Mucuna ecuatoriana T.M. Moura, G. P. Lewis & A.M.G. Azevedo, Fl.

De, Tânia M., Lewis, Gwilym P., Mansano, Vidal F. & Tozzi, Ana M. G. A., 2018, A revision of the neotropical Mucuna species (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), Phytotaxa 337 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-06 20:47:07, last updated 2024-09-06 23:49:43)

scientific name

Mucuna ecuatoriana T.M. Moura, G. P. Lewis & A.M.G. Azevedo, Fl.


7. Mucuna ecuatoriana T.M. Moura, G. P. Lewis & A.M.G. Azevedo, Fl. View in CoL Ecuador, 93:8, f.1 (2016). ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 )

TYPE:— ECUADOR. Napo, Road Baeza-Lago Agrio, Km 17, 20 September 1997 (fl.), B.B. Klitgaard et al. 607 (holotype QCNE!; isotypes AAU!, K!) .

Liana. Stem sparsely sericeous. Stipules triangular, 4.0−5.0 mm long, sericeous; petiole 5.0− 8.5 cm long, sparsely sericeous; stipels linear, 3.0−4.0 mm long; rachis 1.5 cm long; petiolules 5.0 mm long, with pubescence appressed or erect, more dense than on the rachis; leaflets sparsely sericeous beneath, glabrescent above, venation eucamptodromous, secondary veins 4−6 pairs per leaflet, alternate, the basal pair opposite; lateral leaflets asymmetrical, 9.0−12 × 5.0− 6.2 cm, rounded at base (sometimes weakly truncate or subcordate), cuspidate at apex; terminal leaflets elliptic, 9.0−12.5 × 5.0− 6.2 cm, rounded to acute at base, cuspidate at apex. Inflorescence axillary, pseudoracemose, peduncle 4.0−9.0 cm long, sparsely sericeous, the pubescence denser at apex; bracts foliaceous, acute at apex, 2.5 × 1.5 cm, sericeous, secondary bracts pale green, 3.5−6.0 × 2.0 cm; rachis 1.5−5.0 cm long; pedicels 1.0− 1.3 cm long, sericeous; nodes 6–9; internodes 3.0−7.0 mm long. Flowers 6.0−8.0 cm long; calyx green,


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1.4−2.8 cm long, lobes 4, the upper lobe formed by two connate lobes, 10 × 5.0 mm, lower lobe 14 × 3.0 mm, lateral lobes 6.0−8.0 × 3.0 mm; corolla reported to be yellow (L. Besse et al. 1900 MO); standard broadly elliptic, 4.0−4.5 × 2.7−3.0 cm, attenuate at base, rounded at apex, with claw 4 mm long; wings oblong-elliptic, 6.0−8.0 × 1.5−1.8 cm, pubescent at base of the blade, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, with claw 6.0−7.0 mm long; keel petals oblong, 6.0−8.0 × 1.4−1.8 cm, pubescent at base of the blade, acute to attenuate at base, acute at apex, with claw 8.0 mm long. Stamens 6.0−8.0 cm long, glabrous; anthers oblong, basifixed, 3.0 mm long. Ovary 8.0−10 × 2.0−3.0 mm, densely sericeous, with 4 or 5 ovules; style 5.0−7.0 cm long, sericeous, sparsely so towards apex, with hairs shorter than on the ovary; stigma peltate. Pods with transverse, lamellate ornamentation, immature fruits acute at base, aristate at apex (mature fruits not seen), with a dense pubescence of irritant hairs.

Taxonomic notes:— Mucuna ecuatoriana Moura et al. (2016c: 8) is morphologically similar to M. sloanei , but the latter differs in having a dense and adpressed indumentum on the abaxial surface of its leaflets (vs. sparse on M. ecuatoriana ), bracteoles 1.0–2.5 × 0.7–1.5 cm (vs. 3.5–6.0 × 2.0 cm in M. ecuatoriana ), the inflorescence rachis 1.0– 1.5 cm long and flowers 5.0– 6.5 cm long (vs. rachis 1.5–5.0 cm long and flowers 6.0–8.0 cm long in M. ecuatoriana ).

Phenology:— Flowering June to December; specimen field labels indicate fruits collected in July.

Distribution and habitat:— Mucuna ecuatoriana is endemic to Ecuador, occurring in Francisco de Orellana, Loja, Morona Santiago, Napo, Pastaza, Santiago-Zamora, Sucumbios, Tungurahua and Zamora ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 ). The species occurs predominantly along rivers and in other wet areas at 200–1900 m.

Conservation status:— Mucuna ecuatoriana is assessed as being of Least Concern (LC). According to available data M. ecuatoriana has a restricted area of occupancy (48 km 2, EN), but the habitat where the species occurs is not fragmented and the species is recorded from more than ten collection localities. No decline, or fluctuation, in extant populations has been recorded.

Representative specimens examined:— ECUADOR. Morona-Santiago: 1.5 km W of Proaño , 23 August 2002 (fl.), T.B. Croat & L. Hannon 86808 ( AAU, QCNE) . Napo: Along road from Baeza to Lago Agrio , side road to Parróquia Sumaco , 0.2 km E of main road, 5 October 2007 (fl.), T.B. Croat et al. 99305 ( QCNE); km 29, 24


Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press • 21 November 1983 (fl.), L. Besse et al. 1900 ( MO) ; Road from Papallacta to Baeza, 12 October 2003 (fl.), M. Blanco et al. 2532 ( MO) ; 3 km E of Huama , 17 September 1988 (fl.), F. Hurtado & A. Alvarado 419 ( AAU, MO, QCNE) ; Cantón Archidona , S of Volcán Sumaco, 14 October 1988 (fl.), A. Alvarado 3 ( QCNE) ; El Chaco, Parróquia Santa Rosa de Quijos , 30 October 1991, A.P. Yanes et al. 651 ( QCA, QCNE) ; 14 August 1999 (fl.), H. Vargas et al. 4010 ( QCA, QCNE) ; 28 August 1990 (fl.), J. Jamarillo et al. 12369 ( AAU, QCA) ; Río Paternon , SW of Borja, 22 September 1980 (fl.), L. Holm-Nielsen et al. 26678 ( AAU) ; Santa Rosa , ca 1 hr downriver from Ajuano, 12 July 1990 (fl.), B. Bennett & R. Alarcón 4287 ( QCNE) . Orellana : 2 km W of Coca, banks of Río Añangoyacu, 5 June 1983 (fl.), J-E. Bohlin & M. Bohlin 272 ( GB) ; Yasuní Scientific Station on Río Tiputini , 14 December 1998 (fl.), G. Villa 150 ( AAU, BM, QCNE) ; 21 June 1995 (fl.), P. Acevedo-Rodríguez & J.A. Cedeno 7840 ( QCA) ; 18 July 2000 (fl.), R.J. Burnham & E. Robles 2587 ( QCA, QCNE) . Pastaza : Río Cayabe, between Mera and Río Topo, 17 July 1967 (fl.), B. Sparre 17618 (S); Río Curaray, 4 June 1980 (fl.), J. Brandbyge & E. Asanza 31608 ( AAU) . Tungurahua : Road to Río Verde, Río Negro, 19 July 1968 (fl.), H. Lugo 130 ( GB, MO) . Sucumbíos : Between Galindo and Río Malo, 12 October 1990 (fr.), J. Jaramillo & E. Grijalva 13235 ( NY, QCA) . Zamora-Chinchipe : Zamora to Yanzasa, 24 July 1960 (fl.), M.E. Mathias & D. Taylor 5251 (K, US); Loja−Zamora road, km 50, July 1982 (fl.), C.H. Dodson & A. Embree 13209 ( MO) ; Road from Vilcabamba to Valladolid, 12 July 1986 (fl./fr.), W. G. D'Arcy 16473 ( MO) ; 7.7 km S of Valladolid , 8 July 1989 (fl.), L.J. Dorr & I. Valdespino 6544 ( QCA, QCNE, US) .

Moura, T. M., Lewis, G. P., Mansano, V. F. & Tozzi, A. M. G. A. (2016 c) Mucuna Adans. Leguminosae - Phaseoleae, part I. Flora

Gallery Image

FIGURE 9. Mucuna ecuatoriana. A—Leaf and inflorescence. B—A pair of stipels at the base of the lateral leaflets. C—A pair of stipels at the base of the terminal leaflet. D—Detail of leaflet abaxial surface. E—Standard. F—Wing. G—Keel petals. H—Calyx opened out, outer surface. J—Androecium and gynoecium. Drawn from B.B. Klitgaard et al. 607 (K). Drawn by Ana Lúcia Souza.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 10. Geographical distribution of five neotropical species of Mucuna: M. monticola and M. tapantiana (endemic to Central America) M. ecuatoriana and M. killipiana (endemic to South America) M. globulifera (Central and South America).


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