Hydraena (s. str.) emineae Jäch & Kasapo, 2006

Jäch, Ed. A. & Kasapoǧlu, Ahmet, 2006, Hydraena (s. str.) emineae sp. n. from Antalya, southern Turkey (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), Zootaxa 1133 (1), pp. 39-43 : 39-42

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Hydraena (s. str.) emineae Jäch & Kasapo


Hydraena (s. str.) emineae Jäch & Kasapo View in CoL ǧ lu, sp. n.

Type locality: Small stream, ca. 20 cm wide, slightly polluted because of cattle, flowing between cattle pasture and forest, Gökbel Yaylas₁, ca. 1000 m a. s. l., Tahtal ₁ Mountain, ca. 18 km NNE Alanya, Antalya Province, southern Turkey .

Type material: Holotype ♂ (deposited in Naturhistorisches Museum Wien): “TR: ANTALYA ca. 18 km NNE Alanya \ leg. A. Kasapoǧlu 20 VIII. 1999 ”. Specimen dry mounted; aedeagus glued with insect glue to the same card.

Diagnosis (male): Habitus as in Fig. 1. Length: 2.2 mm. Externally, this species is quite similar to H. schmidi Jäch & Díaz, 2001 , from which it can be distinguished by the smaller size (males of H. schmidi are usually at least 2.4 mm long) and by the male tibiae: protibia less strongly dilated distally, mesotibia very slightly more curved, and metatibia more slender, less strongly flattened, projection on mesial face less distinctly pronounced.

The holotype of the new species is somewhat teneral and therefore considerably paler than the type material of H. schmidi .

Aedeagus ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ): Total length: ca. 470 µm. Main piece ca. 380 µm long; distinctly angulate (lateral view); basal half stout with acute tooth­like projection on ventral face, apical half slender, irregularly sinuous; with a cluster of about four moderately long setae on small hump on apical half. Phallobase distinctly asymmetrical. Distal lobe with two conspicuous long appendages: 1) rather strongly sclerotized, laterally flattened, apically recurved, very long, and 2) less strongly sclerotized, rather flagellum­like, shorter. Parameres inserted close to phallobase; right paramere not very strongly enlarged apically, foot­shaped, with marginal fringe of long setae; left paramere longer, very strongly enlarged in apical half, with marginal fringes of long setae and with few very short setae and very conspicuous scale­like structures.

The aedeagus is not unsimilar to that of H. schmidi (see Jäch & Díaz 2001: Fig. 8), but the main piece is much longer and lacks the prominent ventral projection.

Discussion: Due to aedeagal and external similarities, the new species obviously belongs to a complex of species including H. eichleri d’Orchymont, 1937 (see Jäch 1988: Fig. 7, misidentified as H. carducha ) and H. eucnemis Janssens, 1971 (see Janssens 1971: Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 , as “ H. euscelis ”), H. orientalis Breit, 1916 (see Jäch 1987a: Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ), H. persica Janssens, 1981 , H. schmidi , H. taxila Janssens, 1962 (see Jäch 1987a: Fig. 3), H. waldheimi Jäch, 1987b (see Jäch 1987b: Figs. 4–5), and probably also H. gressa d’Orchymont, 1944 (see Jäch 1988: Fig. 18), H. mariannae Jäch, 1992 (see Jäch 1992: Fig. 40) and H. terebrans Jäch, 1992 (see Jäch 1992: Fig. 12). This complex of species is here tentatively named H. eichleri species complex.

Phylogenetically, H. emineae is obviously united with H. eichleri , H. persica , H. schmidi , and H. waldheimi by the presence of a dense brush of setae on the mesial face of the metatibia.

Distribution: So far known only from the type locality in the province of Antalya, southwestern Turkey.

Etymology: Named for Emine Özkayaoǧlu, second authors niece, who helped to search for this species.













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