Ossancora punctata (Kner, 1853)

Vera-Alcaraz, Héctor S., Rios, Gabriela & Emhart Vuletich, Jimmy D., 2017, Confirmation of the occurrence for seven fish species in Paraguay., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 49, pp. 1-9 : 5

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Ossancora punctata (Kner, 1853)


Ossancora punctata (Kner, 1853) View in CoL

Synonyms. Doras (Corydoras) punctatus Kner, 1853 . Doras punctatus Kner, 1855 .

Morphology. Dorsal and ventral profile of body convex, dorsal profile of head elevated and straight. Head shape triangular, pointed snout, cranial fontanel occluded, anterior nuchal plate shape pentagonal; mouth small, subterminal, teeth small, long maxillary barbel surpassing pectoral fin insertion, barbel with a single row of smooth elongate fimbriae on inferior margin, mental barbels short with papillae. Posterior cleithral process length equal posterior coracoid process. Lateral series of midlateral scutes complete, tympanal scutes present. Dorsal-fin insertion anterior to midpoint of body; adipose fin present; pectoral fin insertion long, pectoral fin long, surpassing ventral fin insertion; ventral-fin insertion on midpoint of body, anal-fin base short; caudal fin moderately forked.

Measurements. Based in two specimens. Head length 28.9-30.1% SL. Snout to coracoid process 47.0-47.3% in SL. Snout to cleithral process 44.4-45.1% in SL. Eye diameter 20.2-21.0% in HL.

Counts. Based in two specimens. Scutes of midlateral series 29. Tympanal scutes 3.

Coloration in alcohol. Dorsum of head and body ground color dark brown, ventral body ground pale yellow. Dorsal fin and adipose fin dark brown, pectoral, pelvic, anal and caudal fin pale yellow. Small black chromatophores dispersed on flanks.

Remarks. First listed in Paraguay by Neris et al. (2010) in the Río Manduvirã, Departamento de Cordillera, no record of specimens.

Examined material. All from Paraguay: Departamento de Cordillera: MNHNP 2787 View Materials , alc. 2, 121.3- 123.3 mm SL, Lago Ypacaraí en el Club Náutico San Bernardino , San Bernardino .











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