Temnocerus herediensis, Hamilton, 2010

Hamilton, R. W., 2010, Central American Temnocerus Thunberg, 1815 (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae), Insecta Mundi 2010 (128), pp. 1-42 : 21-23

publication ID


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Felipe (2021-08-05 17:54:29, last updated 2021-08-05 17:54:41)

scientific name

Temnocerus herediensis

new species

Temnocerus herediensis , new species

( Fig. 21, 22, 68, 89)

Type locality. Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological Station

Type depository. National Institute of Biodiversity, Costa Rica ( INBC)

Type specimens. Holotype male with the following label data: Costa Rica, Heredia, Est. Biol. La Selva , 50-150 m, 10 o 26’ N 84 o 01W, May 1993, INBio-OET, 5 Mayo, 1993, Conceveiba pleiostemona, FOT /04/23, INBIO, CR1001,227898 [bar code] GoogleMaps . Allotype with same data as holotype except FOT/04/17, INBIO, CR1002,069080 [bar code]. The paratypes are as follows: 1 male, Costa Rica, Prov. Heredia, F La Selva, 3 km S Pto. Viejo, 10 o 26’N 84 o 01’W, 25-iii-1980, H. A. Hespenheide ( CHAH); 1 female, Costa Rica, Heredia, Est. Biol. La Selva , 50- 150, 10 o 26’N 84 o 01’W, Jul 1993, INBio-OET, Pentaclethra macroloba, FPM /08/26, 4 de Julio, 1983, INBIOCR1002260405 ( INBC); 1 female, Costa Rica, Guan. [Guanacaste], Latoboga For. Res., 9 km SW Canas, 20-21 May 1987, W. L. Rubink, M. T. ( CWOB) GoogleMaps .

Description. Color and pubescence: Body black throughout with faint bluish luster. Pubescence composed of inconspicuous short, brownish, reclinate setae. Size: Male (n = 2) 2.3 × 0.8 mm; Female (n =

3) 1.9 × 0.6 mm to 2.0 × 0.8 mm. Head quadrate, as long as wide; punctures round, moderately dense; interspaces minutely granulose; frons about twice as wide as width of rostral base; eyes large, strongly protuberant, weakly conical. Rostrum short, only slightly longer than head, with mid-dorsal channel from base to middle of rostrum; in lateral view weakly arcuate and slightly flattened apically; moderately punctured except for smooth dorso-apical area; juncture of rostrum and head weakly concave. Antenna inserted near basal 1/3; scape and funicular segment 1 ovoglobose, subequal in length; funicular segment 1 slightly more robust; funicular segments 2-4 narrow, subequal; segments 5-7 shorter, bead-like; segments 6 and 7 more robust than 5. Club abrupt, basal and middle segment subequal in length; apical segment slightly longer; basal segment narrowed basally; apical segment acuminate. Pronotum longer than wide; widest at middle, densely punctured; punctures large; interspaces minutely granulose. Scutellum small, subquadrate. Elytra twice as long as pronotum, widest near middle; humeri simple; striae deeply impressed, becoming slightly smaller posteriorly; intervals narrow, weakly raised, with single row setigerous punctures; interspaces between striae with single setigerous puncture. Thoracic pleura and sterna densely punctured; punctures, large, setigerous. Abdominal ventrites moderately punctured; punctures small, setigerous.

Distribution. Four specimens of T. herediensis are from the Costa Rican province of Heredia and a single specimen is from the northwest province of Guanacaste ( Fig. 89).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Costa Rican province of Heredia.

Comments. Adults of this species are dark and faintly bluish-black species with large dense pronotal punctures. The elytral punctures are slightly diminished in size posteriorly beyond the middle. The aedeagus is unique in this species ( Fig. 68). The median lobe has a wide pedon that narrows only slightly into a sharply truncate apex. The tectum is blade-like with a wide base evenly tapered to a pointed apex. The tegminal cap piece is finger-like with a relatively large pigmented sub-quadrate apex bearing a cluster of short setae. Endophallic bands are short and weakly defined.

Plant association. The primary type specimens were fogged from Conceveiba pleiostemona Donn. Sm. ( Euphorbiaceae ). A single female specimen was fogged from Pentaclethra macroloba Willd. ( Fabaceae ).


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