Tarphius chilensis Franz 1969:143

Lord, Nathan P. & Ivie, Michael A., 2016, Several New Genera and Species of New World Synchitini (Coleoptera: Zopheridae: Colydiinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 715-753 : 715-753

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Diego (2021-08-28 21:17:24, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 10:12:59)

scientific name

Tarphius chilensis Franz 1969:143


Tarphius chilensis Franz 1969:143 . New combination.

Diagnosis. Slipinskius chilensis is the only described member of the genus and is diagnosed and characterized by the features given in the generic description. Likely species level diagnostic features may include the number and placement of pronotal and elytral tubercles ( Fig. 20 View Figs ) and shape of the male genitalia ( Fig. 4k, l View Fig ).

Distribution. Chile ( Fig. 22 View Figs ).

Biology. Specimens were collected by sifting forest litter and by Berlese extraction of Nothofagus Blume (Nothofagaceae) and Auracaria Juss. (Auricariaceae) litter.

Type Material. 11 specimens. Holotype (carded, NHMW, sex undetermined): Cordillera de la; Costa b. Mehuin; S. Chile, lg. Franz / [in Franz’ s hand] Tarphius ; chilensis; m.; [typed] det. H. Franz / [red label, in Franz’ s hand] Typus . Paratypes (9 carded, NHMW, sexes undetermined): labels same as Holotype, except label 2 reads: [light yellow label, in Franz’ s hand] Tarphius ; chilensis; m.; [typed] PARATYPUS. Paratype (carded, NHMW, sexes undetermined): [typed] Cordillera; Nahelbuta; lg. H. Franz / [light yellow label, in Franz’ s hand] Umg. Angol; Süd-Chile / [light yellow label, in Franz’ s hand] Tarphius ; chilensis; m.; [typed] PARATYPUS.

Additional Material Examined. 38 specimens (non-types). (1 pointed, KSEM): CHILE: Prov. Concepción:; Periquillo 1-II-1997; T. Cekalovic [TC517]; CHIL 1C97 004 / [label with barcode] SM0734965; KUNHM-ENT. (11 pointed, KSEM): same data as previous specimen, but barcode numbers 0734965, 0734970, 0734971, 0734973, 0734974, 0734975, 0734976, 0734978, 0734980, 0734982, 0734983, and 0734984. (1 disarticulated, in glycerine, KSEM): same data as previous specimen, but barcode number 0734972. (1 pointed, KSEM): CHILE: Prov. Concepción:; Puente Pelun 7-XII-2003; T. Cekalovic [TC752]; CHIL 1C03 038 / [label with barcode] SM0734206; KUNHM- ENT. (15 pointed, BMNH): S. CHILE:; Chepu, Chiloé. 42°S.; 4.x.1958.; G.Kuschel. / Brit. Mus.; 1981-329. (2 disarticulated, in glycerine, BMNH): S. CHILE:; Chepu, Chiloé. 42°S.; 4.x.1958.; G.Kuschel. / Brit. Mus.; 1981-329. (1 pointed, MAIC): S. CHILE:; Chepu, Chiloé. 42°S.; 4.x.1958.; G.Kuschel. / Brit. Mus.; 1981-329 / “ Tarphius ”; Megataphrus ; chilensis; (Franz); det. M.A. Ivie 1988 . (1 pointed, BMNH): S. CHILE:; Chepu, Chiloé. 42°S.; 9.x.1958.; G.Kuschel. / Brit. Mus.; 1981-329. (1 pointed, BMNH): S. CHILE:; Chepu, Chiloé. 42°S.; 15.x.1958.; G.Kuschel. / Brit. Mus.; 1981-329. (2 pointed, NZAC / DSIR): Chepu,; Chiloé I.; 17 Oct 58; G. Kuschel. (2 pointed, AMNH): CHILE, Malleco: Parque; Nacional Nahuelbuta; 1250 m.,Nov.19,1981; Platnick & Schuh / concentrated berlese,; mossy forest floor; litter ( Nothofagus ,; Auracaria)

Franz, H. 1969. Zwei Vertreter der Gattung Tarphius Erichson. Entomologische Blatter 65: 143 - 145.

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Figs. 17–20. Synchitine Colydiinae, dorsal habitus. 17) Helonoton tripartum, holotype (CMNC); 18) Paxillobitoma clinei, holotype (FSCA); 19) Rapthius peruvianus, paratype (NHMW); 20) Slipinskius chilensis (AMNH). Scale bars = 1 mm.

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Fig. 4. Slipinskius chilensis. a) Head, ventral view, b) Labium, ventral view, c) Maxilla, ventral view, d) Antenna, e) Fore leg, f) Mandible, ventral view, g) Metendosternite, ventral view, h) Prothorax, ventral view, i) Pterothorax, ventral view, j) Abdominal ventrites I–V, ventral view, k) Aedeagus, dorsal view, l) Aedeagus, lateral view, m) Ovipositor, dorsal view.

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Figs. 21–22. Distribution maps. 21) Globotrichus harti in Costa Rica and Panama (Bolivian and Brazilian specimens not shown, see text), Paxillobitoma clinei in French Guiana (Bolivian, Brazilian, and Panamanian specimens not shown, see text), and Rapthius peruvianus in Peru; 22) Slipinskius chilensis in Chile.


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