Neohybos adustus, Ale-Rocha, 2017

Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2017, New species of Neohybos Ale-Rocha & Carvalho (Diptera, Hybotidae, Hybotinae) from South America, Zootaxa 4358 (3), pp. 507-531 : 510-511

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4358.3.7

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scientific name

Neohybos adustus

sp. nov.

Neohybos adustus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 6–9 View FIGURES 6–9 , 56 View FIGURES 55–60 , 62 View FIGURES 61–66 )

Diagnosis. Scutum shiny dorsally, with fine brown pruinescence laterally, on prescutellar disc and margin of scutellum; dark brown with postpronotal lobe yellow and postalar callus with small yellow spot; foreleg pale brown with tarsomeres 1–2 yellow and tarsomeres 3–5 brown; mid and hind legs brown, except mid tibia, basal two thirds of hind tibia and tarsomeres 1–2 yellow; wing with uniform brown infuscation.

Holotype male. Body: 2.7 mm. Wing: 2.5 mm. Head: postpedicel about twice longer than wide, slightly longer than scape and pedicel combined. Face very narrow, linear, as long as frons. Ocellar setae parallel, short and thin. Postcranium clothed in brown pruinescence. Upper postocular setae long, lower setae inconspicuous; occipital setae multiserial and disordered. Thorax ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 61–66 ): shiny dorsally, with fine brown pruinescence laterally, on prescutellar disc and margin of scutellum; dark brown except for postpronotal lobe yellow and postalar callus with small yellow spot. Setae black, mostly very short and thin, almost inconspicuous; acr and dc uniserial; ial uniserial, spal reduced in number; 2 npl slightly longer than apical scutellar pair; 1 pal short; 5 pairs of scutellar setae, apical pair stouter, divergent, and twice longer than lateral setae. Wing ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 55–60 ): narrow, with uniform brown infuscation, including pterostigma; R4+5 and M1 parallel apically. Legs ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 61–66 ): foreleg pale brown with tarsomeres 1–2 yellow and tarsomeres 3–5 brown; mid and hind legs brown, except mid tibia, basal two-thirds of hind tibia and tarsomeres 1–2 yellow. Hind femur thickened; hind tibia straight, cylindrical. Setae pale brown. Fore tibia with 1 anterior and 1 posterior preapical seta, elongate, reaching half-length of fore first tarsomere. Fore tarsomere 1 with 1 anterior and 1 posterior preapical seta extending beyond half-length of tarsomere 1. Mid tibia with 2 robust dorsal setae (1 near base, 1 at mid-length); 1 very long ventroapical seta reaching half-length of tarsomere 2. Mid tarsomere 1 with 1 long preapical ad seta; 1 very long pv seta extending beyond mid-length of tarsomere 2. Hind trochanter with 2 elongate and robust setae ventrally. Hind femur with 9 spine-like av setae; 1 ad seta on distal fourth; 1 anterior seta near apex; ventral surface with 11 short spines on distal half; 7 spine-like pv setae (2 near base, 5 on distal half). Hind tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 short spine-like seta on anterior and posterior surfaces. Hind tibia lacking differentiated setae. Abdomen: shiny, dark-brown; about 2.8 times longer than thorax; tergite 8 and all sternites clothed in brown pruinescence. Setae brown, sparse, very short, longer on lateral of tergites 1–2; sternite 8 with long and slender yellow setae on distal margin. Terminalia ( Figs 6–9 View FIGURES 6–9 ): right bacilliform sclerite unmodified, lacking projections. Right surstylus short with pointed apex; left surstylus deeply concave apically. Hypandrium with posterior margin deeply concave on left side; right hypandrial lobe long and wide, with sharpened apex; left hypandrial lobe short. Postgonite somewhat sinuous; phallus robust, medially narrowed and round apically.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ ( INPA) labelled: “ Brasil. Amazonas / S. [Santa] Izabel [do] R.[ Rio ] Negro / Maturacá / 11–13.x.1990, Arm. [Armadilha] Malaise / J.A. Rafael ”; “ Holótipo / Neohybos adustus / Ale-Rocha, R ” [red label]. Specimen in good condition, except for eyes creased; not dissected.

Additional material. PERU. Tingo Maria: Monson Valley, x.9.1957, E.I. Schlinger & E.S. Ross col. (1♂, CAS). BRASIL. Amazonas: F. [Fazenda] Esteio , Br 174, Km 41, ZF3, 24–27.viii.1993, F.F. Xavier (1♂, INPA). Distribution. Brazil (Amazonas), Peru (Tingo Maria).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin adustus (tanned, brown) in reference to the coloration of the wing.


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


California Academy of Sciences















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