Dyscolotaxia picea Otto, 2023

Otto, Robert L., 2023, A revision of Dyscolotaxia Horn, 1890 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae: Macraulacinae: Macraulacini), with the description of Amazotaxia new genus from South America, Insecta Mundi 2023 (21), pp. 1-15 : 9-11

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Felipe (2024-02-05 21:27:44, last updated 2024-02-05 21:36:01)

scientific name

Dyscolotaxia picea Otto

sp. nov.

Dyscolotaxia picea Otto , new species

Fig. 19–22 View Figures 19–22

Differential diagnosis. The rounded last abdominal ventrite will distinguish D. picea new species from D. hispaniolensis new species. Longer than wide antennal flagellomeres IV and V each in relation with antennal flagellomere III will distinguish this new species from D. championi . Antennal flagellomere VI being as long as the combined lengths of III–V will distinguish D. picea new species from D. chiriquiensis new species.

Type material. Male holotype: “ ECUADOR COTOPAXI; Las Pampas 1500m; 78°57’04″W 00°25′16″S; 3 Sep. 1997 F. Maza ”/ “ QCAZ I; 268703” / “ HOLOTYPE:; Dyscolotaxia ; picea ♂; Otto; Det. R.L. Otto; 2022” (red printed label). Holotype deposited in QCAZI. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. 5 ♂♂: ECUADOR: 1 ♂, “ECUADOR COTOPAXI; LAS PAMPAS 1300m; MAY1997 GOnore” / “QCAZ I; 268704” / “ PARATYPE:; Dyscolotaxia ; picea ♂; Otto; Det. R.L. Otto; 2022” (yellow printed label) ( QCAZI) ; 1 ♂, “ECUADOR COTOPAXI; LAS PAMPAS 1500m; 28MAY1997 GOnore” / “QCAZ I; 268707” / “ PARATYPE:; Dyscolotaxia ; picea ♂; Otto; Det. R.L. Otto; 2022” (yellow printed label) ( QCAZI) ; 1 ♂, “ECUADOR COTOPAXI; LAS PAMPAS; 12JUN1997 GOnore” / “QCAZ I; 268702” / “ PARATYPE:; Dyscolotaxia ;

picea ♂; Otto ; Det. R.L. Otto; 2022” (yellow printed label) ( QCAZI); 1 ♂, “ ECUADOR COTOPAXI; Las Pampas 1500m; 78 ° 57′04″W 00 ° 25′16″ S; 3 Sep. 1997 F. Maza ” / “ QCAZ I; 268705” / “ PARATYPE:; Dyscolotaxia ; picea ♂; Otto; Det. R.L. Otto; 2022” (yellow printed label) ( QCAZI) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, “ ECUADOR PICHINCHA; Unión del Toachi 950m; 00°21′05″S 78°57′10″ W; 5–12 Abril 2003 MMosquera; Ex: Malaise trap ” / “ QCAZ I; 268706” / “ PARATYPE:; Dyscolotaxia ; picea ♂; Otto; Det. R.L. Otto; 2022” (yellow printed label) ( QCAZI). Paratypes are deposited in QCAZI GoogleMaps .

Description. Male holotype: Length, 6.84 mm. Width, 2.20 mm. Body elongate; uniformly black; scape brownish black, pedicel and antennal flagellum dark reddish brown; femur and tibiae brownish black; tarsi brownish black; head, pronotum, and elytra clothed with short, recumbent, yellowish setae ( Fig. 19–20 View Figures 19–22 ). Head: Subspherical, without indication of median carina on frons above antennal insertions; surface shiny, punctures somewhat deep, closely spaced; apical margin of frontoclypeal region feebly trilobed, more than 2 times wider than base; interantennal carina present at base of frontoclypeal region; mandibles stout, bidentate, densely punctate. Antennae ( Fig. 21 View Figures 19–22 ): Capitate with flagellomeres VI–IX forming an elongate club, reaching nearly 2/3 the length of its body; with last 3 segments extending beyond pronotal hind angles; flagellomere I elongate, almost twice as long as II; flagellomeres II and III subequal, each quadrate and shorter than IV; flagellomeres IV and V subequal, each longer than wide; flagellomeres VI–VIII subequal, each longer than wide and as long as combined lengths of flagellomeres III– V; flagellomere IX slightly longer than VIII. Pronotum: Surface shiny; punctures somewhat deep, closely spaced; longer than wide, with well developed hind angles; lateral sides arcuate and narrowed craniad; disc convex without depressions or carinae; shallow groove present at base above scutellar shield, extending 1/4 the length of pronotum; base sinuous. Scutellar shield: Triangular shaped, longer than wide, punctate, setose, and distally rounded. Elytra: Striae indicated as solid lines; interstices flattened; surfaces shiny, transversely rugose at basal 1/2, very closely and shallowly punctate at apical 1/2. Legs: Tibiae rounded in cross section; lateral surface of mesothoracic and metathoracic tibiae with setae and transverse rows of spine combs; metatarsomeres I–III simple; metathoracic tarsomere IV excavate, as wide as III; metathoracic tarsomere V and pretarsal claws missing on holotype. Venter ( Fig. 22 View Figures 19–22 ): Punctures somewhat deep, very closely dispersed; surface with recumbent, yellowish setae; hypomeron with basally opened, lateral antennal grooves; metathoracic episterna parallel sided; elytral epipleura simple, punctate; metathoracic coxal plates medially 3.0–6.0 times wider than laterally; last abdominal ventrite apically rounded.

Sexual dimorphism. Females are unknown.

Variations. Five male paratypes examined through provided images. Paratypes measured 6.24–6.97 mm long and 2.03–2.25 mm wide. One paratype much longer and wider than the holotype. Four paratypes shorter and narrower than the holotype. Three paratypes with more infuscate reddish-colored scape. Two paratypes with similarly colored scape compared to the holotype. In one of the paratypes, first tarsomere as long as the combined lengths of the remaining four on mesothoracic and metathoracic tarsi. Metathoracic tarsomere V short with simple pretarsal claws. No other exoskeletal differences observed between these paratypes and the holotype.

Distribution. This newly described eucnemid is an endemic species in Ecuador taken from two different locales from 950–1500 meters above sea level.

Biology. One specimen was taken from a Malaise trap in 2003. These eucnemid beetles have been taken from lower premontane forests in the Andes. Larvae and pupae are unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the dark black coloration of the species’ habitus.

Gallery Image

Figures 19–22.Dyscolotaxia picea Otto sp. nov., holotype (QCAZI). 19) Male specimen with labels.20) Male, dorsal habitus. 21) Male, antenna. 22) Male, ventral habitus. (19–22 = no scale) (Images provided by Fernanda Salazar-Buenaño (QCAZI))











