Neoacanthoneura dryas Kameneva

Kameneva, Elena P., 2012, Revision of Aciuroides Hendel and Neoacanthoneura Hendel (Diptera: Ulidiidae: Pterocallini), Zootaxa 3227, pp. 1-33 : 21-22

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Plazi (2016-04-12 08:42:51, last updated 2024-11-29 12:50:07)

scientific name

Neoacanthoneura dryas Kameneva

sp. nov.

Neoacanthoneura dryas Kameneva , new species

( Figs. 29–30 View FIGURES 27 – 40 , 53–54 View FIGURES 49 – 54 )

Type material. Holotype ♂: PANAMA, C.[anal] Z.[one], F[or]t Gulick , 21.VIII.1952, F.S.Blanton ( USNM) . PARATYPES: NICARAGUA: ♀, Masaya Dist., Laguna de Apoyo , banana bait, 29.IX.1993, E. van den Berghe ( CM) ; COSTA RICA, ♀, Prov. Guanacaste, R. Gongora, 700 m, 6 km NE de Queb. [rada], Grande de Liberia, II.1992, III corso parataxonom., L-N 319700, 376250 ( INBIO CRI000 872941) ( INBio) ; GUATEMALA: ♂, Escuintla: Palin , McPhail traps, 14º24'N 90º42'W, 1992, J.Lopes ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 2♀, Escuintla: Palin. 14º21'N 90º42'W, McPhail trap, 1992, J. Lopez ( USNM ENT 0 0 0 51931 & 00051932) ( USNM, SIZK) GoogleMaps ; PANAMA: ♂, Canal Zone, Colon, Humid forest, Canopy fogging, 2–14.VII.1979, E.Broadhead et al., B.M. 1979–125 ( BMNH) ; ♀, La Campana, No 4104, I–III.1938, J. Zetek ( USNM) .

Diagnosis. Males of Neoacanthoneura dryas are similar to those of N. goniata in the wing shape, with the costal vein in the male slightly produced anteriorly, forming blunt angle at the level of crossvein dm-cu, but readily differing by the dark elements of the wing pattern much expanded, widely confluent, forming mostly dark wing pattern. Females of N. dryas are similar to N. chiroptera , N. goniata and N. steyskali in having a wing pattern with the discal crossband and the apical spot joined, differing from other species with similar wing patterns by the dark subbasal crossband at least 2.5–4 times as wide as both hyaline areas in cell br.

Description. Male. Head ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 49 – 54 ) length: height: width ratio 1: 1.35: 1.6, with compound eye 1.3 times as high as long and frons 1.6 times as long as wide. Head setae, coloration and appendages as in N. chiroptera . Thorax pale brown with dark yellow, densely yellow microtrichose pleura, and dark yellow, subshining postpronotal lobes and scutellum. Legs entirely yellow with black setae and setulae. Wing ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 27 – 40 ) widely dark brown, with alula, anal lobe, cell cua1 and posterior half of cell dm hyaline, with gray microtrichia, cell m with wide hyaline incision extended into r4+5 cell; cell bm gray; subbasal part of pterostigma with hyaline spot extended into r2+3 cell; cell br at base and at apex and cell r1 at dm-cu level with round hyaline spots. Costal vein forming anteriorly produced blunt angle at dm-cu level, conspicuously widened between R1 and R4+5 apices, with ventral row of setulae with 20–22 thick dentate setulae at R1 apex level. Pterostigma narrow, 1.1 as long as costal cell. Vein R1 setulose on apical half only, mostly subparallel to costa. Vein R2+3 undulate. Vein M ratio m3: m2: m4 = 1: 6.5: 6. Wing length 2.4 mm.

Male abdomen and epandrium (not dissected) superficially as in N. apicalis .

Female. Head ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 49 – 54 ) length: height: width ratio 1: 1.3: 1.53, with compound eye 1.4–1.5 times as high as long and frons 1.5–1.6 times as long as wide. Head setae, coloration and appendages as in N. chiroptera . Thorax as in N. apicalis . Legs yellow to brownish with black setae and setulae, tarsi usually brown. Wing ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 27 – 40 ) with pattern as described for N. chiroptera female, with yellowish cell bc, but subbasal crossband very wide, 2.5–4 times as wide as hyaline spots at apex of cell br; hyaline spot inside subbasal crossband in cell r1 small, broadly isolated from hyaline areas or in some specimens inconspicuous or absent; base of cell br brown, with hyaline spot anterior of bm-cu crossvein. Pterostigma narrow, 0.9–1.0 times as long as costal cell. Vein R1 setulose on apical half only. Vein R 2+3 slightly undulate. Vein M ratio m3: m2: m4 = 1: 7.0–9.4: 6.0–7.0. Wing length 2.9–3.4 mm. Terminalia not dissected.

Etymology. Dryas ("oak") is the name of a seer in Greek mythology, and is used here as a noun in preposition.

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FIGURES 27 – 40. Neoacanthoneura, wing: 27 – 28, N. apicalis new species: 27, holotype 3 (Ecuador, Napo (USNM ENT 00053921 )); 28, paratype Ƥ (Mexico, Chiapas (USNM )); 29 – 30, N. dryas new species: 29, holotype 3 (Panama, Fort Gulick (USNM )); 30, paratype Ƥ (Panama, La Campana (USNM )); 31 – 32, N. chiroptera new species (Trinidad, Arima Valley (USNM )): 31, holotype 3; 32, paratype Ƥ; 33 – 34, N. brachioptera new species: 33, holotype 3 (Ecuador, Napo (USNM ENT 00054661 )); 34, paratype Ƥ (Costa Rica, Estrella Valley, Pandora (DEBU )); 35 – 36, N. goniata new species, 3 (Trinidad, Arima Valley (USNM )): 35, holotype; 36, paratype; 37 – 38, N. steyskali new species: 37, holotype 3 (Costa Rica, Sector Cocori (INBio CRI 001647247); 38, paratype Ƥ (Panama, Barro Colorado (USNM )); 39 – 40, N. subapicalis new species: 39, holotype 3 (Costa Rica, Est. San Ramón Oeste (INBio CRI 001777694 )); 40, paratype Ƥ (Costa Rica, Buen Amigo San Luis Monteverde, # 3168, INBio CRI 001 991556). Abbreviations: AB—apical band, ACB—accessory crossband, DB—discal crossband. SBB—subbasal crossband, ST—transverse streak.

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FIGURES 49 – 54. Neoacanthoneura, habitus, laterally: 49 – 50, N. apicalis new species: 49, holotype 3 (Ecuador, Napo (USNM ENT 00053921 )); 50, paratype Ƥ (Mexico, Chiapas (USNM )); 51, N. brachioptera new species, holotype 3 (Ecuador, Napo (USNM ENT 00054661 )); 52, N. chiroptera new species, holotype 3 (Trinidad, Arima Valley (USNM )); 53 – 54, N. dryas new species: 53, holotype 3 (Panama, Fort Gulick (USNM )); 54, paratype Ƥ (Panama, La Campana (USNM )).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Chongqing Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


Schmaulhausen Institute of Zoology











