Mucuna cajamarca T.M. Moura, G.P. Lewis & A.M.G. Azevedo, Kew Bull.

De, Tânia M., Lewis, Gwilym P., Mansano, Vidal F. & Tozzi, Ana M. G. A., 2018, A revision of the neotropical Mucuna species (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), Phytotaxa 337 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-06 20:47:07, last updated 2024-09-06 23:49:43)

scientific name

Mucuna cajamarca T.M. Moura, G.P. Lewis & A.M.G. Azevedo, Kew Bull.


4. Mucuna cajamarca T.M. Moura, G.P. Lewis & A.M.G. Azevedo, Kew Bull. View in CoL 68(1): 143 – 150. 2013. ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 )

TYPE:— PERU. San Ignacio , San José de Lourdes. Localidad Santo Tomás, 05º01'00"S; 78º54'00"W, 1800 m, 5 March 1997 (fr.), J. Campos & S. Corrales 3451 (holotype: K!; isotypes: MEXU! MO!) GoogleMaps .


Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press • 13 14 • Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press


Liana. Leaflets 3-foliolate; pulvinus 5.0–10 × 2.0–3.0 mm; petiole 9.0– 16 cm long; stipels absent; rachis 1.0–2.0 cm long; petiolule 5.0– 10 mm long; leaflet blades ovate, obovate or elliptic; apical leaflets 12–14 × 7.0– 8.5 cm, lateral leaflets 11–14 × 7.0–9.0 cm, asymmetric, obtuse or rounded at base, acuminate or cuspidate at apex, dense and erect golden coloured hairs on abaxial surface; venation eucamptodromous, secondary veins 5.0–6.0 pairs per leaflet. Inflorescence axillary, umbel-like pseudoraceme; peduncle 0.6–1.0 m long; bracts 6.0–8.0 × 3.0–4.0 cm, persistent, sericeous; pedicels 2.0– 2.5 cm long, sericeous. Flowers 9.0– 10 cm long; calyx sericeous on both surfaces, 2.0– 2.7 cm long; 4-lobed, the adaxial lobe formed by two connate sepals, 3.0–5.0 mm long, obtuse at apex; the other three lobes 10–14 × 2.0–4.0 mm, acute at apex; corolla reported to be yellowish green (J. Campos & O. Cano 4710 K, MEXU, MO); standard broadly elliptic, 7.0– 7.5 cm long, attenuate at base, rounded at apex, the claw ca. 5.0 mm long; wings oblong-obovate, 9.0–10 × 2.0–3.0 cm, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, the claw ca. 8.0 mm long; keel petals oblong, 9.0–9.5 × 1.5 cm, attenuate at base, acute at apex, the claw ca. 10 mm long; wing and keel petals pubescent at base. Stamen filaments 8.5–9.5 cm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 10–10.5 cm long; style 8.0– 8.5 cm long, sericeous, except at apex; ovary oblong in outline, ca. 20 × 3.0 mm, sericeous; stigma peltate, villous. Fruit stipitate (stipe ca. 1.0 cm long), 16–25 × 3.5–4.0 cm, oblong, oblong, laterally compressed, attenuate at base, acuminate at apex, surface ornamented by transverse lamellae and covered in irritant hairs, lignified wings present along the fruit margin. Seeds 4.0–5.2 × 2.0 × 2.5 cm, globose, hilum black, circling ca. 85% of the seed circumference.

Taxonomic notes:— Mucuna cajamarca is morphologically similar to M. cuatrecasasii , but differs in the orientation of hairs on the abaxial surface of the leaflets (appressed in M. cuatrecasasii vs. erect in M. cajamarca ), the pod ornamentation (slightly and obscurely ornamented in M. cuatrecasasii vs. strongly ornamented with transverse lamellae in M. cajamarca ). Mucuna cuatrecasasii is endemic to Colombia, whereas M. cajamarca is endemic to the Cajamarca region of Peru.

Phenology:— Flowering November to February; fruits have been collected in March.

Distribution and habitat:— Mucuna cajamarca is endemic to San Ignacio province, Cajamarca, Peru ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). It grows in primary and secondary forest. The elevational range of the species is 1300–1700 m.

Conservation status:— According to the extent of occurrence (16.37 km 2), the area of occupancy (8 km 2), and the small number of known collection localities of M. cajamarca (the species is endemic to Cajamarca and is currently known by only three collections), it could be assessed as being Criticaly Endangered or Endangered. However, there is no available information about the quality of the habitats where it occurs and, based on the few known collections, and following IUCN conservation assessment criteria (2016), we assess the species as being Data Deficient (DD).

Vernacular names: — ‘ Ojo de carnero’ (J. Campos & O. Cano 4710 K, MEXU, MO) and ‘ojo de venado’ (J. Campos & S. Corrales 3451 K, MEXU, MO).

Representative specimens examined:— PERU. Cajamarca: San Ignacio province, Tabaconas, La Berjameja , margen derecha de la quebrada Torohuaca , 5°21'07"S, 79°17'01"W, 20 November 1997 (fl.), J. Campos & O. Cano 4710 (K, MEXU); San José de Lourdes , selva Andina, 12 February 2000 (fl.), J. Campos & R. Vásquez 6379 ( MO) GoogleMaps .

Moura, T. M., Lewis, G. P., Mansano, V. F. & Tozzi, A. M. G. A. (2013 b) Three new species of Mucuna (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Phaseoleae) from South America. Kew Bulletin 68: 143 - 150. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 12225 - 012 - 9429 - 6

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FIGURE 3. Geographical distribution of the six species of Mucuna with umbel-like pseudoracemose inflorescences endemic to South American.

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FIGURE 6. Mucuna cajamarca. A—Leaf and inflorescence in bud, emphasizing length of peduncle. B—Leaf. C—Indumentum on abaxial surface of leaflet. D—Inflorescence, including bracts. E—Calyx opened out. F—Standard petal. G—Wing petal. H—Keel petals. J—Gynoecium. K—Fruit. Figure first published in Moura et al. (2013b). Drawn by Margaret Tebbs.


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Missouri Botanical Garden











