Lutnes aurantimacula, Gibson, 2018

Gibson, Gary A. P., 2018, Revision of Lutnes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4415 (2), pp. 330-356 : 339-342

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Plazi (2018-05-06 09:43:14, last updated 2024-11-27 06:33:00)

scientific name

Lutnes aurantimacula

sp. nov.

Lutnes aurantimacula n. sp.

Figs 10–18 View FIGURES 10–18

Type material. Holotype ♀ ( USNM). ECUADOR: NAPO Res. Ethnica | Waorani, 1km S. Onkone Gare | Camp , Trans.Ent . 10 Oct. 1994 | 220m 00°39'10"S 076°26'W | T.L. Erwin et al. / Insecticidal fogging of mostly bare | green leaves, some with covering | of lichenous or bryophytic plants in | terre firme forest At Trans 3, | Sta. 4 Project MAXUS Lot 933 / HOLOTYPE ♀ | Lutnes aurantimacula | Gibson GoogleMaps . Holotype point-mounted; entire; uncontorted ( Figs 10, 11 View FIGURES 10–18 ).

Paratypes. Ecuador. Same data as holotype except collected 9.X.1994, at Transect # 5, Sta. 4, Lot # 913 (1♀ CNC), Lot # 1151, without date (1♀ CNC) . Orellana, Tiputini Biodiversity Stn., 00°37'55"S, 076°08'39"W, 216 m, 4.VII.1998 (Lot # 1866, Transect # 7: 1♀ USNM, CNC Photo 2017-3), 23.X.1998 (Lot # 1912, Transect # 2: 1♀ CNC, CNC Photo 2017-2), 6.II.1999 (Lot # 2068, Transect # 7: 1♀ USNM), T.L. Erwin et al., insecticidal fogging of mostly bare green leaves, some with covering of lichenous or bryophytic plants. GoogleMaps

Etymology. A combination of the Latin words aurantium (orange) and macula (spot), in reference to the region of orangish setae on the fore wing behind the marginal vein basally which uniquely differentiates females of this species.

Description. FEMALE (habitus: Figs 10, 11 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Length about 3.2–3.6 mm (all but holotype contorted). Head ( Figs 10, 11, 13 View FIGURES 10–18 ) with lower face and gena entirely or at least mostly green, interantennal prominence reddishviolaceous to purple laterally and green to bluish or purple mesally, scrobes usually greenish ventrally and more coppery dorsally though sometimes extensively reddish-violaceous, and frontovertex mostly reddish-violaceous to blue or purple except variably extensively green to coppery laterally along inner orbit and green behind posterior ocelli. Head in lateral view ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 10–18 ) moderately high-lenticular, about 1.7× as high as long, with frontovertex obtusely angled relative to face; malar space about 0.5× eye height. Head in frontal view ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10–18 ) without differentiated ocellocular line between posterior ocellus and inner orbit; punctate-reticulate, including interantennal prominence and scrobes; with whitish-translucent, lanceolate setae on interantennal prominence, variably extensively on lower face under toruli, on clypeus, and on lower parascrobal region to about level of dorsal margin of torulus except more extensively along carinate margin of parascrobal region, but with longer, dark brown, hairlike setae variably extensively on lower face toward oral margin lateral to clypeus, and with longer, white, hairlike setae on parascrobal region above lanceolate setae continued onto frontovertex except for dark setae at confluence with occiput; scrobal depression bell-shaped, higher than wide, extending dorsally to near anterior ocellus but carinate lateral margins becoming obsolete dorsally such that dorsal limit obscure, and ventrally carinate margin obviously recurved toward lower inner orbit lateral to torulus; interorbital distance about 0.4× head width; ratio of OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD = 16: 38: 18: 11. Labiomaxillary complex yellowish. Eye distinctly setose ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 10–18 ); about 1.4× as high as long; height about 1.25× and length about 0.9× interocular distance, respectively. Antenna ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–18 ) with scape slightly broadened apically but more or less cylindrical and slightly curved, almost entirely yellowish but narrowly brownish ventrobasally and sometimes dorsoapically, pedicel and flagellum brown except fl4–fl7 entirely, and sometimes fl2 and fl3 dorsally and fl8 variably extensively, lighter brownish to orangish; fl1 with dorsal (shortest) length subequal to width, but appearing slightly longer than wide because ventral margin longer, with dorsal length about 0.5× dorsal length of pedicel and 0.3× dorsal length of fl2; fl2 the longest funicular, about 1.7× as long as wide and subsequent funiculars gradually decreasing in length such that at least fl4 slightly longer than wide but at least fl8 slightly transverse; clava about 2× as long as wide and about as long as combined length of fl8 + fl7 + about apical half of fl6.

Mesosoma ( Figs 10, 11 View FIGURES 10–18 ) dark with slight green to bluish luster except propodeum often more distinctly violaceous to purple ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 10–18 ) and mesoscutal lateral flange and tegula paler, yellowish-brown ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10–18 ) to yellow. Pronotum with line of dark hairlike setae posteriorly ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 10–18 ); propleuron and prosternum with white setae. Mesoscutum ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10–18 ) coarsely reticulate-rugulose except lateral flange somewhat more finely reticulate, with lateral lobe longitudinally carinately only posteriorly; comparatively densely setose ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10–18 ) with longer and straighter dark hairlike setae intermixed with shorter and more distinctly curved, very slender-lanceolate, whitishtranslucent setae. Scutellar-axillar complex similarly but more distinctly punctate-reticulate than mesoscutum, and with brownish setae anteriorly but more whitish setae posteriorly ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Prepectus ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 10–18 ) setose, with white setae, and subdivided by distinct vertical line near mid-length. Mesopleurosternum with conspicuous, very slenderlanceolate white setae on mesopectus and anteriorly on acropleuron to about level equal with apex of tegula ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 10–18 ); acropleuron punctate-reticulate with reticulations becoming much smaller, more punctulate, mesally. Macropterous ( Figs 10, 11 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Fore wing ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 10–18 ) with ratio of cc: mv: stv: pmv = 12.3: 6.6: 1.0: 3.3; costal cell dorsally densely setose with dark brown hairlike setae except bare along extreme leading margin and extreme apex; basal cell slightly infuscate with uniform dark hairlike setae except apically more hyaline with region of white hairlike setae behind apex of smv; discal region more distinctly infuscate with broadly lanceolate dark setae at least from basal fold anterior of medial fold transversely between anterior and posterior hyaline regions to about level of apex of stv and more hairlike dark setae over about apical half of wing, plus at least basal region of broadly lanceolate orangish setae behind parastigma and/or mv basally and sometimes with small region of similarly orangish setae between apical hyaline region and stigmal vein or more extensive region below stigmal vein to about as far as posterior limit of anterior hyaline region as well as similarly sized, basally convergent anterior and posterior hyaline regions with whitish setae behind mv apically (anterior region extending along about apical half of mv to base of stv, with mv anterior to hyaline region more distinct because paler and with pale setae), and posterobasal region with pale hairlike setae continuous with white setae apically in basal cell extending across basal fold toward posterior hyaline region (without or with only a few dark hairlike setae separating posterobasal region of pale setae from whitish setae of basal cell posteriorly). Front leg dark brown except protibia paler, more orangish at least basally and apically and sometimes more extensively, and tarsus usually mostly orangish except for darker apical tarsomere; protibia only obscurely concave anteroapically and mesotibia dorsally not carinate. Middle leg dark brown except trochantellus and often trochanter, knee broadly, and about apical half of tibia orangish; mesotibia dorsally not carinate. Hind leg dark brown except trochanter, trochantellus, about apical third to half of femur dorsally, and tibia usually partly orangish basally and apically. Propodeum ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 10–18 ) with medial length almost 0.3× length of scutellum; with deep and distinct furrows along foramen converging anteriorly on either side of midline to differentiate median carina to v-like emarginate anteromedial margin and transverse, lunate region posteromedially; callar region meshlike reticulate to coriaceous-reticulate mesal to postspiracular groove ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 10–18 : psg) and smooth and shiny lateral of groove.

Gaster dorsally usually dark brown except Gt2 and at least apex of Gt1 paler to translucent, though sometimes about apical half of gaster also paler, lighter brown to orangish ( Figs 10, 11, 18 View FIGURES 10–18 ); ventrally white beyond level of metacoxae except for apical two sternites ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 10–18 ); Gt1 and Gt2 shiny and at most finely coriaceous, but subsequent tergites progressively more distinctly meshlike coriaceous to reticulate ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 10–18 ); Gt1 bare and Gt2 at most with single line of setae dorsally, but subsequent tergites more extensively setose with pale hairlike setae; syntergum obviously transverse but about two-thirds as long as Gt6 ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 10–18 ).

Distribution. Neotropical: Ecuador.

Remarks. Fore wing color pattern ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 10–18 ) usually is sufficient to readily differentiate females of L. aurantimacula from those of other Lutnes species. The pattern is more similar to that of L. testaceus if there is a large region of orangish setae apically below the stigmal vein, but there is always a distinct, transverse band of dark lanceolate setae extending from the basal fold to the stigmal vein that separates the anterior and posterior more hyaline regions ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Females of the two species are additionally distinguished by other conspicuous body and leg color differences as discussed under the latter species. Lutnes aurantimacula is also the only New World species with a dark mesosoma to have entirely white setae on the mesopectus and acropleuron dorsally below the tegula ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 10–18 , see further under L. ornaticornis ), and the only species with a dark mesosoma that has white setae on the prepectus ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Lutnes testaceus has similar setal patterns but at least a mostly yellowish mesosoma ( Figs 49–51 View FIGURES 46–53 ), whereas L. biguttatus has a dark mesosoma ( Figs 19, 20 View FIGURES 19–27 ) but some dark setae on the prepectus and the mesopleurosternum ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19–27 ).

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FIGURES 10–18. Lutnes aurantimacula n. sp., ♀: 10, dorsal habitus (HT); 11, lateral habitus (HT); 12, antenna (2017-3); 13, head, frontal (HT); 14, vertex and mesosoma, dorsal (HT); 15, vertex and anterior of mesosoma, lateral (HT); 16, fore wing (2017-2); 17, propodeum(2017-2); 18, gastral apex, dorsolateral (2017-2).Abbreviation:psg = postspiracular groove.

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FIGURES 46–53. Lutnes testaceus (Cameron), ♀. 46 & 47, head, frontal: 46, 2017-11 (m); 47, 2017-9 (b). 48 & 49, dorsal habitus: 48, 2017-11 (m); 49, BMNH syntype [insert: enlargement of head] (b). 50 & 51, lateral habitus: 50, 2017-11 (m); 51, 2017-8 (b). 52 & 53, fore wing: 52, 2017-12 (m), 53, 2017-9 (b) [b = brachypterous, m = macropterous].

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FIGURES 19–27. Lutnes biguttatus (Girault), ♀ (2017-1): 19, dorsal habitus; 20, lateral habitus; 21, head, frontal; 22, head and mesosoma, dorsal; 23, anterior of mesosoma, lateral; 24, antenna; 25, fore wing; 26, propodeum; 27, gastral apex, dorsolateral.Abbreviation:psg = postspiracular groove.


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Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes











