Pergalumna amorpha, Mahunka, 2008

Mahunka, S., 2008, A New Genus And Some Other Data Of Oribatids From Thailand (Acari: Oribatida), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (2), pp. 125-150 : 146-147

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585162


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scientific name

Pergalumna amorpha

sp. nov.

Pergalumna amorpha View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 47–49 View Figs 47–49 )

Diagnosis: All prodorsal setae, except for exobothridial ones long, interlamellar setae straight. Sensillus setiform, pilose. Dorsosejugal suture absent. Porose areas hardly observable, without borders, their form indistinct. Whole surface of body distinctly punctate. Both prodorsal lines curved.

Material examined: Holotype: Thailand, Province Prachin Buri, Sakaerat Research Station . 02.06.2001. Leg. E. HORVÁTH & GY . SZIRÁKI (As-798). Twelve paratypes from the same sample. Holotype (1745-HO-2007) and 10 paratypes (1745-PO-2007): HNHM , two paratypes: MHNG .

Measurements: Length of body: 332–377 µm, width of body: 245–276 µm.

Prodorsum: Rostral part wide, conical, without peculiar apex. Lamellar and sublamellar lines well observable also in dorsal view. Rostral and lamellar setae setiform, finely, but distinctly pilose, setae le longer than ro. Interlamellar setae longer and thicker than other prodorsal setae and well pilose. Sensillus long, filiform, directed laterally and posteriorly, with long cilia. Sejugal porose areas not visible.

Notogaster: Dorsosejugal suture very short, thin, incomplete. Notogaster well punctate, pteromorphae ornamented by radiate sculpture. Porose areas not clearly visible on the punctate notogastral surface, only the densest part show their position ( Fig. 47 View Figs 47–49 ). Probably only three pairs of porose areae present, Aa seems to be elongated, located medially, far from the pteromorphae. Ten pairs of setal alveoli. Opisthosomal gland opening well observable.

Lateral part of podosoma: Lamellar and sublamellar lines running parallel, distance between them short ( Fig. 49 View Figs 47–49 ).

Ventral regions ( Fig. 48 View Figs 47–49 ): Apodemata and epimeral borders weakly developed. Epimeral setal formula: 1–0–1–1, all very short. Two pairs of setae arising on the anterior margin of genital plates, all equal in length. Aggenital, anal and adanal setae minute, simple, ad 2 and ad 3 represented only by their alveoli. Lyrifissures iad located at the level a little posterior to anterior margin of anal aperture, postanal area porosa absent.

Legs: All legs triheterodactylous.

Remarks: The new species well is characterised by the long and straight interlamellar setae, by the form of the sensillus, and especially the indistinct porose areas.

Etymology: Named after the indistinct porose areas.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

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