Glyptapanteles corriemoreauae Arias-Penna, sp. nov.

Arias-Penna, Diana Carolina, Whitfield, James B., Janzen, Daniel H., Winifred Hallwachs,, Dyer, Lee A., Smith, M. Alex, Hebert, Paul D. N. & Fernandez-Triana, Jose L., 2019, A species-level taxonomic review and host associations of Glyptapanteles (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) with an emphasis on 136 new reared species from Costa Rica and Ecuador, ZooKeys 890, pp. 1-685 : 1

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2019-11-21 17:54:40, last updated 2024-11-29 16:26:28)

scientific name

Glyptapanteles corriemoreauae Arias-Penna, sp. nov.


Glyptapanteles corriemoreauae Arias-Penna, sp. nov. Figs 60 View Figure 60 , 61 View Figure 61


Body length 2.27 mm, antenna length 2.73 mm, fore wing length 2.58 mm.

Type material.

Holotype: COSTA RICA • 1♀; 06-SRNP-36358, DHJPAR0012332; Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Guanacaste, Sector Cacao, Sendero Nayo ; cloud forest; 1,090 m; 10.92446, -85.46953; 13.x.2006; Harry Ramirez leg.; caterpillar collected in fifth instar; black elongate non-fuzzy cocoons adhered to caterpillar back formed on 20.x.2006; adult parasitoids emerged on 30.x.2006; ( CNC) GoogleMaps . Paratypes. • 14 (4♀, 3♂) (7♀, 0 ♂); 06-SRNP-36358, DHJPAR0012332; same data as for holotype; ( CNC) GoogleMaps .

Other material.

Reared material. COSTA RICA: Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Guanacaste, Sector Cacao, Sendero Arenales : • 32 (4♀, 1♂) (27♀, 0 ♂); 03-SRNP-23247, DHJPAR0001471; cloud forest; 1,080 m; 10.92471, -85.46738; 09.x.2003; Harry Ramirez leg. GoogleMaps ; caterpillar collected in fourth instar; black cylindrical cocoons, clustered in two groups, no threads, adhered to the leaf substrate together, cocoons formed on 16.x.2003; adult parasitoids emerged on 26.x.2003. • 32 (4♀, 1♂) (27♀, 0 ♂); 03-SRNP-23247, DHJPAR0001471; same data as for preceding. • 17 (4♀, 4♂) (7♀, 2♂); 03-SRNP-23206, DHJPAR0000042; same data as for preceding except: 07.x.2003 GoogleMaps ; caterpillar collected in fifth instar; cocoons formed on 11.x.2003; adult parasitoids emerged on 18.x.2003. • 26 (4♀, 1♂) (21♀, 0 ♂); 03-SRNP-23245, DHJPAR0001450; same data as for preceding except: caterpillar collected in fifth instar; caterpillar still very much alive, but when pinched, did not try to bit fingers; cocoons formed on 18.x.2003 GoogleMaps ; adult parasitoids emerged on 28.x.2003. • 19 (3♀, 0 ♂) (16♀, 0 ♂); 03-SRNP-23341, DHJPAR0001449; same data as for preceding except: 10.x.2003; Mariano Pereira leg. GoogleMaps ; caterpillar collected in second instar; black cocoons formed on 29.x.2003; adult parasitoids emerged on 07.xi.2003; a yellow ant with the cocoons. • 19 (3♀, 1♂) (15♀, 0 ♂); 03-SRNP-23342, DHJPAR0001462; same data as for preceding except: 10.x.2003; Mariano Pereira leg. GoogleMaps ; caterpillar collected in second instar; cocoons formed on 29.x.2003; adult parasitoids emerged on 05.xi.2003. • 17 (4♀, 2♂) (11♀, 0 ♂); 03-SRNP-23344, DHJPAR0000267; same data as for preceding except: 10.x.2003; Mariano Pereira leg. GoogleMaps ; caterpillar collected in second instar; black cocoons formed on 27.x.2003; adult parasitoids emerged on 05.xi.2003. • 15 (3♀, 3♂) (9♀, 0 ♂); 07-SRNP-36191, DHJPAR0020265; same data as for preceding except: 06.vii.2007 GoogleMaps ; black cocoons adhered to the larval cuticle and formed on 20.vii.2007; adult parasitoids emerged on 31.vii.2007. • 6 (1♀, 1♂) (3♀, 1♂); 10-SRNP-35602, DHJPAR0040420, same data as for preceding except: 29.vii.2010 GoogleMaps , caterpillar collected in third instar; dark cocoons formed on 20.viii.2010; adult parasitoids emerged on 25.viii.2010.

Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Guanacaste, Sector Cacao, Sendero Nayo: • 36 (0 ♀, 5♂) (0 ♀, 31♂); 06-SRNP-36009, DHJPAR0012330; cloud forest; 1,090 m; 10.92446, -85.46953; 19.viii.2006; Dunia García leg. GoogleMaps ; black cocoons adhered together to the larval cuticle and maybe the leaf next to it, formed on 05.ix.2006; adult parasitoids emerged on 11.ix.2006.


Scutellar punctation distinctly throughout ( Figs 60B View Figure 60 , 61B View Figure 61 ), distal antennal flagellomere subequal in length with penultimate, inner margin of eyes diverging slightly at antennal sockets, phragma of the scutellum partially exposed ( Figs 60B, C View Figure 60 , 61B, C View Figure 61 ), fore wing with vein 2-1A proximally tubular, distally spectral, 2RS vein straight, outer side of junction of r and 2RS veins not forming a stub ( Figs 60J View Figure 60 , 61I View Figure 61 ), propleuron with fine rugae ( Figs 60A, E View Figure 60 , 61A, E View Figure 61 ), mesoscutum punctate throughout ( Figs 60B View Figure 60 , 61B View Figure 61 ), anteroventral contour of mesopleuron straight/angulate or nearly so ( Figs 60A, E View Figure 60 , 61A, E View Figure 61 ), petiole on T1 distally with lateral margins relatively straight ( Figs 60D, G View Figure 60 , 61D, G View Figure 61 ), propodeum without median longitudinal carina, propodeal spiracle without distal carina ( Figs 60B, C View Figure 60 , 61B, C View Figure 61 ), nucha surrounded by very short radiating carinae ( Figs 60B, C View Figure 60 , 61B, C View Figure 61 ), antenna longer than body, and lateral grooves delimiting the median area on T2 distally losing definition ( Figs 60D, G View Figure 60 , 61D, G View Figure 61 ).


( Fig. 60A View Figure 60 ). General body coloration brown-black except scape, pedicel, labrum and mandibles yellow-brown; glossa, maxillary and labial palps, and tegulae yellow. Eyes gray/silver and ocelli silver. Fore and middle legs yellow except coxae and claws brown; hind legs yellow except coxae, apex of femorae and tibiae, and tarsomeres brown. Petiole on T1 with two colorations: proximal 3/4 yellow-brown with edges distinctively brown and distal 1/4 brown-black, and sublateral areas light yellow; T2 with median area brown-black, adjacent area yellow-brown and lateral ends light yellow; T3 mostly brown, but lateral ends light yellow; T4 and beyond brown; distally each tergum with a narrow whitish transparent band. In lateral view, T1-3 completely yellow; T4 and beyond brown. S1-3 completely yellow; S4 yellow, medially brown; penultimate sternum and hypopygium completely brown; ovipositor sheath brown.


Head ( Fig. 60A, B, E View Figure 60 ). Head triangular with pubescence long and dense. Proximal three antennal flagellomeres longer than wide (0.21:0.05, 0.20:0.0, 0.20:0.05), distal antennal flagellomere subequal in length with penultimate (0.11:0.05, 0.10:0.05), antenna longer than body (2.73, 2.27); antennal scrobes-frons shallow. Face with scattered finely punctate, interspaces wavy, distal half dented only laterally, and longitudinal median carina present. Frons punctate. Temple wide, punctate and interspaces wavy. Inner margin of eyes diverging slightly at antennal sockets; in lateral view, eye anteriorly convex and posteriorly straight. POL shorter than OOL (0.08, 0.12). Malar suture present. Median area between lateral ocelli slightly depressed. Vertex laterally rounded and dorsally wide.

Mesosoma ( Fig. 60 A–C, E View Figure 60 ). Mesosoma dorsoventrally convex. Mesoscutum 1/4 distal with a central dent, punctation distinct throughout and interspaces wavy/lacunose. Scutellum triangular, apex sloped and fused with BS, scutellar punctation distinct throughout, in profile scutellum slightly convex, but on same plane as mesoscutum; phragma of the scutellum partially exposed; BS only very partially overlapping the MPM; ATS demilune with complete undulate/reticulate carinae; dorsal ATS groove with carinae only proximally. Transscutal articulation with small and heterogeneous foveae, area just behind transscutal articulation depressed centrally with same kind of sculpture as mesoscutum. Metanotum with BM wider than PFM (clearly differentiated); MPM circular without median longitudinal carina; AFM without setiferous lobes and not as well delineated as PFM; PFM thick and smooth; ATM proximally with semircular/undulate carina and distally smooth. Propodeum without median longitudinal carina, proximal half weakly curved with medium-sized sculpture and distal half with medium-sized punctation; distal edge of propodeum with a flange at each side and without stubs; propodeal spiracle without distal carina; nucha surrounded by very short radiating carinae. Pronotum with a distinct dorsal furrow, dorsally with a well-defined smooth band; central area of pronotum and dorsal furrow smooth, but ventral furrow with short parallel carinae. Propleuron with fine rugae and dorsally with a carina. Metasternum flat or nearly so. Contour of mesopleuron straight/angulate or nearly so; precoxal groove deep with faintly transverse lineate sculpture; epicnemial ridge convex, teardrop-shaped.

Legs. Ventral margin of fore telotarsus entire without seta, fore telotarsus almost same width throughout and longer than fourth tarsomere (0.10, 0.08). Hind coxa with punctation only on ventral surface and dorsal outer depression present. Inner spur of hind tibia longer than outer spur (0.25, 0.18); entire surface of hind tibia with dense strong spines clearly differentiated by color and length. Hind telotarsus as equal in length as fourth tarsomere (0.11, 0.11).

Wings ( Fig. 60J, K View Figure 60 ). Fore wing with r vein slightly curved; 2RS vein straight; r and 2RS veins forming a weak, even curve at their junction and outer side of junction not forming a stub; 2M vein slightly curved/swollen; distally fore wing [where spectral veins are] with microtrichiae more densely concentrated than the rest of the wing; anal cell 1/3 proximally lacking microtrichiae; subbasal cell with microtrichiae virtually throughout; veins 2CUa and 2CUb completely spectral; vein 2 cu-a absent; vein 2-1A proximally tubular and distally spectral, although sometimes difficult to see; tubular vein 1 cu-a curved, incomplete/broken and not reaching the edge of 1-1A vein. Hind wing with vannal lobe narrow, subdistally evenly convex, subproximally straightened, and setae present only proximally.

Metasoma ( Fig. 60A, D, F–I View Figure 60 ). Metasoma laterally compressed. Petiole on T1 finely sculptured only distally, evenly narrowing distally (length 0.33, maximum width 0.17, minimum width 0.08), and with scattered pubescence concentrated in the first distal third. Lateral grooves delimiting the median area on T2 distally losing definition (length median area 0.10, length T2 0.15), edges of median area polished and lateral grooves deep, median area broader than long (length 0.10, maximum width 0.20, minimum width 0.08); T2 with scattered pubescence only distally. T3 longer than T2 (0.21, 0.15) and with scattered pubescence only distally. Pubescence on hypopygium dense.

Cocoons ( Fig. 4X View Figure 4 ). Black oval cocoons with evenly smooth silk fibers. Cocoons, clustered in two groups, without threads, adhered to the leaf substrate or to the larval cuticle.


( Fig. 61 A–J View Figure 61 ). Similar in coloration and shape to female.


Corrie S. Moreau’s research is focuses on the factors that drive evolutionary diversification and how these factors have facilitated the ecological dominance of ants in almost all terrestrial ecosystems. Currently, she is the Curator of Entomology at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.


The parasitized caterpillars were collected in Costa Rica, ACG, Sector Cacao (Sendero Arenales and Sendero Nayo), during September-October 2003, August and October 2006, and July 2007 and 2010 at 760 m, 1,080 m, and 1,090 m in cloud forest.


The lifestyle of this parasitoid species is gregarious.


Euphyia crispa Druce ( Geometridae : Larentiinae) ( Fig. 4X View Figure 4 ) feeding on Pleuropetalum sprucei ( Amaranthaceae ). Caterpillars were collected in second, third, fourth, and fifth instar. Caterpillar still very much alive after parasitoid emerged, but when pinched, did not try to bite fingers.

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Figure 4. J G. tanyadapkeyae sp. nov. parasitoid of Pero chapela Poole: Geometridae, 08 - SRNP- 31435, photo DHJ 440487 K G. bobboharti sp. nov. parasitoid of Anomis luridula Guenee: Noctuidae, 01 - SRNP- 21185, photo DHJ 62275 L G. andybennetti sp. nov. parasitoid of Aleuron iphis (Walker): Sphingidae, 08 - SRNP- 32177, photo DHJ 445890 N G. charlesporteri sp. nov. parasitoid of Tarchon felderi Druce: Apatelodinae, 04 - SRNP- 3328, photo DHJ 420376 O G. eowilsoni sp. nov. parasitoid of Calledema plusia Felder: Noctuidae, 09 - SRNP- 71063, photo DHJ 461044 P G. garygibsoni sp. nov. parasitoid of Nystalea collaris Schaus: Noctuidae, 82 - SRNP- 418, photo DHJ 4186 Q G. chrisdarlingi sp. nov. parasitoid of Concana sp. Walker: Noctuidae, 06 - SRNP- 4972, photo DHJ 436488 R G. gerarddelvarei sp. nov. parasitoid of Macrocneme cabimensis Dyar: Erebidae, 07 - SRNP- 32365, photo DHJ 421485 S G. henrytownesi sp. nov. parasitoid of Heterochroma sarepta (Druce): Noctuidae, 97 - SRNP- 990, photo DHJ 40659 T G. iangauldi sp. nov. parasitoid of Zanola verago Cramer: Apatelodinae, 06 - SRNP- 9671, photo DHJ 424751 U G. daveschindeli sp. nov. parasitoid of Oxydia vesulia (Cramer): Geometridae, 08 - SRNP- 16708, photo DHJ 452329 V G. ilarisaaksjarvi sp. nov. parasitoid of Argyrogramma verruca (F.): Noctuidae, 92 - SRNP- 6132, photo DHJ 16975 W G. johnnoyesi sp. nov. parasitoid of Deinopa signiplena Walker: Erebidae, 05 - SRNP- 31619, photo DHJ 404219 X G. corriemoreauae sp. nov. parasitoid of Euphyia crispa Druce: Geometridae, 03 - SRNP- 23245, photo DHJ 78940 Y G. jeremydewaardi sp. nov. parasitoid of Antiblemma sp. Huebner: Erebidae, 06 - SRNP- 35622, photo DHJ 467720 Z G. mehrdadhajibabaei sp. nov. parasitoid of Carathis septentrionalis Becker: Erebidae, 06 - SRNP- 3399, photo DHJ 436471 AA G. donquickei sp. nov. parasitoid of Condica funereal (Schaus): Noctuidae, 09 - SRNP- 43316, photo DHJ 476509 AB G. howelldalyi sp. nov. parasitoid of Dyops chromatophila Walker: Noctuidae, 05 - SRNP- 6986, photo DHJ 424017.

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Figure 60. Glyptapanteles corriemoreauae sp. nov. female 03 - SRNP- 23206 DHJPAR 0000042, 06 - SRNP- 36358 DHJPAR 0012332 A Habitus B, E Head, mesosoma B Dorsolateral view E Lateral view C Metanotum, propodeum, dorsolateral view D T 1 - 2, laterodorsal view F, G Metasoma F Lateral view G Dorsolateral view H, I Genitalia H Genitalia: hypopygium, ovipositor, ovipositor sheaths, lateral view I Ovipositor sheaths detail J, K Wings J Fore K Hind.

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Figure 61. Glyptapanteles corriemoreauae sp. nov. male 03 - SRNP- 23206 DHJPAR 0000042, 06 - SRNP- 36358 DHJPAR 0012332 A Habitus B, E Head, Mesosoma B Laterodorsal view E Lateral view C Metanotum, propodeum, dorsolateral view D T 1 - 2, dorsolateral view F, G Metasoma F Lateral view G Dorsolateral view H Genitalia: parameres, lateral view I, J Wings I Fore J Hind.


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