Semicarinata colorata, Liu, Chun-Xiang & Kang, Le, 2007

Liu, Chun-Xiang & Kang, Le, 2007, New taxa and records of Phaneropterinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from China, Zootaxa 1624, pp. 17-29 : 20

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Semicarinata colorata


1. Semicarinata colorata sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–18)

Holotype: male, at light, CHINA: Hainan Island: Baisha County, Yinggeling Nature Reserve, 1000m, 27.viii–4.ix.1982, Coll. Liu Chunxiang ( IZAS).

Paratype: 1 male, same data as in holotype ( IZAS).

Description: Male (holotype). Size moderate for phaneropterines. Pronotum ( Figs. 3–4, 14–15 View FIGURES 9 – 18 ) deeply engraved middle transverse groove V-shaped, lying slightly before middle, followed by one distinct regular transverse carina; lateral lobe of pronotum much higher than long, with anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin obtuse rounded, and ventral margin rounded. Legs: Anterior and median femora armed with 2-3 spines on ventro-anterior margin; posterior femur with 6 anterior and 7 posterior spines on ventral margins. Anterior tibiae without dorsal spines; median tibiae with 3 dorso-internal spines; posterior tibiae with 28 internal and 24 external dorsal spines. Tegmen: radial vein also without other oblique branches after the radial sector vein ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 – 18 ). Wings developed well. Tegmen extending beyond the apex of hind femur, apex of tegmen rounded. Hind wing longer than tegmen. Stridulatory file shuttle-like, with about 40 teeth, which are gradually becoming smaller from center towards both ends ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9 – 18 ). Right stridulatory area with distinct triangular mirror ( Figs. 8, 16 View FIGURES 9 – 18 ).

Male epiproct obtuse triangular. Male cerci gradually incurved, tip ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 9 – 18 ). Male subgenital plate elongate, abruptly constricted from middle; distal part with subparallel lateral margins; with angular notch at apex; styli as long as three quarter the length of subgenital plate ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 9 – 18 ).

Female unknown.

Color: Overall color light green with creamish white spots over entire body. Head: vertex with one white median stripe and two white lateral stripes; fastigium verticis with apical margin white; lateral margins with a large white spot including the lateral ocelli. Frons with one median stripe and two white lateral stripes; fastigium frontis white. Genae along lateral margins with a white stripe. Clypeus with basal third white. Labrum with lateral and distal portion of labrum white-annulus-shaped. Centre of compound eyes dark brown, remain- der light brown. Internal margin of first segment white; each flagellum green with white annules. Pronotum: Median carina and lateral margins of disc white; anterior half of metazona white; lateral lobes with an approximately round white spot, in basal part below dorsal margin, ventrally marginated by a brown stripe; posterior half with dorsal margin brown; ventral and posterior margins white-striped. Legs: Basal portion of anterior and median femora with white annuli; posterior femur on internal margin with white stripes. Spines of all femora and dorsal spines of posterior tibiae black. Tympana of anterior tibiae with outer portions black, inner portion concolorous with other parts of tibiae. Median tibiae with basal third black. Tegmina: Posterior margin dark brown; basal sixth of anterior margin dark brown; basal part of Sc and R green; other elongate veins and cross veinlets white. Abdomen: Tergites with centre dark brown, posterior lateral corners and posterior margin white; intersegmental membrane between tergites and sternites with a large white spot in the centre.

Measurements of male (mm): Length of body 21.5; length of pronotum 5.0; width of pronotum 3.5; length of tegmen 38.5; width of tegmen 7.0; length of hind wing 44.5; length of anterior femur 5.0; length of middle femur 8.5; length of posterior femur 25.8.

Etymology: The new species is named for its distinct coloration.

Discussion: The new species mostly resembles Caedicia araucariae Rentz, 1988 in the coloration. Both species are green with creamish white spots over entire body. It differs distinctly by the shape of the pronotum and male subgenital plate of the latter being without distinct styli.

Distribution: China: Hainan Island: Baisha.


Institut Zoologii Akademii Nauk Ukraini - Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine















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