Polymeridium xanthoreagens Aptroot

C, Bruno Micael, Barbosa, ardoso, A, Lidiane, Santos, lves dos, Oliveira, Isaías de, Junior, Oliveira, Dayane de, Lima, Aptroot, André, E, Marcela, S, ugenia da & Cáceres, ilva, 2024, New records of Polymeridium (Müll. Arg.) R. C. Harris from Brazil with description of a new species from the Caatinga, and a checklist of the Brazilian species, Cryptogamie, Mycologie 20 (4), pp. 39-46 : 44-45

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Polymeridium xanthoreagens Aptroot


Polymeridium xanthoreagens Aptroot View in CoL

Nova Hedwigia 98 (1): 27 ( Aptroot & Cáceres 2013).

MYCOBANK. — MB803006.

EXAMINED MATERIAL. — Brazil Bahia, Fazenda Oiteiro, Araci; alt. 271 m; on the bark of a tree in the Caatinga area ; ISE .

DISTRIBUTION IN BRAZIL. — SE ( Cáceres et al. 2014); BA (this paper).


Polymeridium xanthoreagens is being registered for the first time in the state of Bahia, in the Fazenda Oiteiro, Araci.


Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Campus Professor Alberto Carvalho

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