Ranunculus malinovskii Elenevsky et Derv.-Sok., Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 23: 59 (1986)

Novikov, Andriy, 2023, An annotated nomenclatural checklist of endemic vascular plants distributed in the Ukrainian Carpathians, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 103921-103921 : 103921

publication ID


persistent identifier


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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft (2023-08-12 16:38:23)

scientific name

Ranunculus malinovskii Elenevsky et Derv.-Sok., Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 23: 59 (1986)


Ranunculus malinovskii Elenevsky et Derv.-Sok., Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 23: 59 (1986)

Ranunculus malinovskii = Ranunculus kladnii auct. fl. ucrain. carpat., non Schur *

Conservation status

In Ukraine - LC ( Onyshchenko et al. 2022).


SE Carpathian endemic.


Euro+Med (https://europlusmed.org/cdm_dataportal/taxon/c8c99844-6aae-47fe-9652-31b79a864157, accessed on 06.06.2023) considers R. malinovskii as a synonym for R. acris L. Indeed, R. malinovskii and R. acris are morphologically similar, but R. malinovskii differs by smaller habitus, developed rhizome, weak pubescence of the leaves and stem and longer beak of the fruits ( Visjulina 1953, Jelenevsky and Derviz-Sokolova 1986, Chopyk and Fedoronchuk 2015).

Some plants from the higher altitudes in the Ukrainian Carpathians were identified as R. kladnii Shur. CoL (https://www.catalogueoflife.org/data/taxon/4RHQG, accessed on 06.06.2023), POWO (https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/713807-1), WFO (https://list.worldfloraonline.org/wfo-0000462207, accessed on 06.06.2023), Euro+Med (https://europlusmed.org/cdm_dataportal/taxon/61b4424b-1bc9-4ee8-8cda-c5b9d6f5f7d8, accessed on 06.06.2023) and Worldplants (https://www.worldplants.de/world-plants-complete-list/complete-plant-list?name=Ranunculus-serbicus, accessed on 07.06.2023) synonymise R. kladnii with R. serbicus Vis. GBIF (https://www.gbif.org/species/7277719, accessed on 06.06.2023), instead, considers R. kladnii to be a synonym for Ranunculus acris subsp. acris . However, Jelenevsky and Derviz-Sokolova (1986) pointed out that the mentioned plants from higher altitudes differ from those described by Schur as R. kladnii . Jelenevsky and Derviz-Sokolova (1986) also found these plants to be different from R. acris and R. serbicus and, as a result, proposed a new name - R. malinovskii. Hence, all specimens from the Ukrainian Carpathians, identified as R. kladnii , appeared to be R. malinovskii ( Tzvelev 2001, Chopyk and Fedoronchuk 2015).

Chopyk, V., Fedoronchuk, M., 2015. Flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Terno-graph, Ternopil

Jelenevsky, A., Derviz-Sokolova, T., 1986. De speciebus duabus europaeis generis Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae) notae. Novosti Sistematiki Vysshykh Rasteniy - Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium 23: 55 - 60

Onyshchenko, V. A., Mosyakin, S. L., Korotchenko, I. A., Danylyk, I. M., Burlaka, M. D., Olshanskyi, I. H., Shiyan, N. M., Zhygalova, S. L., Tymchenko, I. A., Kolomiychuk, V. P., Novikov, A. V., Chorney, I. I., Kish, R. Y., Shevera, M. V., Fedoronchuk, M. M., Protopopova, V. V., 2022. IUCN Red List categories of vascular plant species of Ukrainian flora. M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Tzvelev, N. N., 2001. . Flora of the European part of USSR 10

Visjulina, O. D., 1953. . Flora of UkrSSR 5











