & Lewis, G. P. (2013 e) Lectotypification of names of neotropical species of Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae). Taxon 62: 391 - 393. https: // doi. org / 10.12705 / 622.6

Moura, T. M., Lewis, G. P., Mansano, V. F. & Tozzi, A. M. G. A. (2014 a) Taxonomic Studies in Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) from Peru. Systematic Botany 39: 884 - 896. https: // doi. org / 10.1600 / 036364414 X 682283

Gallery Image

FIGURE 5. Geographical distribution of four neotropical species of Mucuna: M. argyrophylla (Mexico and Central America), M. mitis (endemic to South America); and M. holtonii and M. mutisiana (distributed from Mexico to NW South America, the latter also occurring in the Dominican Republic).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 19. Mucuna mutisiana. A—Leaves and fruit. B—Detail of the stipels of the lateral leaflets. C—Details of the stipels of the apical leaflet. D—Inflorescence. E—Androecium. F—Gynoecium. G—Standard. H—Wing petals. J—Keel petals. K—Calyx opened out, outer surface. A–C drawn from: R. Romero Castañeda 10762 (MO); D: E. Rentería A. et al. 1900 (MO); E–K: A. Gentry & E. Forero 7171 (MO). Figure first published in Moura et al. (2014a). Drawn by Ana Lúcia Souza.


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