Mucuna pruriens (Linnaeus, 1754) De Candolle, 1825
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Felipe (2024-09-06 20:47:07, last updated 2024-09-06 23:49:43) |
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Mucuna pruriens |
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19. Mucuna pruriens View in CoL (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 405. 1825. ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 )
Dolichos pruriens L., Herbarium Amboinenese 23. 1754. TYPE:— INDONESIA. Herb. Amb. 5t. 142. 1750. (Image), lectotype designated by Wilmot-Dear (1984) .
Vine. Leaves 3- foliolate; stipels 3.0–4.0 mm long, persistent; rachis 1.0– 2.5 cm long; petiolules 3.0–7.0 mm long; lateral leaflets, 15.5–17.5 × 10–10.8 cm, asymmetric at base; acute to mucronate at apex; apical leaflet ovate to romboid, 10–17 × 7.0– 12 cm, acute to rounded at base; acute to mucronate at apex; venation eucamptodromous,
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secondary veins 7 pairs per leaflet; adpressed hairs on both surfaces, these denser abaxially. Inflorescence axillary, pseudoracemose; peduncle 5.5–10 cm long; rachis 5.0– 35 cm long; bracts 1.0–2.0 × 0.5–1.0 cm, usually caducous; pedicels 4.0–7.0 mm long, 4.0–12 nodes per inflorescence; internodes 1.3–2.3 cm long. Flowers 3.5–4.5 cm long; calyx 1.2–1.7 cm long, 4-lobed, the adaxial lobe formed by two connate sepals, ca. 10 × 5.0 mm, acuminate at apex, the other 3 lobes ca. 8 × 2 mm, acuminate at apex; corolla reported to be purple (M. Sousa 12035 K), rarely greenish-white (M. Nee et al. 49822 MO) or white (F.C.P. Garcia 786 K); standard broadly elliptic, 2.0–2.5 × 1.5 cm, attenuate at base, rounded at apex, the claw 1.0–2.0 mm long; wings oblong-elliptic, 3.5–4.5 × 1.0 cm, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, the claw 7.0–9.0 mm long; keel petals oblong, 3.5–4.5 × 0.5 cm, attenuate at base, acute at apex, the claw 4.0 mm long; wings and keel pubescent at apex. Stamen filaments 3.7–4.0 cm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 3.5–4.5 cm long, style 2.5–3.5 cm long, sericeous, except at apex; ovary ca. 10 × 1–3 mm, sericeous. Fruits dehiscent along both sutures, 7.0–8.5 × 1.0–2.0 cm, with a dense indumentum of long, golden and irritant hairs (in M. pruriens var. pruriens ) and short, silver non-irritant hairs (in M. pruriens var. utilis ), acute at base and apex, not ornamented by lamellae. In M. pruriens var. utilis one or more raised lignified veins are present along the pod surface, these lacking in the typical variety, where long dense hairs obscure the pod surface. Seeds 4–5 per pod, reniform, 1.0–1.5 × 1.0 cm × 6.0–8.0 mm; hilum cream or almost black, 5.0–7.0 mm long, circling less than 20% of the seed circumference.
Taxonomic notes:— The main difference between the two varieties of Mucuna pruriens occurring in the Neotropics is their fruit type. Both varieties have similar flower shape, colour and size, and it is usually impossible to distinguish between the taxa without the presence of fruits. Mucuna pruriens var. pruriens has fruits which lack ornamentation and have a dense indumentum of long, golden, irritant hairs on their surface ( Fig. 20J View FIGURE 20 ), whilst M. pruriens var. utilis has fruits ornamented by one or more ridges, and an indumentum of short, silver, non-irritant hairs ( Fig. 20K View FIGURE 20 ). Mucuna pruriens thus displays a wide morphological variation and further studies of this species complex are needed in the Neotropics and the Palaeotropics.
Phenology:— Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.
Distribution and habitat:— The species has a pantropical distribution. In the Neotropics it occurs from Mexico, to Bolivia and Brazil in South America ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ). It is frequently reported from disturbed secondary vegetation. Mucuna pruriens var. utilis is widely cultivated, although its indigenous range is not fully understood.
Conservation status:— Mucuna pruriens is as assessed as being of Least Concern (LC). Although the area of occupancy of M. pruriens of 700 km 2 in the Neotropics supports a conservation assessment of Vulnerable (VU), the habitat in which the species occurs is not considered significantly fragmented, and it is reported from more than ten collection localities. No decline, or fluctuation, in populations has been reported. Moreover, this is a pantropically distributed species, and its global area of occupancy is therefore far greater than 700 km 2.
Vernacular names: — ‘ Mucuna rajada’, ‘mucuna cinza’, ‘mucuna anã’ [ Brazil – Minas Gerais (; F.C.P. Garcia 785 K; F.C.P. Garcia 786 K; F.C.P. Garcia 791 K)]; ‘feijão de vaca’ [ Brazil – Espírito Santo (D.A. Folli 4536 K, RB)]; ‘pó de Mico’, ‘café barão’ [ Brazil – Bahia (L.P. Queiroz & N.S. Nascimento 4122 K; T.S. Santos 3613 K)]; ‘pica pica’ [ Belize (T. Arnason 17736 MO), Colombia (E. Aguilar s.n. CUVC), Costa Rica (U. Chavarría 879 MO), Cuba (A. Gonzalez 301 B, BM), Ecuador (C. Jatíva & C. Epling 288 MO), El Salvador (R. Aparicio & R. Hernandez 94 K), Guatemala (E. Contreras 9346 MO), Mexico (P. Basurto & G. Durán 443 MO, XAL), Nicaragua (A. Grijalva 1224 MO), Panama (M.D. Correa & J. Aranda 4707 MO)]; ‘café’, ‘frejol de colores’, ‘frejol preto’, ‘frejol branco’ [ Ecuador (C.E.C. Martinez & C.I. Reyes 67361 Q, QAP; Z.T. Aleman 1,2,3 MO, QAP QCNE)]; ‘biik’ [ Peru (E. Ancuash 298 MO XAL); ‘tecacalla’ [ Mexico (V.E. Luna 84 XAL)]; ‘toddy’ [ Venezuela (G.S. Bunting 4365 K)].
Representative specimens examined:— BELIZE. Corozal: al 18 km W de Sta Elena, fronteira com Mexico, cerca de Chetumal , 26 November 1981 (fl.), M. Sousa 12035 (K); Indian Church , 27 August 1977 (str), T. Arnason 17736 ( MO) . Stann Creek: Carib Switch near Stann Creek River , in acahual, 15 January 1953 (fr.), P.H. Gentle 7844 ( MO) . BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz: Andrés Ibáñez, along Río Salado , 3.5 km NW of turnoff at Tarumá from Santa Cruz – Samaipata highway, 21 June 1998 (fl./fr.), M. Nee et al. 49822 ( MO) . BRAZIL. Bahia: Itabuna, cidade B. Califórnia, June 1980 (fr.), T.S. Santos 3613 (K); Riachão das Neves, ca. 11 km de Riachã das Neves, BR135 ( Estrada Formosa do Rio Preto – Barreiras), 11 October 1994 (fr.), L.P. Queiroz & N.S. Nascimento 4122 (K). Distrito Federal: Brasília, Reserva Biológica do IBGE, 12 April 1995 (fr.), M.A. Silva 2541 (K, RB) . Espírito Santo, Sooretama , BR 101 , km124, 1 July 2003 (fr.), D.A. Folli 4536 (K, RB) . Goiás: fazenda das Esmeraldas, perto córrego Paciência , 3 February 1980 (fr.), J.H. Kirkbride Jr. 3447 ( RB) . Minas Gerais: Viçosa, São José do
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Triunfo, horta do fundão, UFV, 17 July 1997 (fl.), F.C.P. Garcia 785, 796 (K); campus UFV, horta nova, 25 March 1998 (fl.), F.C.P. Garcia 791 (K). COLOMBIA. Valle: Guachene Rio Palo , margem derecha, 7 August 1975 (fr.), E. Aguilar s./n. ( CUVC) . COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Catón de Bagaces, Valle del Tempisque, Lomas Burbudal , 18 November 1993 (fl.), U. Chavarría 879 ( MO) . CUBA. Las Villas: vicinity of Soledad , 20 October 1941 (fl.), A. Gonzalez 301 (B, BM) . DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Distrito Nacional: Santo Domingo, Station-Villa Altagracia , 26 November 1977 (fr.), A.H. Liogier 9065-29 ( MO) ; Santo Domingo, en un solar vacio y lleno de malezas y basura, dentra de los apartamentos del Edificio Laura Marcelle III, 13 February 1982 (fr.), T.A. Zanoni 19002 ( MO) . ECUADOR. Guayas: Cantón Milagro, Recinto Carrizal, Hda La Lejía , 10 July 2001 (fl./fr.), Z. T. Aleman 1, 2, 3 ( MO, QAP, QCNE) ; Hda Piedad, 3 km N of Balzar along Río Daule , 17 June 1973 (fl./fr.), L. Holm-Nielsen et al. 7241 ( AAU, S) ; 9 km SW of Balzar , 11 May 2004 (fr.), N. Saltos 315 ( QCNE) ; 19 km SE of Guayaquil , 25 June 1984 (fr.), C.D. Johnson 3262-84 ( MO) . Los Ríos: N of Palestina , 30 July 1962 (fl.), C. Jatíva & C. Epling 288 ( MO) ; 22 km S of Quevedo on road to Babahoyo , 9 June 1971 (fl.), B. MacBryde 412 ( MO, QCA) . Imbabura: Canton Cotacachi, Garcia Moreno, San Roque , 22 April 2010 (buds), C.E.C. Martinez & C.I. Reyez 67361 (Q, QAP) . Pichincha: Pacto, Río Guayllabamba valley , 25 April 2010 (fl.) C.E.C. Martinez & C.I.Reyez 67616 ( QAP) . Loja: Near confluence of Río Macara and Río Catamayo , September 1991 (fl.), J. Wann & E. Sellwood 3173F ( TCD) . Morona-Santiago: Sevilla Don Bosco , 28 November 1993 (fr.), M. Bedoya 14 ( QCA) . EL SALVADOR. La Liberdad: San Diego, El amatal, 5 December 1996 (fr.), R. Aparicio & R. Hernandez 94 (K) . GUATEMALA: Peten: Cadenas, km 167 of Cadenas road, 14 October 1969 (fl.), E. Contreras 9346 ( MO) . GUYANA. Cayenne: Savannes littorales entre Kouru et Sinnamar km 31, 27 June 1979 (fr.), M.F. Prevost 655 (K, P) . HONDURAS. Atlantida: low thickets of scrub in marshy areas, 6 November 1988 (fr.), J.M. MacDougal et al. 3297 (K, MO) . JAMAICA. Above cane rivers, 26 December 1903 (fl.), W. Fawcett 8622 ( BM) ; Hope ground, 4 December 1901 (fl.), W. Harris 8257 ( BM) ; 21 November 1905 (fl.), W. Harris 9097 ( BM) ; January 1892 (fr.), C.G. Lloyd 1051 ( MO) . MEXICO. Puebla: Sierra Norte, a 2km al S de la Villa Avila Camacho , 2 December 1979 (fr.), P. Basurto & G. Durán 443 ( MO, XAL) . Veracruz: Veracruz, 350 mts al W de la Col. R. Diaz, 29 November 1987 (fl.), V.E. Luna 84 ( XAL) . NICARAGUA. Masaya: km 17.5 carretera Managua-Masaya , terreno de la Universidad Centroamericana, 24 September 1982 (fl.), A. Grijalva 1224 ( MO) . PANAMA. Panama: Isla de Taboga ,
Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press • 47 alrededores de playa Diablo, al oeste del Hotel Taboga , 13 December 1986 (fl.), M.D. Correa & J. Aranda 4707 ( MO) . PERU. Amazonas: Rio Cenepa , May 1973 (fl./fr.), E. Ancuash 298 ( MO, XAL) . Cajamarca: San Ignacio , 29 January 1996 (fl./fr.), J.Campos & O. Días 2260 ( MO) . Cusco: La Convención, Echarati, localidad Papelpata , 11 May 2005 (fr.), G. Calatayud et al. 2925 (K, MO) ; La Convención, Echarati, San Antonio , 23 March 2006 (fr.), L. Valenzuela et al. 6701 ( MO) ; Quillabamba, hillside above Río Urubamba , 4 June 1977 (fr.), J. Solomon, 3099 ( MO) . Madre de Díos: Tambopata, Puerto Maldonado , 16 May 2003 (fl./fr.), L. Valenzuela, & E. Suclli, 2130 (K, MO) . San Martín: Carretera Tarapoto-Juan Guerra , 28 October 1998 (fr.), J.S. Vigo 14526 (K) . PORTO RICO. Bayamo: Ciales, Bo. Fronton , 12 December 1937 (fl.), J.I. Otero & B.A. Krukoff 349 ( MO) . TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. Tobago: 6 November 1909 (fl.), W. E. Broadway 3152 ( MO) . Trinidad: Tortuga , 24 November 1932 (fr.), W. E. Broadway s.n. ( BM, MO) ; St. Agostoine , 9 January 1991 (fr.), W. Johnson 355 ( BM) . VENEZUELA. Distrito Federal: Alaamira , cerca de la Cota Mil, cerca de la vía, 19 October 1978 (fr.), N. Ramirez 26 ( MO) . Táchira: cultivada en jardín del colector en San Cristobal, 1974 (fl./fr.), G.S. Bunting 4365 (K) .
19.1 Mucuna pruriens var. pruriens
Without fruits it is almost impossible to distinguish between the two varieties of M. pruriens . The fruit surface of M. pruriens var. pruriens is covered by dense and irritant haris, and no raised lignified veins can be seen on the pod surface (vs. noticeable raised lignified ridges on the pod surface of M. pruriens var. utilis ). If any veins are present on the fruit of the typical variety, they are completely masked by dense hairs.
19.2. Mucuna pruriens var. utilis (Wall. ex Wight) Baker ex Burck, Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg View in CoL 11: 187. 1893.
Mucuna utilis Wall. ex Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1: 1840. TYPE: — Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis 1: pl. 280. 1840. (holotype: image). ( Fig. 20K View FIGURE 20 ).
Mucuna pluricostata Barb. Rodr., Pl. Jard. Rio de Janeiro 6: 9, pl. 4, f. a. 1898. TYPE: — Tab. IV. fig A, Pl. Jard. Rio de Janeiro, vol. VI. (1898). (Image), lectotype designated by Moura et al. (2013a).
Mucuna psittacina Miers., Proc. Roy. Hort. Soc. London View in CoL 4: 160. 1864. TYPE: — COLOMBIA. Rio Magdalena, Weir 22 (holotype: BM!).
Moura, T. M., Mansano, V. F., Torke, B. M., Lewis, G. P. & Tozzi, A. M. G. A. (2013 a) A Taxonomic Revision of Mucuna (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae) in Brazil. Systematic Botany 38: 631 - 637. https: // doi. org / 10.1600 / 036364413 X 670458
Wilmot-Dear, C. M. (1984) A revision of Mucuna (Leguminosae - Phaseoleae) in China and Japan. Kew Bulletin 39: 23 - 65. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 4107853
FIGURE 20. Mucuna pruriens. A—Leaf and inflorescence. B—Standard. C—Wing petals. D—Keel petals. E—Gynoecium. F—Androecium. G—Detail of androecium base. H—Calyx opened out, outer surface. J—Fruit of M. pruriens var. pruriens. K—Fruit of M. pruriens var. utilis. A–H drawn from: T.S. Santos 3613 (RB); J: M.A. Silva 2541 (RB); K: J.H. Kirkbride Jr. 3447 (RB). Drawn by Ana Lúcia Souza.
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Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
MO |
Missouri Botanical Garden |
RB |
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro |
Universidad del Valle |
BM |
Bristol Museum |
Universidad Central |
Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales |
Addis Ababa University, Department of Biology |
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador |
Trinity College |
Instituto de Ecología, A.C. |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Mucuna pruriens
De, Tânia M., Lewis, Gwilym P., Mansano, Vidal F. & Tozzi, Ana M. G. A. 2018 |
Mucuna pruriens var. utilis (Wall. ex Wight) Baker ex Burck, Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg
Burck 1893: 187 |
Mucuna psittacina Miers., Proc. Roy. Hort. Soc. London
Miers. 1864: 160 |