Harpyrhynchoides Fain, 1972
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4023.1.1 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6BC0B13B-940D-402E-B894-3C80E034840B |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/96009A20-2A6A-FFA8-16BB-FB976BBDFECB |
treatment provided by |
Plazi |
scientific name |
Harpyrhynchoides Fain, 1972 |
status |
Key to species of the genus Harpyrhynchoides Fain, 1972
*—species occurring in New World.
♠—females of these species weakly differing from each other, so male characters added to key. Harpyrhynchoides longipilus (Banks, 1905) and Harpyrhynchoides vercammeni (Lawrence, 1959) are insufficiently described and not included in this key.
Females of Harpyrhynchoides asio ( Fain, 1972) and Harpyrhynchoides capitatus ( Fain, 1976) are unknown.
1. Leg IV with 1 articulated segment (Species complex B)..................................................... 30
- Legs IV with 2 articulated segments (Species complex A).................................................... 2
2. Preapical articulated segment of leg III with 1 seta......................................................... 10
- Preapical articulated segment of leg III with 2 setae......................................................... 3
3. Palpalae l”G longer than dF, serrate filiform. Genua I and II with 2 setae (l’ and v’) (Species group alectoris )........... 9
- Palpalae l”G shorter than dF, thickened. Genua I and II with 3 setae (d, l’ and v’) (Species group capellae )............. 4
4. Setae vi present. Setae 1a situated slightly posterior to level of setal bases 1c ..................................... 5
- Setae vi absent. Setae 1a situated slightly anterior to level of setal bases 1c ....... H. actitis sp. nov. * ( Figs. 14 View FIGURE 14 , 15 View FIGURE 15 , 17 View FIGURE 17 A–E)
5. Setae dF and dG subequal in width...................................................................... 7
- Setae dG twice as wide as dF ........................................................................... 6
6. Setae l”G are about 2.5 times longer than dG. Setae dF are 3 times longer than dG. Idiosoma View in CoL ventrally almost fully striated. Body about 325 long.................................................. H. pluvialis sp. nov. * ( Figs. 16 View FIGURE 16 , 17 View FIGURE 17 F–H)
- Setae l”G not more 2 times longer than dG. Setae dG are 1.5 times longer than dF. Idiosoma View in CoL ventrally without striations between levels of setal bases 3a and vulvar pocket-like structure. Body 220–240 long................................................................................................ H. phalaropus Bochkov and Galloway, 2013 *
7. Palpalae dF 1.5–2 times longer than dG. Setae h2 subequal to or not more 2.5 times longer than h1 ................... 8
- Palpalae dF and dG subequal in length 70 long, Setae h2 about 4 times longer than h1 .................................................................................................... H. capellae ( Fritsch, 1954) ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 H, I)
8. Lengths of palpalae: dF 15–17, dG and l”G 6–8 long. Palpalae dG and l”G subequal in length. Idiosoma View in CoL ventrally scarcely
striated.............................................................. H. calidris sp. nov. * ( Figs. 9–11 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 A–G) - Lengths of palpalae; dF 30-32, dG 20–22, and l”G 12–14. Palpalae dG 1.7 times longer than l”G. Idiosoma View in CoL ventrally almost completely striated..................................................... H. charadrius sp. nov. * ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 , 13 View FIGURE 13 )
9♠. Body about 360 long. Setae ve about 105 long and si 168 long. Solenidia ω 1 I and ω 1 II about 2 wide. In male: distance g1–g1 about 2.3 times longer than g3–g3; solenidion ω 1 I about 4 wide........................... H. coturnix ( Fain, 1972*)
- Body about 315 long. Setae ve about 125 long and si 210 long. Solenidia ω 1 I and ω 1 II about 1 wide. In male: distance g1–g1 about 3.2 times longer than g3–g3; solenidion ω 1 I about 2 wide............................ H. alectoris ( Fain, 1972)
10. Preapical segment of leg IV with 1 seta.................................................................. 20
- Preapical segment of leg IV without setae................................................................ 11
11. Apical segment of leg IV with 4 setae................................................................... 19
- Apical segment of leg IV with 3 setae................................................................... 12
12. Genua I and II with 3 setae (v” absent).................................................................. 13
- Genua I and II with 4 setae (v” present)................................................... H. tyto ( Fain, 1972)
13. Idiosomal venter with scales or verrucosities, distinctly striated............................................... 17
- Idiosomal venter without scales or verrucosities, weakly striated.............................................. 14
14. Setae h1 present. Setae h2 not less than 15 long............................................................ 16
- Setae h1 absent. Setae h2 less than 10 long.......................................... species group leptoptinus 15
15. Body 315–335 long. Solenidia ω 1 I and ω 1 II 9–10 long and narrow, about 1 wide............ H. puffinus sp. nov. * ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 )
- Body about 360 long. Solenidia ω 1 I and ω 1 II about 6 long and slightly thickened, more than 2 wide................................................................................................... H. leptoptinus ( Fain, 1976)
16. Setae vi reaching beyond posterior margin of dorsal shield. Distances h2–h2 about 1.5 times longer than h1–h1 ............................................................................................. H. oenae ( Fain, 1972)
- Setae vi far not reaching posterior margin of dorsal shield. Distances h2–h2 3–4 times longer than h1–h1 ................................................................................. H. tracheatus ( Fritsch, 1954*) ( Figs. 26–29 View FIGURE 26 View FIGURE 27 View FIGURE 28 View FIGURE 29 )
17. Coxal fields I and II with distinct longitudinal striae. Idiosomal venter with scales in median part between levels of setal bases 1a and 3a. Setae vi and vi subequal..................................................................... 18
- Coxal fields I and II smooth. Idiosomal venter without scales in median part between levels of setal bases 1a and 3a. Setae ve about twice as long as vi .......................................................... H. psittaculae ( Fain, 1972)
18. Setae h1 and h2 subequal. Setae 3a far not reaching posterior margin of body. Vulvar lips without verrucosities................................................................................. H. megascops sp. nov. * ( Figs. 30–32 View FIGURE 30 View FIGURE 31 View FIGURE 32 )
- Setae h1 about 3 times longer than h2. Setae 3a reaching posterior margin of body. Posterior ends of vulvar lips with verrucos- ities.......................................................................... H. squamosus ( Fain, 1972)
19. Femora I and II with 2 setae (v not duplicate). Scales of idiosomal venter present only anterior to setal bases 1a ............................................................................................ H. kakatoe ( Fain, 1972)
- Femora I and II with 3 setae (v duplicate). Scales of idiosomal venter present anterior to setal bases 1a and between levels of setal bases 1a and 3a ............................................................. H. columbae ( Fain, 1972)
20. Apical segment of leg IV with 3 setae. Setae c2 filiform, subequal to se ........................................ 21
- Apical segment of leg IV with 4 setae. Setae c2 strongly thickened and barbed, at least 3 times shorter and wider than se ................................................................................ H. numidae (Lawrence, 1959)
21. Genua I and II with 4 setae (v” present). Femora I and II with 3 or 4 setae (v du- or triplicate). Empodium of tarsi I and II dis- tinctly longer than respective segment (Species group herodius ).............................................. 26
- Genua I and II with 3 setae (v” absent). Femora I and II with 2 setae (v not duplicate). Empodium of tarsi I and II subequal or slightly longer than respective segment.................................................................. 22
22. Setae h1 and h2 subequal............................................................................. 23
- Setae h1 6–7 times longer than h2 ................................................. H. metropelia ( Fain, 1972) *
23. Idiosomal venter almost not striated or, at least, not striated in area around setal bases 3a. Dorsal shield not narrowed in poste- rior part; its posterior margin not straight. Coxal fields I and II not striated...................................... 24
- Idiosomal venter almost fully striated including area bearing setal bases 3a. Dorsal shield strongly narrowed in posterior part; its posterior margin straight. Coxal fields I and II with fine transverse striations........ H. zenaida sp. nov. * ( Figs. 33–35 View FIGURE 33 View FIGURE 34 View FIGURE 35 )
24. Posterior part of dorsal shield widely convex. Idiosomal venter weakly striated. Distance h2–h2 about 3 times longer than h1– h1. Coxal field I with membranous fold in posterior part.................................................... 25
- Posterior part of dorsal shield slightly concave. Idiosomal venter striated except large unstriated median area bearing setae 3a and h1. Distance h2–h2 about 2 times longer than h1–h1. Coxal field I without membranous folds........................................................................................ H. accipiter Bochkov and OConnor, 2013*
25. Cuticle between peritrematal branches and transverse striations covered by numerous microscales. Coxal field II bearing mem- branous fold in posterior part. Vulvar pocket-like structure without distinct lateral longitudinal folds............................................................................................ H. coccyzus sp. nov. * ( Figs. 36–38 View FIGURE 36 View FIGURE 37 View FIGURE 38 )
- Cuticle between peritrematal branches and transverse striations smooth. Coxal field II without fold. Vulvar pocket-like struc- ture with distinct lateral longitudinal folds........................................... H. clamator Bochkov, 2014
26. Femora I and II with 3 setae (v duplicate)................................................................ 28
- Femora I and II with 4 setae (v triplicate)................................................................ 27
27. Cuticular area bearing setae 3a and pocket-like vulvar structure smooth. Setae h1 and h2 shorter than 10. Trochanters I and II bearing 1 seta. Palpal seta dF 1.8 times longer than l”G............................ H. ixobrychus sp. nov. * ( Figs. 24 View FIGURE 24 )
- Cuticular area bearing setae 3a and pocket-like vulvar structure striated. Setae h1 and h2 longer than 30. Trochanters I and II
bearing 3 setae. Palpal setae dF and l”G subequal in length.................. H. botaurus Bochkov and Galloway, 2013 * 28. Palpalae dG thicker than l”G. Coxal field I without membranous fold.......................................... 29
- Palpalae dG and l”G subequal in width. Coxal field I with membranous fold.... H. butorides (Boyd, 1968) * ( Figs. 22 View FIGURE 22 , 23 View FIGURE 23 )
29. Pocket-like vulvar structure situated slightly anterior to coxal fields III. Setae 3a situated on smooth cuticle..................................................................................... H. bubulcus sp. nov. * ( Figs. 19–21 View FIGURE 19 )
- Pocket-like vulvar structure situated at level of posterior margin of coxal fields III. Setae 3a situated on striated cuticle............................................................................ H. herodius (Boyd, 1968) * ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 )
30. Setal bases ve situated distinctly anterior to vi. Trochanters I and II with 1 seta (v)................................ 31
- Setal bases ve situated distinctly posterior to vi. Trochanters I and II with 2 setae (v duplicate).............................................................................................. H. crotophaga sp. nov. * ( Figs. 48 View FIGURE 48 , 49 View FIGURE 49 )
31. Preapical articulated segment of leg III with 2 setae........................................................ 50
- Preapical articulated segment of leg III with 1 seta......................................................... 32
32. Setae h1 present.................................................................................... 42
- Setae h1 absent..................................................................................... 33
33. Palpalae l”G rod-like, about 3 times narrower than dF and dG (Species group zumpti )............................. 34
- Palpalae l”G thickened, about 2 times narrower than dF and dG ................................................................................................. H. parazumpti Fain, Bochkov and Mironov, 1999 * ( Figs. 42 View FIGURE 42 , 43 View FIGURE 43 )
34. Genua I and II with 3 setae (v ” absent).................................................................. 37
- Genua I and II with 4 setae (v ” present).................................................................. 35
35. Apical segments of legs III and IV with 5 and 4 setae, respectively. Setae h2 shorter than 140....................... 36
- Apical segments of legs III and IV with 6 and 5 setae, respectively. Setae h2 longer than 150.................................................................................................. H. brevis (Ewing, 1911) * ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 B)
36. Palp femorogenu with weak lateral notches. Palpalae l”G and dF subequal in length. Setae h2 80–100 long...................................................................... H. setophaga Bochkov and Klompen, 2014 * ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 C)
- Palp femorogenu without lateral notches. Palpalae l”G at least twice as long as dF. Setae h2 100–130 long.................................................................................... H. rubeculinus ( Cerny and Sixl, 1971) *
37. Longitudinal lateral folds of vulvar pocket-like structure very short, not even close to reaching posterior margin of idiosoma View in CoL ................................................................................................... 39
- Longitudinal lateral folds of vulvar pocket-like structure very long, reaching posterior margin of idiosoma View in CoL ............ 38
38. Palpalae l”G 2 times as long as dF. Setae h2 130–170 long............................. H. alaudinus Bochkov, 2000
- Palpalae l”G 1.3 times longer than dF. Setae h2 40–50 long....... H. spizella Bochkov and Klompen, 2014 * ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 J, H)
39. Palpalae l”G subequal to or at most 1.5 times longer than dF ................................................. 40
- Palpalae l”G 1.7–2 times longer than dF ....................... H. heatherae Bochkov and Galloway, 2013 * ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 F)
40. Setae h2 100–135 long............................................................................... 41
- Setae h2 50–80 long....................................................... H. zumpti ( Fain, 1972) * ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 D)
41. Body 370–400 long. Palpalae l”G 1.1–1.3 times longer than dF ..... H. vulgaris Bochkov and Galloway, 2004 * ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 E)
- Body 320–340 long. Palpalae l”G 1.4 times longer than dF ... H. xanthocephalus Bochkov and Klompen, 2014 * ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 A)
42. Vulvar pocket-like structure moderately developed, its posterior margin far not reaching level of setal bases h1 ......... 45
- Vulvar pocket-like structure strongly developed, its posterior margin reaching level of setal bases h1 ................. 43
43. Genua I and II with 3 setae (seta v” absent). Posterior margin of pocket-like vulvar structure with median prolongation.. 44
- Genua I and II with 4 setae (seta v” present). Posterior margin of pocket-like vulvar structure without median prolongation.............................................................................. H. gallowayi sp. nov. ( Fig. 40 View FIGURE 40 )
44♠. Posterior triangular lobe at setal base 3a present. Setae 3a situated at level of coxal fields III. Setal lengths: vi and ve about 80, si 120, se 135, and c2 125. In male: distance g1–g1 about 3 times longer than g3–g3. H. coxatus ( Fain, 1972) * ( Fig. 41 View FIGURE 41 A–E)
- Posterior triangular lobe at setal base 3a absent. Setae 3a situated posterior to coxal fields III. Setal lengths: vi about 120, ve 110, si 135, se 120, and c2 140. In male: distances g1–g1 and g3–g3 subequal..... H. modestus ( Fain, 1976) * ( Fig. 41 View FIGURE 41 F–G)
45. Apical segment of leg IV with 3–4 setae................................................................. 46
- Apical segment of leg IV with 5 setae............................................... H. amazonae ( Fain, 1972) *
46. Palpalae dG short, with 5–6 teeth....................................................................... 48
- Palpalae dG long, with 10–12 teeth..................................................................... 47
47. Setae vi and ve subequal in length. Setal bases 3a situated at level of pocket-like vulvar structure................................................................................................ H. rosellacinus (Lawrence, 1959)
- Setae ve about 2 times longer than vi. Setal bases 3a situated distinctly anterior to level of pocket-like vulvar structure.................................................................................... H. lawrencei ( Fain, 1972) *
48. Dorsal idiosomal area between peritrematal branches and striated cuticle unornamented. Idiosomal venter without scales or verrucosities except, if present, almost indiscernible microverrucosities at coxal fields............................ 49
- Dorsal idiosomal area between peritrematal branches and striated cuticle distinctly ornamented by microverrucosities. Idio- somal venter with verrucosities in lateral parts......................... H. pectinifer (Lawrence, 1959) * ( Figs. 46 View FIGURE 46 , 47 View FIGURE 47 )
49♠. Idiosoma View in CoL ventrally not striated between level of setal bases 3a and pocket-like vulvar structure. In male: body 265–275 long; setae g2 situated equidistantly to g1 and g3; distance g2–g2 longer than g1–g2; genital setae 11–12 long.................................................................................... H. athene sp. nov. * ( Figs. 44 View FIGURE 44 A–F, 45A–I)
- Idiosoma View in CoL ventrally striated between level of setal bases 3a and pocket-like vulvar structure. In male: body 310–320 long; setae g2 situated 1.5 times close to g1 than to g3; distance g2–g2 slightly shorter than g1–g2; genital setae 18–20 long............................................................ H. aegolius Bochkov and OConnor, 2013* ( Figs. 44 View FIGURE 44 G, 45J–M)
50. Setae c2 and h1 present.............................................................................. 51
- Setae c2 and h1 absent.............................................................. H. anatum ( Fain, 1972)
51. Setae vi and si not thicker than other dorsal idiosomal setae. Apical segment of legs III and IV with 5 and 4 setae, respectively................................................................................................. 52
- Setae vi and si much thicker than other dorsal idiosomal setae. Apical segment of legs III and IV with 4 and 3 setae, respec- tively.......................................................... H. cristagalli ( Berlese and Trouessart, 1889)
52. Setae vi 1.5 times longer than ve. Setae h2 4 times longer than h1 .................. H. agapornis ( Fain, 1972) comb. nov.
- Setae ve 2 times longer than vi. Setae h1 and h2 subequal.................................. H. psittaci ( Fain, 1972)
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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