Mucuna elliptica (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., Prodr.

De, Tânia M., Lewis, Gwilym P., Mansano, Vidal F. & Tozzi, Ana M. G. A., 2018, A revision of the neotropical Mucuna species (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), Phytotaxa 337 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-06 20:47:07, last updated 2024-09-06 23:49:43)

scientific name

Mucuna elliptica (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., Prodr.


8. Mucuna elliptica (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., Prodr. View in CoL 2: 405. 1825. ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Negretia elliptica Ruiz & Pav., Syst. Veg. Fl. Peruv. Chil. 176 (1798).

TYPE:— Peru. Pozuzo , Muña. Herb. Ruiz y Pavón (lectotype: FI 51700, designated by Moura et al. 2013e) .

Mucuna fawcettii Urb., Symb. Antill. 5(3): 371. 1908. TYPE: — JAMAICA (lectotype: Wm. Harris 8818 ( BM 931438 ), designated Moura et al. 2014a; isolectotypes: Wm. Harris 8818 (F 174393, F 189190). Remaining syntypes: Wm Harris 9102 ( NY 1185459 , F 92756).

Mucuna huberi Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro. 4: 90–91. 1925. TYPE:— BRASIL. Pará : December 1906 – March 1907, Ducke 17264 (holotype: RB!; isotypes: U 227146, F! negative no. 2380).

Mucuna inflexa (Ruiz & Pav.) DC., Prodr. 2: 405. 1825. Negretia inflexa Ruiz & Pav., Syst. Veg. Fl. Peruv. Chil. 176. 1798.

TYPE: — PERU: Pozuzo e Muña (lectotype: OFX, designated by Moura et al. 2013e) .

Liana. Leaf 3-foliolate; pulvinus 15 × 5.0 mm; petiole 6.0– 20 cm long; stipels ca. 2.0 mm long, persistent; rachis 1.5–2.5 cm long; petiolule 5.0– 10 mm long; lateral leaflets 13.5–18.5 × 8.5–16 cm, asymmetric at base, cuspidate at apex; apical leaflets obovate to broadly elliptic, 15–18.5 × 10–15 cm, acute to rounded at base, cuspidate at apex; venation eucamptodromous, secondary veins 7.0–9.0 pairs per leaflet; dense erect, usually, golden hairs on abaxial surface; adpressed adaxially, less dense adaxially. Inflorescence axillary, umbel-like pseudoraceme ( Fig. 11D View FIGURE 11 ); peduncle 6.0– 20 cm long; bracts 2.0–3.0 × 2.0 cm, rounded at apex, sericeous on both surfaces, persistent; pedicels 1.0–2.0 cm long. Flowers 7.5–10 cm long; calyx ca. 2.5 cm long, 4-lobed, the adaxial lobe formed by two connate sepals, ca. 5.0 × 4.0 mm, retuse at apex, the other three lobes 7.0–12 × 2.0 mm, acute at apex, sericeous on both surfaces; corolla reported to be yellow ( W.J. Badoock 151 K) or yellow-orange (P. Barbour 4483 MO, NY); standard broadly elliptic, 5.0–6.5 × 3.0 cm, attenuate at base, rounded to retuse at apex, the claw 5.0 mm long; wings oblong-elliptic 7.5–9.0 × 2.0 cm long, attenuate at base, rounded at apex, the claw 10–12 mm long; keel petals oblong, 7.5–9.0 × 2.4 cm, attenuate at base, acute at apex, the claw ca. 15 mm long; wing and keel petals pubescent at base. Stamen filaments 8.0– 10 cm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 10 cm long; style 7.0–9.0 cm long, sericeous, except at apex; ovary 7.0–10 × 4.0 mm, sericeous; stigma peltate, villous. Fruits, 10–24 × 5.5–6.0 cm, acute at base; caudate at apex; with dense ferrugineous hairs; not ornamented by lamellae; 1–4-seeded. Seeds globose, 3.5 × 3.5 × 2.5 cm, hilum brown to black, circling ca 80% of the seed circumference.

Taxonomic notes:— Mucuna elliptica is easily differentiated from the other species with umbel-like pseudoracemose inflorescences ( M. argentea , M. cajamarca , M. cuatrecasasii , M. klitgaardiae and M. pseudoelliptica ) by its up to 3 cm long persistent bracts (vs. bracts caducous in M. argentea and M. pseudoelliptica , and> 4 cm long in M. cajamarca , M. cuatrecasasii and M. klitgaardiae ), its pods not ornamented by lamellae (vs. ornamented in M. cajamarca and M. cuatrecasasii ), and the pod surface lacking a lignified marginal wing (vs. lignified wings present in M. cajamarca , M. cuatrecasasii and M. klitgaardiae ).

Phenology:— Flowering throughout the year; fruiting March to November.

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Distribution and habitat:— Mucuna elliptica occurs in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). It is frequently collected close to rivers, and in humid forest, montane forest and along roadsides. Two specimens, of the type collection of Mucuna fawcetii Urban (1908: 371) (synonym of M. elliptica ), are reported from Jamaica, although there is no other report to this species outside South America. Elevational range of the species is 120–2110 m.

Conservation status:— Mucuna elliptica is assessed as being of Least Concern (LC). Although our data show a restricted area of occupancy (112 km 2, EN), M. elliptica occurs in ten different locations (some protected) in five countries within South America.

Vernacular names: — ‘ Olho de boi’ [ Brazil (R.L. Froes 20889 K, NY, US)]; ‘Calatis huasca’ [ Ecuador (M. Rios & B. Bergmann 407 QCA)]; ‘vaca ñahui’ e ‘wapaí’ [ Peru (F. Woytkowski 5088 MO; E. Ancuash 437 MO)].

Representative specimens examined:— BOLIVIA. Alto Beni, 1964 (fl.), W. J. Badoock 151 (K) . La Paz: Nor Yungas , 4 km S of bridge over Río Beni, 11 June 1985 (fl.), J.C. Solomon 13968 (K, MO) ; Sud Yungas, Alto Beni, carretera a Sapecho-Santa Ana , 21 May 1988 (fl.), R. Seidel & M. Schulte 2423 ( NY) . BRAZIL. Amazonas : December 1906 to March 1907 (fl.), A. Ducke 17264 ( RB) ; Benjamin Constant , May 1945 (fl.), R.L. Froes 20889 (K, NY, US) ; São Paulo de Olivença , 22 August 1929 (fl./fr.), A. Ducke 23411 (K, RB, US) . Acre: Vicinity of Serra da Moa , 24 April 1971 (fl.), G.T. Prance et al. 12398 (K, MO, NY, W) . ECUADOR. Sucumbíos: Lago Agrio , 28 July 1972 (fl.), J.D. Dwyer 10293 ( MO) ; Río Cuyabeno, Puerto Bolívar, 23 January 1984 (fr.), H.C. Hopkins 416 ( QCA) . Napo: Misicocha, Río Napo, down river from Ahuano , 17 August 1991 (fl.), M. Rios & B. Bergmann 407 ( QCA) ; About 4 km W of Puerto Misahuallí, 13 August 1978 (fl.), G.L. Webster 23220 ( MO) ; Apuya, ca 6 km from Puerto Napo, 14 August 1968 (fl.), H. Lugo 306 ( MO) ; Río Napo, Santa Rosa , 7 August 1968 (fl.), H. Lugo 176 (K, MO, NY) . Orellana: Yasuní National Park , oil road in construction, at km 46−52, September 1993 (fr.), M. Aulestia et al. 411 ( MO, QCNE) . Pastaza: Río Pastaza, between Destacamento Chiriboga and Apachi Entza , 24 July 1980 (fl.), B. Øllgaard et al. 35148 ( MO) . Morona-Santiago: 83 km E of junction of the Patuca−Santiago road and Mendé, 80 km E of Patuca , 14.5 km W of Santiago, 11 July 2004 (fl./fr.), T.B. Croat et al. 90762 ( AAU, K, MO, QCNE) . PERU. Amazonas: Quebrada Chichjam, Rio Cenepa , 24 May 1973 (fl.), E. Ancuash 437 ( MO) ; Rio Cenepa ; 8 km N of Huampami, 2 August 1972 (fl.), B. Berlin 158 ( MO, XAL) . Ayacucho: Aina , 7 May 1929 (fl.), E.P. Kilipp & A.C. Smith 22747 ( NY, US) ; Rio Apurimac Valley, near Kimpitiriki , 10 May 1929 (fl.), E.P. Killipp & A.C. Smith 23054 (A, NY, US) . Bagua: Distrito Imaza, region Nororiental del Marañon , 14 July 1994 (fl.), R. Vásquez et al. 18646 ( MO) ; Along roadside from Chiriaco , 40 km by road NE of Chiriaco, 7 November 1978 (fl./ fr.), P. Barbour 4483 ( MO, NY) . Condorcanqui: Cenepa, Comunidade de San Antonio , Bosque de Ribera , Río Cenepa , 20 June 1997 (fl.), R. Vásquez et al. 24107 (K, MO) . Jujín: Valley of Rio Tulumaio , 5 June 1983 (fr.), A. Gentry et al. 41534 ( NY) . Llama : H. Ruiz & J.A. Pavón s.n. ( MA) . Loreto: Maynas, Caseria Alianza , Río Tamshiyacu , 1 August 1980 (fr.), A. Gentry et al. 29311 (K, MO) . Madre de Dios: Manu, Parque Nacional de Manu ; along forested edge, 12 August 1973 (fr.), R.B. Foster 2591 ( MO) . Pasco: Cordillera Yanachaga , E of Oxapampa, 2 March 1982 (fl.), A. Gentry & D. Smith 35910 ( MO) ; Oxapampa , Parque Nacional Yanachaga, El Huampal, 1 July 2003 (fr.), H. van der Werff et al. 17972 (K). Pozuzo: Llamapañaquin, H. Ruiz & J.A. Pavón s.n. ( MA) . San Martín: Mariscal Cáceres, distrito Tocach Nuevo , 5 April 1975 (fl.), J.S. Vigo 8212 (F, MO) . Ucayali: km 1 de carretera marginal, S from km 86 of Pucallpa -Tingo Maria Road , 1 June 1983 (fl./fr.), A. Gentry & N. Jaramillo 41400 (K, MO) .

Moura, T. M., Tozzi, A. M. G. A., Mansano, V. F. & Lewis, G. P. (2013 e) Lectotypification of names of neotropical species of Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae). Taxon 62: 391 - 393. https: // doi. org / 10.12705 / 622.6

Moura, T. M., Lewis, G. P., Mansano, V. F. & Tozzi, A. M. G. A. (2014 a) Taxonomic Studies in Mucuna Adans. (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) from Peru. Systematic Botany 39: 884 - 896. https: // doi. org / 10.1600 / 036364414 X 682283

Urban, I. (1908) Symbolae Antillanae seu Fundamenta Florae Indiae Occidentalis 5 (3): 353 - 555.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Geographical distribution of the six species of Mucuna with umbel-like pseudoracemose inflorescences endemic to South American.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 11. Mucuna elliptica. A—Leaf. B—Stipels of lateral leaflets. C—Stipels of apical leaflet. D—Inflorescence. E—Flower. F—Calyx opened out, outer surface. G—Standard. H—Wing petals. J—Keel petals. K—Androecium. L—Gynoecium. M—Fruit. C drawn from: J.C. Solomon 13968 (MO); A–B, E–M P. Barbour 4483 (MO); D–from photograph taken by D. Cardenas. Drawn by Ana Lúcia Souza.


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