Heterocoelia zhaoi, Xu & He, 2006

Xu, Zaifu & He, Junhua, 2006, Revision of the genus Heterocoelia Dahlbom from China, with a key to the Oriental species (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Zootaxa 1114 (1), pp. 61-68 : 64-65

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scientific name

Heterocoelia zhaoi

sp. nov.

2, Heterocoelia zhaoi sp. nov.

( Figs. 4–6 View FIGURES )

Diagnosis. Similar to H. granulata Móczár, 1984 from Sri Lanka in having head as long as wide and T2 broadly granulate basally, but differs in having a much larger body size, first flagellomere more than twice as long as pedicel, pedicel and flagellomeres 1–2 nearly parallel­sided and eye about 1.5x as long as malar space. In contrast, H. granulata has a shorter first flagellomere, unmodified pedicel and first two flagellomeres, and the malar space considerably shorter.

Description. Holotype male. Body length 6.20 mm. Fore wing length 3.14 mm.

Colouration. Body mainly black, except ventral surface of flagellomeres 1–4, mandible, clypeus, trochanters, tibiae, tarsi, posterior margins of T3–T6 reddish­brown. Wings hyaline; fore wing light brown, vein brown.

Vestiture. Head and thorax with white hairs; T1 laterally, T2 laterally and posteriorly, and T3–T6 with white hairs; sterna with denser white hairs.

Structure. Head dull, as long as wide; lateral margins strongly converging behind eyes; posterior margin straight in dorsal view, with some distinct pits along occipital carina; rounded posterolaterally. Eye 1.08x as long as wide (13: 12), convex, with sparse erect white hairs. Malar space 0.69x as long as eye (9: 13). Distance between posterior margin of eye and occipital carina 0.96x as long as first flagellomere (26: 27). Antenna gradually narrowed apically, flagellomeres 2–10 nearly parallel­sided; length (and width) of antennal segments in following proportions: 25.0 (11.0): 12.0 (9.0): 27.0 (10.5): 21.0 (10.0): 20.5 (9.5): 21.5 (9.0): 21.0 (8.5): 20.0 (7.5): 20.0 (7.5): 19.0 (7.0): 16.0 (6.0): 17.0 (5.5): 22.0 (5.0); flagellar hairs short, about half as long as width of last flagellomere. Anterolateral margin of clypeus rectangular. Frons densely, coarsely and deeply punctate, interspaces narrower than punctures. POL: OOL = 1:2. Pronotum dull, with anterior corners nearly rectangular, slightly protruding laterally, slightly concave laterally; posterior margin slightly concave in dorsal view. Mesoscutum somewhat shining, with fine scattered punctures; notauli very deep and sharply margined; longitudinal furrow not developed; transverse furrow between scutum and scutellum deep with pair of deep pits laterally; scutellum weakly shining, with 10 large scattered punctures posteriorly. Episternum deeply punctate. Propodeal disc slightly less than half as long as wide (3: 8); lateral surface of propodeum slightly divergent; lateral spines 0.40x as long as disc medially (2: 5); all carinae on dorsal surface well developed; sublateral carinae extending onto lateral spines; lateral surface of propodeum irregularly wrinkled, upper margin with a parallel strong carina reaching only to vertical edge of disc but not to lateral spine, posterior margin with two parallel strong carinae. Metasoma smooth; T1 impunctate; T2 broadly granulate basally, distinctly and deeply punctate posteriorly; T3–T6 granulate anteriorly and impunctate posteriorly.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Male holotype, China, Fujian Province, Fuzhou , 26.05°N, 119.18°E, 19.IX.1990, coll. Xiufu ZHAO, No. 967700. Paratype: 1 male, same locality of holotype, 13.VIII.1989, coll. Changming LIU, No. 966312 GoogleMaps .

Etymology. This species is named in honour of the collector of the holotype, the late Prof Xiufu ZHAO from Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University.













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