Hauffenia kissdalmae, Erőss & Petró, 2008

Erőss, Z. & Petró, E., 2008, A New Species Of The Valvatiform Hydrobiid Genus Hauffenia From Hungary (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Hydrobiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (2), pp. 159-167 : 161-163

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12585140

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scientific name

Hauffenia kissdalmae

sp. nov.

Hauffenia kissdalmae View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1–7 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Figs 4–5 View Fig )

Type material: The holotype and 5 paratypes are deposited in the Mollusca Collection, Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum (collection number of holotype: 96303, collection number of paratypes: 96304). Other paratypes were placed in the collections of M. BODON, Genoa (4 dissected specimens, 13 shells), Z. P. ERŐSS, Budapest, J. GREGO, Banska Bystrica, E. PETRÓ, Budapest, J. STEFFEK, Banska Stiavnica height: 0.63 mm; diameter 1.24 mm .

Diagnosis – The shell flat, valvatiform, thin, pale whitish with 2 1/2–3 1/4 rapidly expanding convex whorls, the spire almost flat. Umbilicus wide and deep, the aperture roundish, the protoconch malleated. The operculum round, almost multispiral with orange centre and no pegs. The penis is short and flat with a wide lateral lobe on the left side and a less evident one on the right. There is a very small stylet on the terminal portion of the penial duct.

Description – Shell ( Figs 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig ): The shell very small, flat valvatiform, almost planispiral, thin pale whitish; almost translucent. Spire almost flat with 2 1/2–3 1/4 rapidly expanding convex whorls; umbilicus wide and deep; aperture roundish, prosocline; peristome complete, thin and very seldom reflected at upper insertion. Surface of the shell with diffuse but regularly hatched, surface of protoconch malleated, under the SEM porous, and consists of slightly more than one whorl. The bor- der between the proto- and teleoconch is not well separated ( Fig. 7 View Fig ).

Dimensions n = 30 (at 3 1/4 whorls): Shell – height: 0.65–0.95 mm, mean: 0.77 mm, SD: ±0.08; diameter: 1.39–1.63 mm, mean: 1.49 mm, SD: ±0.07; aperture: height 0.56–0.67 mm, mean: 0.60 mm, SD: ±0.035; diameter 0.59–0.71 mm, mean: 0.65 mm, SD: ±0.035.

Operculum ( Fig. 3 View Fig .): orange, more coloured in the centre, almost multispiral, rather thick but thin at the edges, without peg but with a very small, rudimentary pimple at the centre.

External features: body unpigmented (only a few traces of orange pigment on the visceral sac); eye spots absent.

Male genital system ( Figs 4, 5 View Figs 4–5 ): penis rather short, flat, with a blunt apex and one wide lateral lobe on the left side; another less evident lateral lobe is present on the right side; penial duct in the central portion of the penis; globular mass of refringent cells inside penis apex to right of penial duct; terminal portion of penial duct with very small stylet.

Female genitalia: with proximal seminal receptacle and a bursa copulatrix arising from distal renal oviduct; seminal receptacle very small, arising from the posterior-most point of the renal oviduct; bursa copulatrix very small but longer than seminal receptacle, not dilated at apex, arising very close to point at which oviduct enters albumen gland portion of pallial oviduct; seminal groove running along ventral side of capsule gland. Capsule gland portion of pallial oviduct protrudes into pallial cavity, has subterminal, slit-like genital pore and ends a short distance from pallial margin (Fig. 6).

Stomach without posterior caecum; intestine with well developed S-like bent on pallial wall.

Osphradium elongated. Ctenidium consists of 12–16 triangular lamellae.

Etymology – This species was named after DALMA KISS who discovered the small spring, which is now the type locality.

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