Hadronotus Foerster, 1856

Talamas, Elijah J., Bremer, Jonathan S., Moore, Matthew R., Bon, Marie-Claude, Lahey, Zachary, Roberts, Cheryl G., Combee, Lynn A., McGathey, Natalie, van Noort, Simon, Timokhov, Alexander V., Hougardy, Evelyne & Hogg, Brian, 2021, A maximalist approach to the systematics of a biological control agent: Gryon aetherium Talamas, sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87, pp. 323-480 : 323

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft (2021-12-24 12:17:44, last updated 2024-11-29 13:55:11)

scientific name

Hadronotus Foerster


Hadronotus Foerster

Hadronotus Förster, 1856 stat. rev.: 101, 105 (original description. Type: Hadronotus exsculptus Förster, first included species, keyed. Synonymized by Nixon (1936), Masner (1961)); Walker, 1874: 10 (keyed); Howard, 1886: 172 (keyed); Cresson, 1887: 248, 314 (catalog of species of U.S. and Canada); Cresson, 1887: 84 (keyed); Ashmead, 1893: 210, 211, 229 (description, keyed, key to species of U.S. and Canada); Ashmead, 1894: 217, 229 (key to species of St. Vincent, keyed); Ashmead, 1896: 265 (keyed); Dalla Torre, 1898: 498 (catalog of species); Ashmead, 1900: 328 (list of species of West Indies); Ashmead, 1903: 92, 94 (keyed); Kieffer, 1908: 119 (keyed); Brues, 1908: 27, 28, 37, 51 (diagnosis, list of species, keyed); Kieffer, 1910: 65, 81 (description, list of species, keyed); Brues, 1910: 47 (key to species of North America); Kieffer, 1912: 56 (key to species of Seychelles); Dodd, 1913a: 131 (keyed); Kieffer, 1913: 230, 235 (description, key to species of Europe and Algeria); Dodd, 1915: 18 (key to species of Australia, Java, and Fiji); Brues, 1916: 543, 544 (keyed); Kieffer, 1926: 271, 453 (description, keyed, key to species); Nixon, 1934: 1 (description, key to new species described); Nixon, 1934: 290 (description, key to species of Africa); Jansson, 1939: 172 (keyed); Maneval, 1940: 112, 113 (keyed); Mani, 1941: 20, 26 (catalog of species of India, keyed); Risbec, 1950: 585, 591 (key to species of Ethiopian region, keyed); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951: 704 (catalog of species of U.S. and Canada); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956: 357 (citation of type species); Masner, 1958: 42 (status of subgenera, delimitation of species groups); Masner, 1961: 158 (junior synonym of Gryon Haliday); Szabó, 1966: 421, 429 (description, key to Palearctic species known to the author, keyed); Baltazar, 1966: 182 (cataloged, catalog of species of the Philippines); Hellén, 1971: 5, 22 (description, keyed); Carpenter, 1992: 471 (fossil references). Comments. The holotype specimen of Hadronotus exsculptus is missing its head (Figures 92-94 View Figures 92–94 ), but the morphology of the mesosoma and metasoma clearly match the generic concept that we associate with Clade B: T1 without lateral pit (Figure 93 View Figures 92–94 ), hind tibia without subgenual spines (Figure 94 View Figures 92–94 ), metapleuron setose (Figure 94 View Figures 92–94 ). The nearly parallel arrangement of the acetabular carina and mesopleural carina, and transverse shape of foveae in the prespecular sulcus are characters known to us from other species of Hadronotus and will be useful for treating H. exsculptus at the species level in future studies.

Muscidea Motschoulsky, 1863 syn. n.: 70 (original description. Type: Muscidea pubescens Motschoulsky, by monotypy. Synonymized by Masner (1976)); Ashmead, 1904a: 326 (keyed); Masner, 1976: 57 (junior synonym of Gryon Haliday).

Hadronotoides Dodd, 1913b syn. n.: 171 (original description. Type: Hadronotus pentatomus Dodd, by monotypy and original designation. Treated as junior synonym of Gryon by Caleca (1990)); Kieffer, 1926: 266, 474 (description, keyed, key to species); Brues, 1940: 81 (description); Mani, 1941: 19, 27 (catalog of species of India, keyed); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956: 357 (citation of type species); Masner, 1976: 7, 59 (description, keyed); Mani & Sharma, 1982: 151 (keyed); Mineo & Villa, 1982b: 175 (taxonomic value of pleural structures, clypeus, and antennal sensilla); Mineo & Villa, 1982a: 139 (taxonomic value of structures on the posterior surface of the head); Galloway & Austin, 1984: 6, 81 (diagnosis, list of species described from Australia, keyed); Johnson, 1992: 398 (cataloged, catalog of world species); Carpenter, 1992: 471 (fossil references).

Platyteleia Dodd, 1913a syn. n.: 131, 153 (original description. Type: Platyteleia latipennis Dodd, by monotypy and original designation); Dodd, 1914b: 79 (description); Kieffer, 1926: 269, 408 (description, keyed, key to species); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956: 386 (citation of type species); Masner, 1958: 42 (status of subgenera, delimitation of species groups); Masner, 1961: 158 (junior synonym of Gryon Haliday); Szabó, 1966: 421, 429 (description, key to Palearctic species known to the author, keyed); Baltazar, 1966: 182 (cataloged, catalog of species of the Philippines); Hellén, 1971: 5, 22 (description, keyed); Galloway & Austin, 1984: 78 (junior synonym of Gryon Haliday); Carpenter, 1992: 471 (fossil references).

Telenomoides Dodd, 1913a syn. n.: 158, 168 (original description. Type: Telenomoides flavipes Dodd, by original designation. Key to species of Australia, keyed); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956: 402 (citation of type species). Comments. Mineo (1990a) treated Telenomoides flavipes as a junior synonym of Gryon orestes (Dodd), implicitly making Telenomoides a junior synonym of Gryon . Examination of the holotype specimen leads us to treat Telenomoides as a junior synonym of Hadronotus based on the presence of five clavomeres, the shape of the clypeus, and the form of foveae along anterior T1.

Notilena Brèthes, 1913 syn. n.: 84 (original description. Type: Notilena Gallardoi Brèthes, by monotypy and original designation); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956: 375 (citation of type species); De Santis & Esquivel, 1966: 96 (junior synonym of Gryon Haliday). Comments. We remove Notilena from Gryon and treat it as a synonym of Hadronotus based on characters in the original description, "Capite punctato-umbilicato, facie longitrorsum impressa, utrinque transverse striata et in medio antennas versus longitrorsum cristata," which we interpret to indicate that the sculpture of the head is punctate-umbilicate and that the antennal scrobe has transverse striation.

Austroscelio Dodd, 1914c syn. n.: 93 (original description. Type: Sparasion nigricoxa Dodd, by original designation. Synonymized by Galloway, in Galloway & Austin (1984)); Kieffer, 1926: 266, 473 (description, keyed, key to species); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956: 334 (citation of type species); Galloway & Austin, 1984: 78 (junior synonym of Gryon Haliday).

Hadrophanurus Kieffer, 1926 syn. n.: 15, 130 (original description. Type: Telenomus pennsylvanicus Ashmead, by monotypy, keyed. Synonymized by Masner (1961)); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951: 694 (catalog of species of U.S. and Canada); Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956: 357 (citation of type species); Masner, 1961: 158 (junior synonym of Gryon Haliday); Subba Rao & Chacko, 1962: 479 (key to species).


Sculpture of head and mesosoma highly variable, ranging from coriaceous microsculpture to coarsely areolate or rugose; mandibular dentition variable, teeth of unequal size; clypeus not projecting; ventral frons without facial striae; antennal scrobe with macrosculpture ranging from transversely striate to areolate rugose; antennal scrobe often delimited by carinae; female antenna with 10 flagellomeres, four to seven clavomeres; sculpture of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum variable, ranging from coriaceous microsculpture to coarsely areolate, striate or rugose; epomial carina variable, sometimes extending dorsally to pronotal shoulder; netrion absent; mesoscutal humeral sulcus and mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus variable: absent or indicated by a furrow or line of foveae; mesoscutum with or without humeral pit; sculpture of axillula variable, sometimes with parallel carina between coarse foveae, but not distinctly striate; metapleuron divided dorsoventrally by a change in sculpture or setation; hind tibia without subgenual spines; foveae along anterior T1 decreasing in size laterally, not bordered laterally by a carina or pit.

Comments. Hadronotus is morphologically variable and to our knowledge is not united by any single character.

Masner, L, 1961. The genera Gryon Hal., Idris Foerst. and Hemisius Westw. (Hym., Scelionidae). Casopis Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Entomologicke 58: 157 - 168

Masner, L, 1976. Revisionary notes and keys to world genera of Scelionidae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 97: 1 - 87, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4039/entm10897fv

Mineo, G, 1990a. Studies on the Scelionidae (Hym. Proctotrupoidea) XXV. Material for a revision of Gryon Haliday with description of six new species: Gryon crassifemoratum, G. gryonis, G. minimum, G. pecki, G. scorsonis and G. sulawense. Frustula Entomologica 11: 171 - 188

Nixon, GEJ, 1936. The African species of Teleasinae (Hym., Proctotrupoidea, Fam. Scelionidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History 17: 114 - 191, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03745481.1936.10801393

Gallery Image

Figures 92 - 94. Hadronotus exsculptus, holotype female (NHMW-HYM # 0002996), mesosoma and metasoma 92 posterodorsal view 93 dorsal view 94 lateral view.









