Amitermes amifer Silvestri, 1901

Rocha, Mauricio M. & Cancello, Eliana M., 2020, Comparative anatomy of the gut of the South American species of Amitermes, with description of two new species and an identification key based on soldiers and workers, Zootaxa 4751 (1), pp. 75-104 : 77-78

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Amitermes amifer Silvestri, 1901


Amitermes amifer Silvestri, 1901

Soldier ( Figs. 1C, 1D View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 A–D, 33A): Described originally by Silvestri (1901), with a generic description of the soldier and a very brief description of the imago, in Silvestri (1903) a more detailed description is provided (with figures), but a more useful redescription is provided by Light (1932). Additional illustrations, exemplifying the morphological variation of the caste, are provided here ( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 A–D).

Gut anatomy ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5A View FIGURE 5 , 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7A, 7B View FIGURE 7 , 8A View FIGURE 8 ): Crop asymmetrical, with oesophagous insertion displaced to left side, covered internally with pectinate scales before gizzard. Gizzard of the generalized type, with columnar and pulvillar belts subequal in length; first-order pulvilli conspicuous, with tiny pectinate scales, second-order pulvilli reduced ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). Stomodeal valve inserted in apex of mesenteron. Mesenteric tongue internal to mesenteric arch, filiform proximally and gradually enlarging to tip, ending before dilated portion of first proctodeal segment (P1) ( Figs. 4C, 4E View FIGURE 4 ). P1 fusiform, crossing abdomen diagonally in dorsal view, over paunch (P3), inserted in P3 at right side of abdomen ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 , arrow); this insertion may be located more dorsally (occluded by P4 segment) or ventrally, depending on degree of gut repletion in the specimen. P1 cuticular ornamentation composed of sparse small spines around mesenteric tongue at mixed segment, followed by elongated area of spines with sclerotized base, located proximally ( Figs. 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7A View FIGURE 7 ), and sparse spines in distal portion, just before enteric valve ( Figs. 6A View FIGURE 6 , 7B View FIGURE 7 ). Enteric-valve armature (P2) weakly sclerotized, with six elongated cushions ornamented with small scattered spines ( Fig. 8A View FIGURE 8 ). P3 well developed, globose. Isthmus clearly recognizable. Fourth proctodeal segment (P4) with short U-turn, located dorsally ( Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 ).

Material examined. BRAZIL. Alagoas. Murici: Usina Alegria , 17.ii.1971 , A.F.M. Filho (8388); Bahia. Capim Grosso : 21.vii.1974 , R.L. Araujo (5540, 5542); Itaberaba: Faz. Formosa, 04.xii.1990 , E.M. Cancello & M. T. Pontes (15726); Maracás: Faz. Maria Inácia, 24.xii.1990 , E.M. Cancello & M. T. Pontes (15724, 15729); Milagres: 18.ix.2010 , J. V.N. Lima, M. R. Giffoni & D.S.B. Sousa (14894), 16.iv.2010 , J. V.N. Lima, M. R. Giffoni & E.A. Alves (14895); Mucugê: 07.xii.1990 , E.M. Cancello & M. T. Pontes (11367*, 15730, 15752); Santa Rita de Cassia : Riacho Veredão, 17.vii.1991 , C. R.F. Brandão (15725); Ceará. Crato: Chapada do Araripe, 09.xi.1975 , R.L. Araujo (6361), Floresta Nacional do Apodi , 09–10.xi.1975 , R.L. Araujo (6369, 6373, 6379, 6387*, 6456), Chapada do Araripe , 21.xii.1976 , R.L. Araujo (7247); Jaguaribe: 12.xi.1975 , R.L. Araujo (6399); Goiás. Niquelândia: 29.ix.1995 , B.H. Dietz, F. Silvestre & C. R.F. Brandão (10084), 16.xi.2013 , T.F. Carrijo (26378); Maranhão. 20 Km de Teresina , PI, 09.xii.1976 , R.L. Araujo (7143, 7150); Imperatriz: 12–20.xii.1972 , G.M.F. Oliveira (6280, 6327, 6337, 6342, 6347); Mato Grosso. Estrada Cuiabá-Porto Velho , 15.ii.1976 , R.L. Araujo (6539); Corumbá: Fazenda Santa Branca, 09.xii.1960 , K. Lenko (1180), Ladário , 29.x.1953 , R.L. Araujo (3952); Cuiabá: 16.ii.1976 , R.L. Araujo (6591), Coxipó, 14–17.ii.1976 , R.L. Araujo (6555, 6664, 6671, 6702); Várzea Grande : EMPA, 28.x.1984 , J.C. Trager (8596); Mato Grosso do Sul. Aquidauana : 16.iii.2012 , A. Abot (22432); Corumbá : 31.x.1953 , R.L. Araujo (3975); Ladário, 29.x.1953 , R.L. Araujo (3953), Urucum, 14–19.viii.1926 , K.P. Schmidt, (2734, 3445), 30– 31.x.1953, R.L. Araujo, (3970, 3974), 30–31.x.1953 , R.L. Araujo (3977, 3980); Porto Murtinho: 28.vii.2015 , R.G. Santos (24925); Minas Gerais. Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas, 10–15.x.2012 , J.P. Constantini (26851), M.M. Rocha (16220, 16229, 16235, 16322), R.G. Santos (22202–22204, 22206); Capitão Enéas: 15.vii.1975 , R.L. Araujo (6071); Janaúba: 20.vii.1975 , R.L. Araujo (6107); Porteirinha: 21.vii.1975 , R.L. Araujo (6114); Pernambuco. Between Serra Talhada and Triunfo, 22.i.1980 , E.M. Cancello (8007), Serra das Russas , 13.vii.1974 , R.L. Araujo (5477), Between Lagoa Grande and Petrolina, 18.vii.1974 , R.L. Araujo (5514); Arcoverde: Instituto de Pesquisas Agronômicas ( IPA), 25/01/1980 , E.M. Cancello (7952, 7955, 7956); Igarassu : 10.viii.1947 , C. R. Gonçalves (4588); Petrolina: 18.vii.1974 , R.L. Araujo (5520); Salgueiro: 17.vii.1974 , R.L. Araujo (5505); Serra Talhada: Instituto de Pesquisas Agronômicas ( IPA), 23/01/1980 , E.M. Cancello (8015); Piauí. 12 km before Valença / PI, 08.xii.1976 , R.L. Araujo (7140), P. Nac. de Sete Cidades, 11–14.xii.1976 , R.L. Araujo, (7168, 7202); Canto do Buriti : 19–21.xi.1991 , E.M. Cancello & M. T. Pontes (15770–15775); Corrente: Fazenda Maracujá, 24.xi.1991 , C. R.F. Brandão (15718), 23–27.xi.1991 , E.M. Cancello & M. T. Pontes (15704–15717, 15719, 15720); Floriano: Fazenda Buriti Sol, 05–09.xi.1991 , E.M. Cancello & M. T. Pontes (15762–15764, 15766–15768); Oeiras: Fazenda Talhada, 14–15.xi.1991 , E.M. Cancello & M. T. Pontes (15796–15802); Picos: xii.1976 , R.L. Araujo (7115, 7116), 07.xii.1976, (7128, 7130) ; Sergipe. Porto da Folha : 04–05.iv.2012 , A.B. V. Junior (16371, 16372) .

Fig. 9 shows the MZUSP collection records of A. amicki and A. amifer (See Discussion).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Paleontological Institute


Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária, IPA


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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