Parosus portobelo, Makranczy & H-, 2014

Makranczy, György, 2014, Review of the genus Parosus Sharp, 1887 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (1), pp. 77-133 : 120-122

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Carolina (2022-02-16 19:02:14, last updated 2022-02-17 08:46:57)

scientific name

Parosus portobelo

sp. nov.

Parosus portobelo sp. nov. Figs 24, 107-110, 136, 139

TYPEMATERIAL: HOLOTYPE (3), “[ PANAMA:] [ColonProv.,] PortoBello [= Portobelo, 9°33'N, 79°39'W], PanMar 4? [19]11, [leg.] E. ASchwarz” ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . – PARATYPES (12), PANAMA: ColonProv., Portobelo , 26.II.1911, leg. E. ASchwarz, ( AMNH, 1), samebut 12.III.1911, leg. E. ASchwarz, ( AMNH, 1), CocléProv., 7.2kmNEElCopé, 730m, 08°37' N, 80°35' W, 20.V-7.VI.1995, leg. J. Ashe, R. Brooks (#140), ex: flightintercepttrap ( SEMC, 1) GoogleMaps . – COSTARICA, PuntarenasProv., PenínsuladeOsa, 7kmWRincón, Est.[ación] F.[undación] N.[Neotrópica] AguasBuenas [8°41'N, 83°30'W], 50m, 21-25.VI.1997, leg. S. & J. Peck (CR1P97 025), flightintercepttrap ( SEMC, 1), HerediaProv., LaSelvaBiol. Res. Sta., 3.2km SEPuertoViejo [deSarapiqui] [10°25'45"N, 83°58'52"W], 100m, 19.II.1992. leg. W. Bell, flight intercept trap ( SEMC, 1), Heredia Prov. : La Selva Biol. Station nr. Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui [10°25'53"N, 84°00'20"W, 50m], 18.II.1985, leg. L. Herman (#2111), beatingtreesandshrubs ( AMNH, 1), same but leg. L. Herman (#2120), beating trees and shrubs ( AMNH, 2), same but leg. L. Herman (#2123), at the shore of a stream ( AMNH, 1), Heredia Prov. : La Selva Biol. Station nr. Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, 18.II.1985, leg. L. Herman (#2124), beating trees and shrubs ( AMNH, 2, MHNG, 1) GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION: HabitusasinFig. 136. Measurements (n=5): HW = 0.58 (0.54- 0.62); TW = 0.55 (0.52-0.60); PW = 0.51 (0.49-0.56); SW = 0.51 (0.48-0.56); MW = 0.61 (0.58-0.66); AW = 0.56 (0.54-0.57); HL = 0.41 (0.39-0.44); EL = 0.14 (0.14-0.15); FL = 0.12 (0.12-0.13); TL = 0.13 (0.12-0.15); PL = 0.39 (0.35-0.42); SL = 0.56 (0.54- 0.61); SC = 0.54 (0.52-0.59); FB = 1.42 (1.34-1.53); BL = 2.55 (2.31-2.83) mm. Body 'bicoloured'. Head reddish medium to dark brown (supraantennal prominences appear lighter, almost orange, front of clypeal region medium brown to orange, infraocular ridge dark brown, mediad of supraantennal prominences with two little darker spots). Pronotum orange to light brown, elytra medium to dark brown except shoulder sometimes lighter, darkening towards apex. Abdomen light brown, gradually darkening towards apex (tergites VII-VIII dark brown). Legs, mouthparts and antennae light brown. Pubescence short and rather sparse, but more dense on elytra and much longer on abdomen.

Head and pronotum. Mid-antennal articles about as long as wide (antennomere 6 length:width = 0.050: 0.049 mm). Clypeus (Fig. 107) trapezoid, ratiooflongitudinal distance of supraantennal prominence tip from eyefront to the same from clypeal front = 0.28-0.33. Infraocular ridge (Fig. 110) fine but well visible, ending in a small, shiny postocular process and short keel behind posterior edge of the eye. Temple curved, most strongly in the middle, with eye more or less bulging. Pronotum (Fig. 108) with maximum width 1.72-1.78x base width, sides strongly but evenly curved in the anterior half, straight (or almost so) posteriorly, anterior angles sharp. Clypeus and supraantennal ridges almost unpunctured, shiny. Frontoclypeal groove well visible, medium deep, reached by the umbilicate punctation. Middle of vertex slightly elevated with more sparse punctation (consequently more shiny), posteriorly and anteriorly slightly

FIGS 129-134

Forebodies of new Parosus species. P. longipennis sp. n. (129), P. simplex sp. n. (130), P. taliaferroae sp. n. (131), P. newtoni sp. n. (132), P. thayerae sp. n. (133), P. unicoloratus sp. n. (134). depressed, latter continued into the shallow frontoclypeal transversal depression. Posterior pronotal midline a shiny, elevated, unpunctured stripe, anteriad and along its two sides with longitudinal depressions. Pronotal sides with impressions around the middle. Head with 20-22 'longitudinal' puncture lines, pronotum with 20-22 'longitudinal' puncture lines, a loosened transversal area mid-vertex.

Elytra and abdomen. Elytra (Fig. 109) slightly dilating posteriorly, with two small, roundish impressions behind scutellum. Medially serrate fringe present on hind margin of tergite VII. Head, pronotum and elytra with roughly the same sized punctures, but elytral punctation not umbilicate, interspaces about 1/3-2/3 of puncture diameters. Bases of tergites (posterior to basal ridges) almost without any microsculpture, segments with a few small, scattered punctures. Aedeagus as in Fig. 139.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is the locality of the holotype, noun in apposition.

COMPARATIVE NOTES: Of the similarly 'bicoloured' and small-sized species ( P. longipennis and P. brasilianus ) it can be distinguished by the combination of the bulging eyes and elongate antennae ( P. longipennis has stouter antennae, while the eyes of P. brasilianus are not so much bulging).

DISTRIBUTION: The species is known from two pairs of localities in Costa Rica and in Panama, respectively.

BIONOMICS: The known specimens were either beaten from branches or captured in flight intercept traps. The single exemplar from a streambank must be a chance occurence.


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University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle











