Pristimantis luscombei ( Duellman and Lehr, 1995 )

Ortega-Andrade, H. Mauricio & Venegas, Pablo J., 2014, A new synonym for Pristimantis luscombei (Duellman and Mendelson 1995) and the description of a new species of Pristimantis from the upper Amazon basin (Amphibia: Craugastoridae), Zootaxa 3895 (1), pp. 31-57 : 34-35

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Pristimantis luscombei ( Duellman and Lehr, 1995 )


Pristimantis luscombei ( Duellman and Lehr, 1995) .

( Figs. 1−2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 )

Eleutherodactylus luscombei — Duellman and Mendelson, 1995, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 55: 354. Holotype: MHNURP 120 (W.E. Duellman 59957), by original designation. Type locality: "study zone at 1.5 km N Teniente Lopez, (02° 35′ 39.6″ S, 76° 06′ 55.0″ W, 312 m), Provincia Loreto, Departamento Loreto, Peru ".

Eleutherodactylus (Eleutherodactylus) luscombei — Lynch and Duellman, 1997, Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Spec. Publ., 23: 227.

Pristimantis luscombei — Heinicke, Duellman, and Hedges, 2007, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Suppl., 104: Table 2.

Pristimantis luscombei — Hedges, Duellman, and Heinicke, 2008, Zootaxa, 1737: 128.

Pristimantis luscombei — Duellman and Lehr, 2009, Nature und Tier Verlag: 190.

Pristimantis luscombei — Ortega-Andrade and Valencia, 2010, Herpetology Notes, 3: 251–256.

Pristimantis achuar —New synonymy, Elmer and Cannatella, 2008, Zootaxa, 1784: 13. Holotype: QCAZ 25463, by original designation. Type locality: "Kapawi Jungle Lodge, Pastaza province, Ecuador (S 02° 32.32′, W 76° 51.50′, altitude 239 m)".

Remarks. A list of diagnostic characters, character variation, distribution and comparison with similar species in the Amazon basin for Pristimantis luscombei are provided by Elmer and Cannatella (2008) as P. achuar . Overall, P. luscombei is most similar to P. kichwarum , but is clearly distinguished form the latter by lacking a dark canthal stripe and by a blunter snout. Moreover, P. luscombei is slightly smaller in size ( Elmer & Cannatella 2008). This species is known from several localities along the upper Amazon Basin in Morona Santiago and Pastaza provinces in Ecuador (17 localities), and Amazonas and Loreto Departments in Peru (28 localities). Except for the record of this species in Distrito Río Santiago, Quebrada Kampankis (CORBIDI 11393, S4.04308, W77.54119, 1212 m a.s.l.), all localities correspond to lowland evergreen forest at elevations between 100 and 800 m a.s.l ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). This area covers 437,500 km 2 along the northern part of the upper Amazon Basin. Lynch (1980b) reported this species as P. ockendeni morph B ( Elmer & Cannatella 2008), from a series collected by B. Malkin at Cusime, Río Cusime, Morona Santiago province, southeastern Ecuador. We reviewed specimens studied by Lynch (1980b) and additional material collected in a nearby locality from Ashuara village on río Macuma, Morona Santiago province.

Among the 64 specimens studied, 74% correspond to P. luscombei , whereas the rest are P. ki c hw ar u m (Appendix III). Furthermore, López-Rojas et al. (2013) reported P. luscombei (as P. achuar ) for western Brazil.













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