Temnocerus rostralis, Hamilton, 2010

Hamilton, R. W., 2010, Central American Temnocerus Thunberg, 1815 (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae), Insecta Mundi 2010 (128), pp. 1-42 : 35-36

publication ID


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Felipe (2021-08-05 17:54:29, last updated 2021-08-05 18:04:11)

scientific name

Temnocerus rostralis

new species

Temnocerus rostralis , new species

( Fig. 47, 48 View Figure 47-58 , 81 View Figure 59-86 , 87 View Figure 87-90 )

Type locality. Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station

Type depository. National Institute of Biodiversity, Costa Rica ( INBC)

Type specimens. Holotype male and allotype with the following data: Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biol. Sta., FOT/41/01-40, 28 Dec. ‘99, Tachigalis [sic, Tachygalia?] costaricensis (CHAH) . Paratype data as follows: COSTA RICA: 3 males and 6 females, Heredia, La Selva Biol. Sta., 28 Dec. 99, FOT/41/01- 40, Tachigalis costaricensis ; 1 male, Heredia, La Selva Biol. Sta., 29 Dici. 99, FOT/42/01-40, BCC 1300 m ; 1 male, Heredia, La Selva Biol. Sta., 28 Dec. 99, FOT/41/01-40, Tachigalis costaricensis (CHAH) . 1 female, Heredia, Est. Biol. La Selva , 10 o 26’ N, 84 o 01’ W, 29 Diciembre 1999, FOT/42/01-40, 50- 150 m, Inga leiocalyoina, Proy. ALAS , INBio-OET, CR 1002227987 ( INBC) GoogleMaps .

Description. Color and pubescense: Body black throughout with rosy-brassy luster. Pubescence of short brownish appressed setae, some widely spaced setae on interval row erect. Size: Male (n = 6) 1.7 × 0.7 mm to 2.2 × 0.8 mm; Female (n = 8) 1.7 × 0.6 mm to 2.3 × 0.8 mm. Head subquadrate, punctures small, round, moderately spaced, interspaces minutely and weakly granulose; frons flat; vertex weakly convex; eyes large, moderately protuberant. Rostrum.33 times longer than head, parallel-sided; basal 1/2 minutely granulose, dorsal apex smooth, shiny; in lateral view straight, apical 1/2 distinctly depressed, moderately punctured; juncture of rostrum and head weakly concave. Antenna inserted laterally near basal 1/4 of rostrum; scape and funicular segment 1 ovoglobose, subequal; funicular segments 2- 4 shorter than funicular segment 1, narrower, weakly clavate, subequal; segments 5-7 wider, more oval; basal and middle club segments wide, densely setose, subequal; terminal segment narrower, slightly shorter, weakly acuminate. Pronotum longer than wide, widest just behind middle, densely punctured. Scutellum small, quadrate. Elytra about twice as long as pronotum, widest just behind middle, humeri simple, striae distinct, moderately impressed; intervals with widespread row of setigerous punctures. Thoracic pleura and sterna coarsely and densely punctured. Abdominal ventrites moderately set with setigerous punctures, weakly concave through middle.

Distribution. All specimens examined were from the La Selva Biological Station in the Costa Rican province of Heredia ( Fig. 87 View Figure 87-90 ).

Etymology. The specific epithet is in reference to the smooth and shiny areas of the rostrum in this species.

Comments. Adults have a rosy and brassy luster above and distinctly protuberant eyes. The female’s rostrum is dorsally smooth and shiny from the antennal insertions to the apex and has a distinct middorsal basal channel. The male’s rostrum is dorsally granulose from the base to the apical 1/3 and has a weak dorso-basal channel. The aedeagus ( Fig. 81 View Figure 59-86 ) has a nearly parallel-sided median lobe with the apex of the pedon sharply truncated and weakly flared at the sides. The tectum is spearhead-shaped with a roundly pointed apex. The tegminal cap piece is narrowly finger-like with the knob-like pigmented apex bearing a cluster of short setae. Endophallic bands are short, linear and distinctly pigmented.

Plant association. Specimens were fogged from Tachigalis [Tachygalia?] costaricensis ( Fabaceae ) and recorded from Inga leiocalyoina (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) .

Gallery Image

Figure 47-58. Heads of Temnocerus species, frontal view, male left and female right. 47-48) T. rostralis n.sp., holotype and allotype. 49-50) T. rugosus n.sp., holotype and allotype. 51-52) T. salvensis n.sp., holotype and allotype; 53-54) T. tamaulipensis n.sp., holotype and allotype. 55-56) T. thesaurus (Sharp). 57-58) T. yucatensis n.sp., holotype and allotype.

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Figure 59-86. Aedeagal tegmen and median lobe of Temnocerus species, dorsal view, 64X. 59) T. abdominalis (Voss). 60) T. chiapensis n. sp. 61) T. chiriquensis (Sharp). 62) T. confertus (Sharp). 63) T. cyaneus n. sp. 64) T. ellus n. sp. 65) T. giganteus n. sp.; 66) T. guatemalenus (Sharp). 67) T. guerrerensis n. sp. 68) T. herediensis n. sp. 69) T. mexicanus n. sp. 70) T. michoacensis n. sp. 71) T. minutus n. sp. 72) T. niger n. sp. 73) T. oaxacensis n. sp. 74) T. obrieni n. sp. 75) T. oculatus (Sharp). 76) T. potosi n. sp. 77) T. pseudaeratus n. sp. 78) T. pueblensis n. sp. 79) T. pusillus (Sharp). 80) T. regularis (Sharp). 81) T. rostralis n. sp. 82) T. rugosus n. sp. 83) T. salvensis n. sp. 84) T. tamaulipensis n. sp. 85) T. thesaurus (Sharp) 86) T. yucatensis n. sp.

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Figure 87-90. Distribution of Temnocerus species. 87) T. abdominalis, red; T. chiapensis, blue; T. chiriquensis, black; T. rostralis, green. 88) T. confertus, red; T. ellus, blue; T. giganteus, black. 89) T. guerrerensis, blue; T. guatemalenus, red; T. herediensis, black. 90) T. mexicanus, red; T. michoacensis, blue; T. minutus, black.


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