Vitalia galipensis (Müll. Hal.) P.E.A.S. Câmara, Carv.

Gomes do Nascimento, Géssica Maria, Conceição, Gonçalo Mendes da, Fernandes Peralta, Denilson & Oliveira, Hermeson Cassiano de, 2020, Bryophytes of Sete Cidades National Park, Piauí, Brazil, Check List 16 (4), pp. 969-988 : 981

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scientific name

Vitalia galipensis (Müll. Hal.) P.E.A.S. Câmara, Carv.


* Vitalia galipensis (Müll. Hal.) P.E.A.S. Câmara, Carv. -Silva & W.R. Buck

Figure 21

New records. BRAZIL • 1 specimen; Piauí, Piracu- ruca, Sete Cidades National Park, Cachoeira Riachão ; 04°27′40″S, 041°56′30″W; 3 Feb. 2017; G.M. G Nasci- mento leg. (HUESPI 543) GoogleMaps .

Identification. Leaves strongly concave, ovoid-lanceolate, with margins entire, costa absent, and apex acuminate; upper and median cells of lamina fusiform, smooth. Briocenological group: corticolous and saxicolous.

Brazilian range. BA, ES, MG, MT, PA, PE, PR, RJ, RO, RR, RS, SC, SP, TO (broadly distributed and endemic).

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