Rhabdonemataceaea Round & Crawford

Al-Handal, Adil Y., Compère, Pierre & Criobe-Usr, Catherine Riaux-Gobin, 2016, Marine benthic diatoms in the coral reefs of Reunion and Rodrigues Islands, West Indian Ocean, Micronesica 2016 (3), pp. 1-78 : 12

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Rhabdonemataceaea Round & Crawford


Family Rhabdonemataceaea Round & Crawford

Rhabdonema adriaticum Kützing (Pl. 6, Fig. 11) References: Hustedt 1931 -59, p. 53, fig. 552; Witkowski et al. 2000, p. 76, pl.13, figs 10-12; Lobban et al. 2012, p. 261, p. 18, figs 1-3.

Features: Apical axis: 28-50 µm, transapical axis: 10-11 µm, striae 6-10 in 10 µm. Frustules in girdle view rectangular with rounded hyaline corners. Girdle with septa slightly increasing in length towards the center of the valve.

Remarks: Cells were only seen in girdle view, but when observed in valve view, each septum appear with three foramina, one central and two apical ( Witkowski et al. 2000).

Occurrence: Frequent in Reunion and Rodrigues Islands. Previously reported from Seychelles (G) and Mauritius (D), already reported from Rodrigues.

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