Chromodoris mandapamensis Valdes , Mollo & Ortea, 1999

Mehrotra, Rahul, A. Caballer Gutierrez, Manuel, M. Scott, Chad, Arnold, Spencer, Monchanin, Coline, Viyakarn, Voranop & Chavanich, Suchana, 2021, An updated inventory of sea slugs from Koh Tao, Thailand, with notes on their ecology and a dramatic biodiversity increase for Thai waters, ZooKeys 1042, pp. 73-188 : 73

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scientific name

Chromodoris mandapamensis Valdes , Mollo & Ortea, 1999


Chromodoris mandapamensis Valdes, Mollo & Ortea, 1999 View in CoL Figure 9E View Figure 9

Material examined.

One specimen 50 mm, CP.


Among corals and coral rubble at offshore pinnacle sites. 9-20 m.


Widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific including Mozambique ( Tibiriçá et al. 2017), India ( Valdés et al. 1999), South Africa, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Myanmar ( Gosliner et al. 2008), and Gulf of Thailand ( Chavanich et al. 2013).


While externally matching the original description of the species completely, the internal anatomy was not analysed to verify this, the importance of which is particular to this and other similar species ( Layton et al. 2018). See ‘Remarks’ for Chromodoris cf. mandapamensis below.