Rhaphidosoma paganicum Gapon, 2021
publication ID |
https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/CompCytogen.v15.i4.78718 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5787D425-5890-4C6A-A3FB-E9F971CA2DE9 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/32F81B06-1A3A-4111-A923-48E7F1A861BA |
taxon LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:act:32F81B06-1A3A-4111-A923-48E7F1A861BA |
treatment provided by |
scientific name |
Rhaphidosoma paganicum Gapon |
status |
sp. nov. |
Rhaphidosoma paganicum Gapon sp. nov.
Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5 , 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 , 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9
Material examined.
Holotype. Male (glued to rectangular piece of card), Myanmar, Mandalay Region, nr Nyaung-U Town , 21°10'47.2"N, 94°53'37.9"E, 31.X.2019, D.A. Gapon leg. (ZISP). GoogleMaps
Paratypes. Same data as for holotype, 5 males, 1 female mounted as holotype, 3 males in ethanol, 1 male in fixative, with a series of karyological preparations on slides (ZISP) GoogleMaps .
Body strongly elongated, rod-shaped, with subparallel lateral margins, slightly widened at level of thoracic segments. Antennae and legs long and thin. Both sexes with vestigial fore and hind wings.
Colouration and integument. Body dark reddish-brown, often with blackish sides; ventral surface of abdomen with a more or less distinct median yellowish stripe; tarsi and last two segments of antennae yellowish brown; claws and apex of last segment of rostrum black. Body entirely, except for last two segments of rostrum, covered with dense, adpressed, whitish scale-like setae; they rather long on head, slightly shorter on thorax and abdomen, and very short and sparse on antennae and legs. On abdomen of female, they are shorter than on that of male, therefore looking less dense. Head ventrobasally with very long and dense erect setae; similar long setae, directed anteriorly, located at anterior angles of pronotum; thoracic sternites in their anterior and posterior parts near coxal cavities with dense, rather long, raised setae.
Some setae all over body, including legs and antennae, semierect, located on sparse, rounded, minute setiferous tubercles, those being visible only on wet preparations and hidden by setae on dry specimens. Such tubercles on dorsal and lateral surfaces of postocular part of head larger (looking like granules on dry specimens), bearing relatively long setae. Semierect setae on preocular part of head slightly shorter, becoming longer and denser on dorsal surface of clypeus; several longer setae located laterally anterior to eyes and on antennal tubercles. Ventral surfaces of head and thorax with less long semi-erect setae, dorsal surface of thorax and whole abdomen with short semierect setae; first segment of each antenna in basal part with semierect setae slightly shorter than thickness of the segment and increasing in length towards its apex; second segment with setae not exceeding its thickness and also with sparse, longer setae; third and fourth segments with very short, semierect setae. Semierect setae on coxae, trochanters and femora rather short, longer, denser on tibiae and becoming longer towards apices of tibia.
V-shaped spot on dorsal surface of preocular part of head, longitudinal stripes on sides of ventral surface of head, a thin medial stripe on ventral surface of abdomen, lateral irregular stripes and extreme margins of abdominal ventrites with very sparse, almost absent pubescence. Rostrum shining, with sparse, very short, semierect setae, only its first visible segment with adpressed pubescence and several longer, semierect setae. Small, round, dark, shining, slightly depressed scarlike marks located in pairs on abdominal tergites: approximately in middle of combined tergites I-III and before middle of each subsequent tergite; the same markings, longitudinal anterior and rounded posterior, located at anterior angle of each abdominal ventrite.
Simple scale-like setae and cuticle between them covered with a white waxy coating, that being especially abundant and thick on ventral surface of body.
Head (Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 ) long, linear, with deep transverse interocular sulcus. Postocular part of head slightly widened laterally just behind eyes, slightly narrower than anteocular part at level of antenniferous tubercles; its anterior margin with a small medial triangular projection directed anteriad. The part of head anterior to sulcus faintly wide-ning towards antenniferous tubercles. Head dorsally and ventrally almost flat, only slightly convex just posterior to clypeus base. Eyes moderate, hemispherical. Ocelli absent. Clypeus rather wide, conical, slightly flattened laterally, obtuse at apex, without sharp spine anteriorly. Antenniferous tubercles large, far removed from eyes, faintly diverging, completely visible from above. Segments II-IV of antennae thinner than segment I, gradually thinning distally. Maxillary plate triangular, flat. Gena convex. Rostrum straight, reaching middle of fore coxae; its first visible segment significantly not reaching base of antenna, second segment reaching posterior margin of head, but not protruding beyond it; third segment slightly shorter than first one. Labrum short, about three-fifths of first rostral segment.
Thorax (Figs 1 View Figure 1 - 3 View Figure 3 ). Anterior margin of pronotum deeply notched; lateral margins without carinae, almost parallel in posterior half, converging anteriorly in anterior half; posterior margin slightly concave laterally, convex, raised medially. Anterior angles slightly elongated, angularly rounded. Anterior lobe of the pronotum long, slightly convex, with a thin medial sulcus posteriorly; its posterior margin looking like two letters W, i.e. with four triangular projections rising above posterior lobe of pronotum. The latter short, rim-like; its medial area flat, with extremely smoothed medial and lateral carinae converging posteriorly; lateral areas deeply depressed. Pleural areas of prothorax relatively weakly convex, but clearly visible from above. Each epimeron continuing ventrally like a long plate; together they enclose the posterior part of sternite and touch with their inner margins. Rather large, rounded spiracle located on a plate surrounded by membrane under each epimeron and not visible from outside.
Labial sulcus wedge-shaped, tapering posteriorly, with thinnest transverse stridulation ribs, bounded by rounded keels, tapering and converging posteriorly. Coxal cavities located near anterior margin of prothorax, closed posteriorly and open anteriorly, separated from each other by a very narrow, sharp carina. Fore coxae contiguous. Each coxal cavity posteriorly with rather large, rounded fossa, corresponding to large internal hook-shaped apodeme lying in transverse plane, having flattened apex directed medially and ventrally.
Mesothorax wider than prothorax, trapezoidal, its pleural areas wide, with margins converging anteriorly in dorsal view. Mesonotum narrower than pronotum, its lateral margins almost parallel, slightly convex in middle, slightly concave anteriorly and posteriorly. Disc slightly convex, without a distinct medial sulcus or carina, laterally bounded along its entire length by a pair of wide flattened carinae, those being strongly smoothed anteriorly and passing into vestiges of fore wings posteriorly. The latter narrow, elongate-triangular, incumbent on metanotum, reaching its posterior margin, slightly curved medially before pointed apices. Scutellum distinct, slightly shorter than its width, convex, fused with mesonotum without distinct suture, with sharp apex and posterior margin bordered by rounded carina thickening towards middle. Small, rounded spiracle located under convex posterior margin of epimeron near dorsal margin of pleurite.
Middle coxal cavities open anteriorly, separated each from other by wider than in prosternum, flat, raised carina. Middle coxae slightly more widely spaced than anterior ones.
Metathorax short, slightly wider than mesothorax, its pleural areas wide in dorsal view, with lateral margins subparallel in anterior part and diverging posteriorly in posterior part. Metanotum slightly wider than mesonotum; its disc rather convex, without a medial sulcus or carina, laterally bounded by lateral carinae. They narrow, subparallel, hidden by vestiges of fore wings in anterior half and, in posterior half, wide, flat, tapering towards posterior ends, reaching posterior margin of metathorax and diverging. Base of each hind wing vestige looking like a narrow longitudinal carina, medially adjacent to anterior half of each lateral carina of metanotum (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ). Distal part of each vestige shaped as narrow platelike flap with narrowly rounded apex. Vestiges of hind wings completely hidden under those of fore wings. Posterior margin of metanotum tapering trapezoidally posteriorly, roundly convex laterally, finely concave in middle, with small triangular median projection, and framed by thin rounded carina starting from base of posterior part of each hind wing vestige. Posterior part of tergite flat, smooth. Small rounded spiracle located near posterior margin of pleurite in its dorsal part at level of posterior end of metanotal lateral carina.
Hind coxal cavities closed anteriorly, open posteriorly. Hind coxae wider moved apart than middle ones. Space between middle and hind coxal cavities monolithic, rhomboid, elongated posteriorly, with almost flat, barely depressed surface and thin medial sulcus. Ostiole of metathoracic scent gland and evaporatorium absent. Epimeron shaped as large, triangular, convex plate with rounded posterior margin.
Note. It seems that in the description of some species of Rhaphidosoma , posterior ends of lateral carinae of the mesonotum are confused with vestiges of the hind wings, which are actually absent in these species. Genuine vestiges of the fore and hind wings are described in this article, and the representation of this character in the genus requires clarification.
Legs. Coxae of all legs longitudinal, swollen; femora and tibiae evenly slender, without any denticles. Anteromedial surface of each fore tibiae subapically with distinct comb (Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ). Tarsi three-segmented, with a very small first segment. Claws long, thin, slightly curved, with a long thin denticle before middle.
Abdomen (Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 4 View Figure 4 ) with lateral margins parallel in male and slightly convex towards middle in female. Tergites I, II and III seamlessly merged; on preparations cleared in alkali, border between tergites II and III barely discernible as area of weaker sclerotisation. Inner surface of combined tergite I-III at border of short I and longer II tergites with large fragma looking like two contiguous, wide, rather high crests with semicircular ventral margins, anteriorly concave surfaces, and rather long apodeme at each of lateral ends. Tergites evenly, not strongly convex, only base of combined tergite I-III rather strongly elevated. Posterior margins of tergites from III to V rather deeply concave; posterior margin of tergite VI weakly and smoothly concave. Male and female with only two dorsal abdominal scent glands located at anterior margin of tergites IV and V, with openings shaped like an eight (Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ).
Ventrites rather strongly convex; boundaries between ventrites II and III on inner side with two slightly spaced, concave, transverse cristae having a cupped shape, concave anteriorly. Posterior margins of ventrites from II to IV rather deeply concave and less concave in subsequent ventrites.
Connexivum separated dorsally by a rather deep depression. Ventral connexival suture present. Dorsal and ventral laterotergites flat, almost vertical.
Spiracles located on small tubercles. First pair of spiracles located dorsally close to anterior margins of corresponding laterotergites; their tubercles directed slightly posteriad (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Spiracles of second pair small, lying very close to spiracles of first pair; third pair of spiracles larger, located slightly behind middle of combined tergite I-III and before middle of ventrite III; other pairs of spiracles located slightly anterior to middle of corresponding tergite and ventrite.
Posterior margin of median tergite VI in male with low, smoothed, transverse medial elevation only with a row of 5-6 setiferous tubercles at posterior margin (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ); such elevation on tergite V even less distinct, also with a row of setiferous tubercles (Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Posterior margins of previous tergites only slightly convex in middle. Tergite VII posteriorly weakly widened, with smoothly rounded lateral margins in dorsal view. Posterior margin of this tergite transversely wrinkled, elongated, pointed, strongly raised, protruding far beyond posterior margin of pygophore, carinate at extreme apex (Figs 1C View Figure 1 and 4D View Figure 4 ). Laterotergites VII terminated behind middle of the median tergite, fused with it in dorsal view and, in lateral view, gradually narrowing posteriorly and smoothly passing into thin carina bordering posterior margin of tergite VII. Segment VIII completely retracted into previous segment; its ventral sclerotised part represented by rather long semicircle with oblique anterior margin.
Tergites in female with three weak longitudinal carinae disappearing anteriorly. Posterior margin of tergite VII medially with two long, digitiform, contiguous throughout tubercles, those being located on rather high common elevation and directed dorsoposteriorly (Figs 4E, F View Figure 4 and 8A View Figure 8 ). Posterior margin of tergite VI weakly raised in middle, with two small, rounded tubercles contiguous anteriorly and slightly spaced posteriorly (Fig. 8B View Figure 8 ). Previous tergites without any distinct tubercles. Tergite VIII short, with medial sulcus and two rather long, slightly spaced conical processes of posterior margin, those being directed posteriorly and slightly dorsally (Fig. 8C View Figure 8 ). Connexival membrane between dorsal and ventral laterotergites extensive, with multiple thin and one large longitudinal folds (Fig. 8A View Figure 8 ). Dorsal and ventral laterotergites of segment VIII fused with each other; dorsal ones fused with the median tergite; ventral laterotergite with small spiracle in anterior part. Posterior margin of ventrite VII with small medial triangular projection.
Pygophore (Fig. 5A-C View Figure 5 ) 2.5 times as long as wide. Its dorsal wall straight, ventral wall strongly and rather smoothly convex before middle, lateral walls almost parallel. Basal foramen large, longitudinally oval, oblique. Lateral and ventral walls sclerotised (ventral one stronger), covered with dense, appressed scale-like setae, as well as sparser, thickened, semierect setae. At extreme base of pygophore, these walls weaker sclerotised, without pubescence. Ventral wall with light medial stripe. Lateral walls membranous dorsodistally, each with triangular, strongly sclerotised isolated area above base of paramere and anterior to base of proctiger. Paramere attached at anterioventral margin of this membranous area. Dorsal wall of pygophore membranous, deeply folded along midline, without visible border passing into large, cone-shaped, membranous proctiger posteriorly hanging over apex of pygophore. Dorsal and ventral valves of proctiger reinforced with thin horseshoe-shaped sclerites. Laterally, dorsal wall with two longitudinal, weakly sclerotised areas anteriorly covered with thin oblique wrinkles and, posteriorly, with thin, semierect setae. Apex of pygophore rounded in ventral view; medial process highly sclerotised, shaped as wide base with two wide denticles directed ventroposteriad. Genital opening located terminally, bounded by sclerotised apex of pygophore, membranous ventral wall of proctiger and membranous portions of lateral walls of pygophore; it small in repose, but able to stretch strongly due to elasticity of the membranes.
Paramere (Fig. 5D View Figure 5 ) long and narrow. Corpus cylindrical, without any projections, slightly curved at base, almost straight in rest part. Hypophysis slightly widened and slightly flattened laterally, slightly curved dorsally and medially; its ventral margin more convex than dorsal one; apex rounded; lateral surface, dorsal and ventral margins covered with rather long setae. Parameres located horizontally along lateral walls of pygophore, posteriorly protruding far beyond its apex.
Aedeagus. Basal plates of phallobase (Fig. 6B, C View Figure 6 ) very long, almost parallel, slightly widening posteriorly in lateral view; their posterior ends C-shaped, curved ventrally and diverging, extreme ends widened, with spoon-shaped depression. Suspensory apo-demes short, attached laterally to almost extreme apices of posterior ends of basal plates. Dorsal apodemes very short, attached to ends of basal plates medially and subterminally. Capitate processes large, broadly oval, with irregular margin and extremely short stalk. Plate bridge narrow and rather short. Pedicel short, ductifer absent.
Theca (Fig. 6A-C View Figure 6 ) cylindrical, slightly flattened dorsoventrally, with almost parallel lateral walls, tapering anteriorly and posteriorly, narrowly rounded at anterior end. Dorsal wall of theca entirely sclerotised ("dorsal phallothecal sclerite"), except for two small weakly sclerotised windows located on either side of place of attachment of phallobase. Basal foramen of theca (Fig. 6D View Figure 6 ) rather large, located at base of its dorsal wall, longitudinal, bordered by flat, rather wide edging with distinct outer margins fused with membrane connecting theca and basal plates of phallobase. Inner margins of this plate in middle with a pair of triangular projections, posteriorly with a pair of large rectangular inner processes directed slightly into cavity of theca; anterior angle of each of these processes and margin of basal foramen in its anterior part connected by very thin transparent cord.
Ventral wall of theca in basal half with two longitudinal, almost rectangular areas of strong sclerotisation, those being separated by rather wide membranous interval. At extreme base, these areas fused with sclerotisation of dorsal wall of theca, extending onto its lateral sides. In middle of theca length, dorsal sclerotisation extending even further to sides and almost touching lateroapical angles of strongly sclerotised parts of ventral wall. Lateral walls of theca in its basal half between described areas of sclerotisation remain membranous. Apical half of ventral wall of theca membranous, with two narrow, highly sclerotised stripes laterally, those being tapering anteriorly and posteriorly. Extreme thecal apex represented by two lobes tapering apically. Dorsal lobe completely sclerotised, with deep, narrow medial notch and external surface striated with dense longitudinal wrinkles. Ventral lobe membranous, trapezoidally rounded apically, with lateral margins reinforced with narrow stripes of strong sclerotisation described above, basally extending under lateral margins of dorsal lobe.
Short unpaired ectodermal vas deferens entering cavity of aedeagus near place of fusion of basal plates (near posterior end of pedicel). Ductus seminis morphologically subdivided into five parts (Fig. 6E View Figure 6 ): (1) phallobasal part short, narrow, extending into cavity of theca at anterior margin of its basal foramen; (2) proximal thecal part sharply widening at base, wide, running along plane of basal foramen and connecting to inner processes of the latter; (3) middle thecal part curved at right angles to the previous part, narrow at base and gradually widening distally; (4) distal thecal part widening very strongly, funnel-shaped and passing into (5) voluminous seminal chamber opening by very wide secondary gonopore. Ventral wall of seminal chamber with large triangular pouch jutting into cavity of endosoma. At distal end of middle thecal part of ductus seminis, two thin cords (indicated by red arrows in Fig. 6D View Figure 6 ) attached to its dorsal wall (in another specimen, they are fused with each other into a ring-shaped structure; their functional significance is unclear).
Endosoma (Fig. 7 View Figure 7 ) subdivided into basal and apical parts. Basal part with two large basolateral lobes, each having three branches. Ventral branches long, swollen at base, narrowed in distal part, directed ventrolaterally, with extreme apices rounded, slightly curved dorsoposteriorly; dorsal branches short, tapering towards pointed apices, directed dorsoanteriorlly and slightly diverging; lateral branches located strongly close to dorsal ones on common with them, slightly swollen base, slightly longer than dorsal branches, directed laterally and slightly anteriorly, widened before rounded apices, those being C-shaped, rather strongly curved ventrally. Lateral and posterior surfaces of ventral and lateral branches densely covered with finest microspines directed to apex of corresponding branch. Dorsal wall of basal part of endosoma with narrow, highly sclerotised medial band; distally it passes into a long plate, that being C-shaped, sharply curved anteriad (only on completely inflated endosoma; in repose, this plate almost straight, adjacent to dorsal wall of endosoma), slightly widening distally, with rounded lateroapical angles and notched apical margin. Ventral wall of basal part of endosoma extremely short, delimited from the apical part by transverse fold.
Apical part of endosoma large, obovoid. Its base convex on dorsal side, bearing unpaired dorsobasal lobe and paired dorsobasal tubercles located laterally and slightly more basal than base of the latter. Dorsobasal lobe short, rounded, slightly tapering towards base, directed dorsoanteriorlly. Posterior surface of this lobe with sharply outlined field of microsculpture represented by dense, larger than on basolateral lobes, rather strongly sclerotised, tangentially flattened microspines decreasing towards base of lobe. Apex of lobe with two tiny contiguous tubercles. Dorsobasal tubercles shorter than dorsobasal lobe, tapering broadly to rounded apices directed anterolaterally; surfaces of tubercles without microspines. Distal part of dorsal wall of endosomal apical part smoothly convex, with unpaired dorsomesial lobe, paired dorsomesial sclerites lying on either side of the latter, and with paired membranous dorsoapical tubercles located even more distally. Dorsomesial lobe small, narrowed basally, widening distally, directed dorsoanteriorlly, slightly curved posteriad, without microsculpture. Dorsomesial sclerites rather large, diamond, with rounded angles, posteriorly fused with wall of endosoma, with anterior ends slightly elevated above the wall. Dorsal surface of each sclerite convex, densely and very finely granulated. Dorsoapical tubercles widely spaced, small, conical, with pointed apices directed dorsally, without microsculpture.
Apex of apical part of endosoma broadly dome-shaped, with paired membranous apical tubercles on dorsal side and transverse membranous protuberance on ventral side. Apical tubercles rather large, almost hemispherical, spaced apart. Membranous protuberance crescent, wide, rounded in cross section, rather thick in middle, thinning dorsally towards ends, bordering secondary gonopore ventrally, and here named gonoporal lip. Secondary gonopore looking like a wide gap between gonoporal lip and apex of endosoma, very short in middle, widening laterally; its dorsal margin at each end with a small conical membranous tubercle and very densely covered with finest microsculpture, resulting in it looking dark brown. Ventral half of each apical tubercle, lateral portions of endosomal apex, and entire gonoporal lip densely covered with microspines becoming denser towards middle of the latter.
Ventral wall of apical part of endosoma flat in proximal part and convex distally, with shallow transversal depression behind middle, entirely covered with finest microspines (those being smaller than at apex of endosoma). Distally, this area of microspines somewhat continuing onto lateral walls and, basally on each side, edged by oblique, very weakly sclerotised band.
Notes on functional morphology, dissection and terminology of the aedeagus. In repose, the basal part of endosoma is simply retracted into the theca, while the large apical part is turned inside out like a glove, and when straightened, it should turn back through a relatively small opening at the basal part of endosoma. This mode of folding the endosoma greatly complicates making preparations of completely inflated aedeagi. Perhaps for that reason and because of the high water pressure required in this case, the only completely inflated preparation that the first author (D.G.) obtained well, burst in two places, on the dorsal ends of the gonoporal lip, and these places were reconstructed in the drawings. It should also be noted that all the microspines in the drawings are shown slightly larger than they are, since D.G. did not have the technical ability to draw them very thin.
Perhaps the sclerotised medial band of the basal part of endosoma corresponds to the merged “struts” of some other reduviids, although D.G. does not quite comprehend what “struts” are as described by Davis (1966); he points out that in " Rhaphidosominae ", "the struts are short, widely separated, and attached to the proximal [sic!] edge of the dorsal phallothecal sclerite", but D.G. did not find such structures in the aedeagus of the species described, and he believes that no endosomal structures can attach to the proximal part of the theca.
It is hard not to associate the complex structure of the ductus seminis, the extreme distal part of which is represented by the extensive seminal chamber with the large pouch and opens by the wide secondary gonopore possessing soft margins, with the presence of spermatophores in insemination in reduviids (about this see e.g. Ambrose and Vennison 1990). It can be assumed that the seminal chamber is the place where spermatophores form or complete their formation.
Female external terminalia (Fig. 8C-E View Figure 8 ). Gonocoxites I not fused with paratergites VIII, large, convex, trapezoidal, slightly wider than long, with anterior margins laterally straight, slightly concave medially, medioposterior angles truncated, other angles rounded. Gonocoxites I along their entire medial margins connected to each other by long membrane. Gonapophyses I shaped as small triangular plates located at truncate medioposterior angles of gonapophyses I; they slightly more sclerotised than the latter, with rounded apices. First rami absent. Thin, long, sclerotised, slightly S-shaped band beginning from apex of each gonapophysis I and passing in middle of its ventral membranous wall, and then continuing on ventral wall of gynatrium. Tergite IX oblique downward, roof-shaped, with long dorsal slope and short ventral one; in ventral view, it tapers trapezoidally caudad, with two short tubercles on sides of posterior margin, that being shallowly notched between them. Paratergites IX fused with their median tergite (suture between them retained), small, triangularly tapering anteriorly, articulated with lateral margins of gonocoxites I. Gonocoxites II shaped as rather long, narrow plates tapering towards their anterior and posterior ends; the latter continuing under tergite IX; each gonocoxite I in middle of its lateral margin articulated with posterior limb of gonangulum. Gonapophyses II rather large, membranous, acutely tapering towards narrowly rounded apices directed posteriorly. Second rami distinct, looking like strongly sclerotised and rather wide bands running along lateral margins of gonapophyses II; their posterior ends slightly not reaching apices of the gonapophyses, anterior ends arcuate and connected with anterior ends of gonocoxites II. Each gonoplac short and wide, oval, convex medially and shaped as flat, triangular plate laterally. Both gonoplacs connected to each other by narrow membranous suture into single arcuate structure with convex part facing posteriad. Tergite IX, gonocoxites I, gonapophyses I, and medial parts of gonoplacs covered with setae, some of them semierect. Proctiger membranous, retracted inward under tergite IX, with dorsal and ventral valves reinforced with thin horseshoe-shaped sclerites. Wide, rather short, tapering anteriorly, inner membranous fold, that probably being subrectal gland, located between proctiger and dorsal wall of gynatrium; dorsal wall of this fold connecting posterior ends of gonocoxites II.
Gynatrium (bursa copulatrix) (Fig. 9 View Figure 9 ) shaped as voluminous, longitudinally elongated sac reaching anterior margin of ventrite VII. In extreme base, it narrow, sharply widening anteriorly; lateral walls of its base at the level of anterior ends of gonocoxites II with two large depressions jutting into cavity of gynatrium. Distal to base, gynatrium widening gradually, with subparallel lateral walls in anterior half. Anterior wall almost straight, anteriolateral angles broadly rounded. Ventral wall with very large unpaired ring sclerite shaped like very thin edging, that being oval posteriorly and smoothly concave anteriorly. Dorsal wall of gynatrium in its anterior part forming large, external (protruding into body cavity) semicircular fold; its convex part facing posteriad, anterior ends reaching anterolateral angles of gynatrium. Ventral (anterior) wall of this fold on each side forming rather large longitudinal sclerite with parallel margins, subrectangular anterior end and triangularly narrowed posterior one. Gynatrial cone large, broadly funnel-shaped, flattened dorsoventrally at extreme base, distally cylindrical, directed anteriad, protruding beyond anterior margin of gynatrium; its walls thick in proximal part and thin, with longitudinal folds in extreme distal part. Deep external median fold extending from semicircular fold to approximately middle of gynatrial cone; its walls posteriorly accordion-folded; ante-riorly, this fold forming longitudinal pouch directed anteriad. A pair of small, arcuate folds located posterior to base of gynatrial cone. Just anterior to each of these folds, very thin and rather long thread attaching to dorsal wall of gynatrium [these structures are probably pseudospermathecae, because fragments of a membrane were visible at the distal end of one of the threads, and this membrane is probably part of the destroyed bulb]. Vermiform gland not found. Common oviduct thin-walled, rather long, narrow in place of connection with gynatrial cone, strongly widening anteriorly; ectodermal lateral oviducts rather wide, long, extending beyond anterior margin of ventrite VI.
Measurements (males / female). Body length 19.04-19.89 / 20.23; length of head 3.55-3.78 / 3.58; length of head anterior to transverse sulcus 1.93-2.05 / 2.03; length of head posterior to transverse sulcus 1.73-1.63 / 1.55; width across eyes 0.91-0.95 / 0.93; synthlipsis 0.50-0.53 / 0.50; length of prothorax at midline 1.48-1.70 / 1.58; width of prothorax 1.23-1.30 / 1.28; length of mesothorax 1.28-1.56 / 1.45; width of mesothorax 1.43-1.53 / 1.50; length of metathorax 0.43-0.50 / 0.43; width of metathorax 1.50-1.63 / 1.63; width of abdomen at level of first spiracles 1.13-1.25 / 1.30; length of abdomen 13.40-14.50 / 14.70; length of first antennal segment 6.15-6.50 / 5.50; length of second antennal segment 3.45-3.60 / 3.20; length of third antennal segment 2.55-2.90 / 2.25; length of fourth antennal segment 2.15; total length of labium 3.73-3.93 / 3.75; length of second visible labial segment 2.78-2.98 / 2.78; length of third visible labial segment 0.50-0.55 / 0.53; length of fore coxa 0.78-0.85 / 0.78; length of fore femur 6.70-7.10 / 6.30; length of fore tibia 8.80-9.10 / 8.10; length of middle coxa 0.70-0.78 / 0.73; length of middle femur 5.40-5.90 / 5.70; length of middle tibia 6.70-7.20 / 6.50; length of hind coxa 0.83-0.88 / 0.88; length of hind femur 9.70-10.60 / 9.40; length of hind tibia 11.4-12.6 / 11.3.
Distribution and bionomics.
The species was found within the Dry zone in central Myanmar, whose climate, according to the classification of Beck et al. (2018), is dry, steppe, hot, with a low average annual rainfall of less than 1,000 mm and a dry season lasting nine months or longer ( Gupta 2005). The specimens were collected by sweeping over grass in areas of a herb-grass steppe with individual thorny shrubs and low trees, particularly from the genus Acacia Mill., 1754, interspersed with agricultural landscapes and Buddhist religious buildings (Fig. 10 View Figure 10 ).
The specific name Rhaphidosoma paganicum is a Latin adjective meaning “heathen”; it is given after the type locality that belonged to the Kingdom of Pagan in the XI-XIII centuries AD.
Being predominantly Afrotropical, the genus is represented by only four species in the Oriental Region ( Rh. atkinsoni Bergroth, 1893, Rh. tuberculatum Distant, 1904, Rh. greeni Distant, 1906, and Rh. madukaraiensis Ravichandran et Livingstone, 1994). Four species are also known from Western Asia ( Rh. argillaceum Horváth, 1929, Rh. bergevini Poppius, 1911, Rh. lutescens Poppius, 1911, and Rh. davatchiae Dispons et Villiers, 1967), and they must be taken into account in comparison with the new species. All these species were described very superficially, more often from one or two specimens of the same sex, and only one of them, Rh. atkinsoni , was recently redescribed in sufficient detail (not counting the male and female terminalia) by Pansare et al. (2017). Since I have no material on these species, except for specimens from Iran and Afghanistan, identified by me as Rh. tuberculatum , I consider it necessary to compare all the characters given in the original descriptions of these species with those of the new species.
Differences from Rh. argillaceum [described by Horváth (1929: 331) from one male and one immature shrunken female]. In new species, body dark reddish-brown, often with blackish sides, ventral surface of abdomen with a more or less distinct median yellowish stripe, tarsi and last two segments of antennae yellowish brown [vs. body argillaceous, head ventrally and thorax laterally except for coxal cavities black]; head 1.18-1.32 times as long as pronotum and mesonotum combined [vs. they of equal length]; preocular part of head 1.18-1.30 times as long as postocular part [vs. postocular part slightly longer than preocular part]; first antennal segment 0.88-0.93 times in males and 0.87 times in female as long as fore tibia [vs. 0.80 times in male]; mesonotum posteriorly with distinct triangular scutellum and vestiges of fore wings [vs. mesonotum posteriorly truncate]; abdomen dorsally without distinct tubercles in male, with a pair of long finger-like tubercles on tergite VII and a pair of small rounded tubercles on tergite VI in female [vs. abdomen dorsally unarmed in both sexes; but according to Linnavuori (1973), dorsum of abdomen in female with a longitudinal row of three pairs of erect plug-shaped median tubercles]; longer, body length 19.04-19.89 in males, 20.23 in female [vs. 18.50 in male, 19.50 in female].
Differences from Rh. bergevini [described by Poppius (1911: 101) from two males]. Body colouration as stated above [vs. yellow-grey, thorax ( Mittelkörper) sometimes darkened, abdomen ( Hinterkörper) black-brown above, sometimes more or less extensively pale, with pale apex, laterally with yellow spots or completely yellow with regularly broken row of black spots, ventral surface brown, with more or less extensive yellow pattern, antennae and legs yellow, extreme apices of tibiae and last article of tarsus black, femora with black ring before apex]; head 1.18-1.32 times as long as pronotum and mesonotum combined [vs. head as long as pro- and mesonotum combined]; first antennal segment not thickened towards base, 1.19-1.24 times in males and 1.09 times in female as long as head and pronotum combined [vs. slightly thickened towards base, about 0.71 times (etwa 2/7 kürzer) in males as long as head and pronotum combined]; first antennal segment 1.74-1.81 times in males and 1.72 times in female as long as second segment, second and third segments combined about three times as long as fourth segment [vs. first segment a little more than three times as long as second one, fourth segment about as long as previous two segments combined]; second segment of rostrum about five times as long as first segment [vs. about four times]; pronotum without median carina [vs. pronotum in middle with slightly raised longitudinal carina]; tubercles on abdominal tergites as stated above [vs. dorsum of abdomen in female with longitudinal row of four pairs of erect plug-shaped median, according to Linnavuori (1973)]. Body length 19.04-19.89 in males [vs. 19.50-20.00].
Differences from Rh. lutescens [described by Poppius (1911: 102) from one female]. Body colouration as stated above [vs. yellow, some narrow longitudinal lines and small spots on each side of abdominal dorsum, large spot on each side at base of each dorsal segment, sides of head, sides of thorax, transverse band at base of each ventral segment, first antennal segment basally, extreme apex of tibiae and apex of last tarsal segment brown to brown-black; according to Linnavuiri (1973), body testaceous, sides of head and thorax with longitudinal black band, dorsum of abdomen and connexivum with irregular dark pattern, antennae and legs yellowish]; head 1.18-1.32 times as long as pro- and mesonotum combined [vs. head about as long as pro- and mesonotum combined]; preocular part of head long, clypeus apically obtuse [vs. head short anteriorly, but clearly pointed]; first antennal segment not thickened towards base, 1.19-1.24 times in males and 1.09 times in female as long as head and pronotum combined, last three segments combined 1.33 times as long as first one, second segment 1.21-1.37 times in males and 1.16 times in females as long as third one and together they almost three times as long as fourth segment [vs. first segment slightly and gradually thickened towards base, almost 0.71 times as long as head and pronotum combined, last three segments combined hardly shorter than first one, second and third segments about of equal length, together hardly longer than last segment]; mesonotum without sulci [vs. mesonotum at base with two longitudinal sulci]; metanotum without middle carina [vs. with three longitudinal carinae, one of which slightly curved on each side, and middle one straight]; dorsum of female abdomen along its entire length with three thin carinae and with tubercles as stated above [vs. abdominal dorsum in middle with longitudinal carina completely smoothed anteriorly and slightly raised in posterior part, from segment II onwards with tubercle, that being small and simple on segment II, gradually becoming stronger on following segments, with clearly forked, darkened tips, tubercle on genital segment (sic!) divided almost to base]; longer, body length 20.23 in female [vs. 20].
Differences from Rh. davatchiae [described by Dispons and Villiers (1967: 1070) from one male]. Body colouration as stated above [vs. head brown, with postocular part yellowish dorsally, pronotum brown with yellowish base, meso- and metanotum light brown with yellowish lateral carinae, ventrally thorax brown with yellowish margins of coxal cavities (? le pourtour des hanches), abdomen brown with yellowish base of first visible tergite, base of apical “horn” and small spots on connexivum]; head 2.22-2.51 times in males, 2.27 times in female as long as pronotum [vs. head relatively robust, 1.50 times in male as long as pronotum]; preocular part of head 1.18-1.23 times in males, 1.31 times in female as long as postocular part [vs. 1.50 times in male]; distance between eye and apex of antenniferous tubercle about 3.50 times as long as eye in dorsal view [vs. 2.25 times]; interocular space 2.29-2.47 times in males, 2.35 times in female as wide as eye in dorsal view [vs. twice as wide as eye in male]; clypeus without prominence [vs. clypeus with short triangular prominence anteriorly]; mesonotum approximately 1.60 times as long as wide, its posterior angles rounded, posterior margin with distinct triangular scutellum and vestiges of fore wings [vs. mesonotum subrectangular, almost 1.50 times as long as wide (39:27), its posterior angles obliquely truncated, base concave with outline of median carina; according to the drawing ( Dispons and Villiers 1967, fig. 1), posterior margin with medial notch, without distinct scutellum and wing vestiges]; metanotum wider than length, without distinct medial carina, its posterior margin with convex lateral parts, concave medially, with small triangular projection, vestiges of hind wings present [vs. metanotum slightly longer than wide, distinctly shorter than mesonotum, with three longitudinal carinae; according to the drawing ( Dispons and Villiers 1967, fig. 1), posterior margin uniformly concave, vestiges of wings apparently absent, and what is mistaken for the latter in the description is a continuation of the lateral carina]; tergite VII of male almost three times as long as wide, smoothly and slightly widened anterior to apex, apical carina narrow [vs. tergite VII twice as long as wide, with greatest width at level of apical five seventh, where its sides slightly angular; according to the drawing ( Dispons and Villiers 1967, fig. 1), apical carina of tergite VII wide]; longer, body length in males 19.04-19.89 [vs. 16.00].
Distinguished from Rh. atkinsoni [described based on an unspecified number of specimens (presumably males), redescribed by Pansare et al. (2017) from two males and two females] by following main characters. In male, thorax and abdomen with more or less evenly distributed setae, dorsally without lateral stripes of dense setae; pubescence on abdomen ventrally less dense. Lateral margins of head just posterior to transversal sulcus less convex; entire dorsum of head, including area just posterior to sulcus, almost flat [vs. tumescent]. First segment of rostrum noticeably shorter than preantennal part of head [vs. almost as long as preantennal region]. Pronotum only slightly convex dorsally [vs. tumescent above], its posterior margin slightly convex in middle and concave laterally [vs. straight]. Metanotum uniformly convex in posterior part of disc, without carina [vs. with median raised area or blunt carina along its length], with posterior margin convex laterally, concave in middle [vs. sinuate]. Ventral parts of posterior lobe of prothorax (epimera) contiguous [vs. not meeting each other, with a noticeable gap in the midline]. Thoracic segments dorsally and ventrally without granules [vs. provided with few dark brown granules]. Boundary between metasternite and abdominal ventrite II distinct [vs. indistinct]. In males, medial part of abdominal tergites not shining, all tergites without mid-dorsal tubercles [vs. median part of each tergite shining; third and fourth tergites with small mid-dorsal tubercle]; posterior margin of tergite VI in middle slightly elevated, that of tergite V elevated even less strongly, these areas not shining [vs. posterior border of tergites III-VI medially slightly elevated as small shining tubercle]. In female, tergite V in middle of posterior margin without distinct tubercle, tergite VI with two small rounded tubercles, tergite VII with two large finger-like tubercles located on strongly raised base [vs. tergite V with small mediodorsal tubercle at posterior border, tergite VI with a pair of small tubercles, and tergite VII with a pair of small, posteriorly directed blunt tubercular projections on either side of midline]. Posterior margins of laterotergites and median tergite VIII with rather long triangular projections [vs. posterior margins of laterotergites rounded, posterior margin of tergite with very short, smoothed projections]. Male and female terminalia are not well described for comparison. Pygophore more smoothly convex ventrally in lateral view, with more parallel lateral margins and two denticles of medial process at apex in ventral view [vs. sharply and almost triangularly convex ventrally, rhomboid-like widening before apex, the latter with one triangular denticle in ventral view, according to the photographs ( Pansare et al. 2017, figs 32-34)]. Paramere less strongly curved at base and more strongly at slightly widening apex [vs. apex uniformly narrow, straight, according to the photographs ( Pansare et al. 2017, figs 32-34)]. Shorter, body length 19.04-19.89 in males, 20.23 in female [vs. 25.10 in males, 23.50 in females].
Differences from Rh. tuberculatum [described by Distant (1904: 330) based on an unspecified number of specimens, presumably from female(s)]. Body colouration as stated above [vs. pale greyish, tibiae and last two joints of antennae pale ochraceous]; thorax dorsally without small tubercles [vs. with marginal series of small tubercles on each side of thorax above, a number of small discal tubercles to pronotum]; only tergites V and VI in females with paired tubercles [vs. two prominent tubercles at posterior margins of third (IV), fourth (V), fifth (VI), and sixth (VII) abdominal segments]; apex of head tapered, obtuse [vs. distinctly porrectly spinous]; first antennal segment 1.21-1.46 times in males, 1.20 times in female as long as distance from eye to base of thorax [vs. first joint of antenna about as long as from eyes to base of thorax]; head very slightly swollen laterally behind eyes [vs. head distinctly tumid behind eyes]; pronotum slightly convex, its anterior angles angularly rounded [vs. convexly tumid, its anterior angles sinuously produced]; vestiges of both pairs of wings present [vs. absent in available for me specimens]. Shorter, body length 19.04-19.89 in males, 20.23 in female [vs. 23].
Differences from Rh. greeni [described by Distant (1906: 367) based on an unspecified number of specimens, presumably from male(s)]. Body colouration as stated above [vs. piceous black, intermediate and hind tibiae dull ochraceous, tarsal claws piceous, antennae pale castaneous brown, abdomen above pale piceous brown, a central longitudinal fascia and the lateral margins black]; preocular part of head 1.18-1.30 times as long as postocular part [vs. head elongate, ante- and postocular portions almost subequal in length]; first antennal segment 1.10-1.12 times in males and 0.96 times in female as long as middle femora [vs. antennae first joint as long as middle femora]; second antennal segment 1.21-1.37 times in males, 1.42 times in female as long as third one and they combined approximately equal to first segment [vs. second and third joints subequal in length and each considerably shorter than first]; fore femora longer than middle femora [vs. fore and middle femora subequal in length]; hind femora 0.71-0.78 times in males, 0.64 times in female as long as abdomen, hind tibia 0.87-0.91 times in males, 0.77 times in female as long as abdomen [vs. hind femora a little shorter and hind tibiae a little longer than abdomen]. Shorter, body length 19.04-19.89 in males, 20.23 in female [vs. 25].
Differences from Rh. madukaraiensis [described by Ravichandran and Livingstone (1994: 106) from males (and presumably female)]. Body colouration as stated above [vs. concolourous, griseous, antennae concolourous, castaneous, connexivum (abdomen?) ventrally griseous, with a median longitudinal line]; preocular part of head 1.18-1.30 times as long as postocular part [vs. anteocular and postocular areas subequal in length]; postocular part of head slightly tapering to base [vs. tumid throughout]; second antennal segment 1.21-1.38 times in males, 1.42 times in female as long as third segment and 1.6 times as long as fourth one, third and fourth segments combined 0.70 times as long as second segment [vs. pedicel and flagellar segments equal]; pronotum slightly convex dorsally, its lateral margins almost parallel posteriorly and converging anteriorly, pubescence as on other segments of thorax [vs. pronotum slightly globose, spotted, almost bare]; mesonotum trapezoidal, rather weakly convex [vs. nodule like]; matanotum without medial carina, its posterior margin with convex lateral parts, distinctly concave medially, with small medial prominence [vs. metanotum medially carinate, posteriorly obscurely concave]; abdominal tergites without distinct tubercles in male, with small paired rounded tubercles on tergite VI and long tubercles on tergite VII in female [vs. second (III), third (IV), fourth (V) and fifth (VI) segments dorsally with a forked tubercle]. Shorter, body length 19.04-19.89 in males [vs. 20 in males].
According to the description of Rh. madukaraiensis , it differs from Rh. tuberculatum "by the total absence of thoracic tubercles, cephalic spine and by the obscure development of scutellum, wing pads and mesonotal median carina". In the specimens of Rh. tuberculatum available to the first author, vestiges of the fore and hind wings are completely absent. The relief triangular structures in the posterior angles of the metanotum, which can be mistaken for vestiges of the hind wings, are in fact lateral carinae. Scutellum of Rh. tuberculatum is very small, much smaller than that of the new species; the mesonotal median carina is absent in both of these species. According to the description of Rh. madukaraiensis , the type series (holotype and several paratypes) consists of males only, but the listed characters of the sculpture of abdominal tergites and the phrase "behind the fifth segment the abdomen abruptly terminates" correspond to the female. The median tergite and paratergites VIII in the female of the new species have rather large triangular prominences on the posterior margins.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Harpactorinae |
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Rhaphidosomatini |
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